Full level ruthless person

Chapter 5 Rebellion

"Human trafficking, sure enough!"

Fang Zhixing felt awe-inspiring. He knew that famine was spreading and life was difficult for everyone.

I just didn't expect that the situation had deteriorated to the point where everyone had to sell their sons and daughters.

At this time, Fang Zhixing noticed that several boatmen were carrying sacks one after another from the big ship, which should be filled with food.

There were two boatmen chatting in low voices as they worked.


Fang Zhixing quickly gave Xigou a look.

Small dogs understand in seconds.

He is not an ordinary dog, he can understand human speech.

So, the thin dog took small steps and ran nearby. First he lay down and pretended to roll around a few times to entertain himself.

The boatman worked as he should and chatted as he should, no one cared about a dog.

The transaction did not last long and was completed in less than half an hour.

Fifty-seven girls were sold, ranging from five to six years old to fifteen or sixteen years old.

The younger generation of girls in Funiu Village were almost served in one fell swoop.

"Dad, don't sell me, don't sell me!"

In the silence, a girl suddenly burst into tears.

Fang Zhixing took a look and recognized her as Uncle Bai's daughter Yaya. Speaking of which, Uncle Bai had no children and only had this daughter.

Uncle Bai squatted on the ground, lowered his head, and remained silent. He never raised his head to look at his daughter.

"Take it away, take it away."

Boss Qian waved his hand impatiently, and immediately, a strong man walked over and snatched Yaya away without even bothering to say a word.

Then, a boatman threw half a bag of rice in front of Uncle Bai.

Yaya is good-looking and sells forty kilograms of rice.

Uncle Bai silently picked up the bag of rice and turned to go home, Yaya's "Dad" echoing in his ears.




Suddenly, the other girls who were sold also shouted, each one wailing loudly, as if it was the last cry of their lives.


All fifty-seven girls boarded the ship and entered the cabin, and their cries suddenly stopped.

"Village Chief Zhao, you did a good job in this matter."

Boss Qian smiled, praised, and nodded to a boatman.

The boatman immediately brought half a bag of rice and placed it at the feet of the old village chief.

"This is the agreed reward, fifty pounds of rice." Boss Qian said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Boss Qian." The old village chief nodded and bowed, the expression on his face blooming like a chrysanthemum.

Boss Qian said no more and turned around to board the ship.

The big ship soon sailed away, drifting further and further away, disappearing under the starry night.

Soon, smoke was rising from every house in Funiu Village.

Fang Zhixing and Xigou returned to the shore, took back the broken bamboo basket, went to the yellow sand field, and then made a fire and barbecued.

"How's it going? Did you overhear anything?" Fang Zhixing asked.

Xigou combed his hair and said slowly: "Those two boatmen talked nonsense, mainly about women. They went to a brothel last night and slept with women. They were talking about how fair and juicy those prostitutes are."

Fang Zhixing squinted at Xigou and found that he had a fascinated look on his face, and said scornfully: "What a pity, you will never be able to go to a brothel in this life."

Xigou was knocked back to reality and cursed: "Go to hell, forget it if you don't want to hear it."

Fang Zhixing pointed at the barbecue and sneered, "Forget it if you don't want to eat it."

Xigou immediately gave up and said: "Yes, yes, I, Zhang Changji, am not as knowledgeable as a villain like you."

Then he continued: "They talked about how this money boss went all the way south and sold many boys and girls along the way. When he got to Qinghe County, he could make more than ten times the profit by reselling them."

Fang Zhixing bared his teeth and said, "You really have a dark heart, and you will never do business without treachery."

Xigou was convinced, and continued: "They also mentioned that there was a riot in Puzhou, and a fierce man named 'Wang Tianbu' rebelled, killed the Puzhou governor, and proclaimed himself 'Tianbu Jian Da Da' The general is also the commander-in-chief of all the powerful people in the country, and his momentum is very great."

Fang Zhixing frowned and said, "Qinghe County is in Danzhou, I don't know how far it is from Puzhou."

The thin dog sighed: "It would be great if there was a map."

One person and one dog enjoyed dinner, and their bellies were full.

After eating, Fang Zhixing put out the fire, picked up the broken bamboo basket and returned to the village.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he immediately smelled the aroma of rice soup filling the air and hitting his nostrils.

Fang Zhixing and Xigou looked at each other and shook their heads in silence.

"Hey, isn't this a big cow?"

Suddenly, a person suddenly appeared from the corner of the intersection, making everyone, the dog and the dog tremble in fear.

Then Zhixing took a closer look and saw that it was "Er Gou", a rogue and lazy man in the village. He was as thin as a bamboo pole, with his ribs exposed.

This guy is poor and lazy. He is in his forties and has not yet married a wife. He lives alone.

"Uncle Ergou, it's so late, why don't you go home and sleep?" Fang Zhixing responded.

Ergou patted his belly and said, "I haven't eaten yet. I'll go to your Uncle Song's house to borrow some rice."

Fang Zhixing sneered in his heart, Uncle Song sold his two granddaughters in exchange for rice, will he lend it to you?

"Then go and borrow it." He stepped forward and continued walking.

Ergou suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him. He stared at the thin dog on the ground and drooled: "Hey, big cow, people don't have enough to eat these days, why do you keep dogs? Why don't we kill the dogs?" , how about a meal of dog meat?"


The excited barking of the thin dog fell on Fang Zhixing's ears, which was an ancestral Chinese quintessence.

The second dog wanted to eat the dog... Fang Zhixing chuckled, feeling very funny. Then seeing the angry look of the small dog, he happily said: "This dog is still too young. When he grows up, he will definitely start the pot."

"Don't wait until you grow up. It's better to choose your day than to hit it."

Ergou swallowed his saliva and suddenly reached out to catch the thin dog.

"You..." Fang Zhixing and Xigou didn't expect that this Ergou was such a bastard and couldn't understand human speech.

The thin dog hid quickly.

Fang Zhixing raised his hands and pushed Ergou hard.

Ergou staggered, his body swayed, and he fell to the ground, falling on his butt.

"How dare you hit me!" Ergou suddenly became anxious, got up, and hit me with his fists.

The two dogs are 1.75 meters tall. For example, Zhixing is a head taller. They are not afraid of anything.

Fang Zhixing subconsciously raised his foot and kicked Ergou. His kick hit Ergou in the stomach, sending him flying out and hitting a wall. He bounced back and fell to the ground.

After a full meal, Fang Zhixing will be stronger after all, and the young man's reaction speed will also be faster.

"Ouch, ouch..."

Ergou lay on the ground and groaned.

"Bah, you deserve it!"

Fang Zhixing spat and walked away.

The thin dog sneered, walked up to the second dog's head, raised his hind legs, and took a pee.

When we got home, one person and one dog fell asleep.

A dreamless night.

Early the next morning, Fang Zhixing was suddenly woken up by a burst of noise. He listened carefully and heard someone shouting.

"Two dogs are dead!"

Fang Zhixing's eyes couldn't help but widen, and he shuddered.


Xigou also got up, looked at Fang Zhixing, and asked, "You didn't kill me last night, did you?"

Fang Zhixing was not sure of the power of his kick, so he quickly got up and ran out.

When I arrived at the place, I saw that all the villagers had come over and surrounded the house on three levels inside and three outside.

Fang Zhixing squeezed in, looked down, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The two dogs were still lying there, with blood all over the ground.

His head was smashed and there was a bloody stone next to it.

Also, his legs were chopped off!

The strange thing is that the legs are not there...

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