"Don't worry, go back and make inquiries and collect some information."

Fang Zhixing quickly started to think twice.

The camp is where hunters gather. Hunters roam the restricted area every day and are well-informed. You can ask them for information.

at dusk.

The two people and the dog successfully walked out of the restricted area and returned to the camp safely.

Soon, it got dark.

Each hunting team returned to the camp one after another.

Some people have gained a lot and are smiling.

Some people came back with a frown and disappointment.

Fang Zhixing and Liang Buqing acted separately and inquired about the news.

"I have heard of Tiansha grass. In the past few years, someone paid a high price to buy this exotic flower, but I don't know where Tiansha grass can be found."

"In the black wind restricted area, well, it seems that no one has found the Tiansha grass."

"Yes, I heard that someone found Tiansha Grass in the Black Wind Restricted Area several years ago, but I don't know where they found it."

"Yin snake blood, what is that? I have only heard of 'yin ghost snake', 'pubic louse snake', and 'yin black python'."

After walking around for a while, Fang Zhixing didn't gain much and made little progress.

Soon, Fang Zhixing met a passerby by chance and learned from him that there was an old man in the camp. No one knew his name. Because of his hunchback, everyone called him "Old Hunchback".

This old hunchback has been in various restricted areas all his life. He is well-informed and eloquent. As long as you ask him for information, you will be sure.

Fang Zhixing was overjoyed and immediately went to the place where the old hunchback lived.

The door is locked and no one is there.

Fang Zhixing asked the neighbor next door and learned that the old hunchback was a heavy drinker and liked to drink two drinks a day. He would go to a small wine shop as soon as it got dark and would not come back until he was drunk.

So, Fang Zhixing turned around and went to the small wine shop.

as expected!

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a stooped old man in the corner, wearing a gray pointed hat, sitting alone with a pot of wine and a plate of peanuts, tasting by himself.

Fang Zhixing sat across from the old hunchback and looked at it carefully.

The old hunchback had a wrinkled face and white hair, and his whole body exuded the aura of a dying tree.

He slowly raised his head. He was already half drunk, and his eyes were cloudy, giving people the feeling of being old and dizzy.

"Old senior, I want to ask you something."

Fang Zhixing bowed his hand.

Hearing this, the old hunchback looked at Fang Zhixing in confusion. He was listless and did not say anything for a long time. He only reached out to grab the wine bottle and shook it twice.

There's not much wine left in the pot.

Seeing this, Fang Zhixing waved to the boss and said, "Bring me a jar of wine, and I want the best."


The boss was overjoyed and immediately brought a jar of wine and shouted at the top of his lungs, "A jar of apricot flower wine, the fragrance will spread for ten miles. It is the best aged wine in our store."

Fang Zhixing took it, brought over a large bowl, and filled it up for the old hunchback himself, replacing his small wine cup.

The old hunchback was already smiling and nodded: "Seeing that you are so sincere, if you want to know anything, just ask."

Fang Zhixing immediately asked: "Have you ever heard of the two things Tiansha Grass and Yin Snake Blood?"

Hearing this, the old hunchback took a big sip of wine, then smacked his mouth and said, "Tsk, tsk, this apricot flower wine is more fragrant, not harsh on the throat, and is the most comfortable to drink."

Fang Zhixing waited patiently.

After a while, the old hunchback finally replied: "Tiansha grass, the longest leaves are no longer than the index finger, egg-shaped and lanceolate.

The stem is cylindrical, yellow when dry, has fine longitudinal stripes, and is nearly hairless.

It tastes sweet, pungent, slightly bitter, and neutral in nature. Its medicinal effect is to strengthen bones and has excellent curative effect on fractures, so it is also known as "Elder Grass". "

Nest grass!

It’s so detailed!

Living dictionary, this old man!

Fang Zhixing quickly asked: "Where can I collect Tiansha grass? Is there a black wind restricted area?"

The old hunchback responded: "There used to be a lot of Tiansha Grass in the Black Wind Restricted Area, but over the years, it has been harvested extensively and it may have disappeared.

After all, Tiansha grass has high medicinal value and is in short supply on the market. Anyone who sees it must pick it and sell it.

Well, even if there are still some Tiansha grass in the Black Wind restricted area, they are mostly located in the relatively remote and secret corners of the corner.

Unless you organize a large number of people to conduct a blanket search, it is almost impossible to find it. "

Fang Zhixing sighed, slightly disappointed, and asked, "Where are other places?"

The old hunchback raised two fingers and said slowly: "I will provide you with two ways. First, you can go to the county town and participate in the 'Tianbao Auction' organized by the 'Tianbao Chamber of Commerce', which is held every month. Once in a while, some supplies that are in short supply on the market may appear at the auction.”

Fang Zhixing was silent for a while and said thoughtfully: "The price at this kind of auction must be not low."

The old hunchback nodded and said with a smile: "Well, it's very expensive, so you'd better bring more golden beans."

Only then did he realize that he had done it, so he asked: "Where is the second doorway?"

The old hunchback took a sip of wine to moisten his throat and said carefully: "You can try your luck in the third-level restricted area. Tiansha grass grows in sunny places with heavy moisture and high temperature."

Fang Zhixing wrote it down and asked, "Senior, have you ever heard of Yin snake blood?"

The old hunchback raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Snake blood? This thing is very unpopular. I haven't heard anyone mention it in many years."

Fang Zhixing cheered up and quickly poured wine for the old hunchback.

The old hunchback smiled happily and said, "Have you ever heard of the 'Three Flower Snake'?"

Fang Zhixing shook his head.

The old hunchback explained: "As the name suggests, it is a snake with three colors on its body. The most common three-flowered snake has green scales, a snow-white belly, and red spots on the snake's head."

Fang Zhixing blinked and said, "The blood of the three-flowered snake is the blood of the Yin snake?"

"no no!"

The old hunchback waved his hand, "To be precise, only the blood of a special three-flowered snake can be called Yin snake blood!

That kind of three-flowered snake is completely black, with a white spot on its forehead, and the place where black and white meet is transparent! "

Fang Zhixing was greatly surprised. This three-flowered snake with disproportionate black and white seemed to have a sense of yin rising and yang declining.

The old hunchback continued: "This kind of three-flowered snake is relatively rare. It likes yin but not yang. It is said that they will die when they encounter sunlight, so they live in extremely shady places throughout their lives."

After hearing this, Fang Zhixing was instantly sure that he had found the right person.

Spirit deer blood is aphrodisiac blood, and Yin snake blood is obviously its opposite.

Fang Zhixing asked seriously: "Where can I find this special three-flowered snake?"

The old hunchback said seriously: "I'm afraid you have to go to the third-level forbidden area. Many years ago, I heard that someone caught this kind of three-flowered snake in the 'Yinfeng Valley'."

Fang Zhixing became energetic, thanked the old hunchback, and then stood up and left.

He returned to the guest room, and soon Liang Buqing came back.

He mentioned: "I heard from a hunter that a friend of his picked Tiansha grass in the third-level restricted area. There was a hot spring near that place, and scalding hot water spewed out."

When Fang Zhixing heard this, he was surprised and said: "What a coincidence, Tiansha grass likes places with heavy humidity and high temperatures."

Liang Buqing spread his hands and said: "Having said that, this means that you have to break into the third-level forbidden area. That place is ten times more dangerous than the black wind forbidden area."

Fang Zhixing didn't care. He had to go to this third-level restricted area anyway.

Without further ado, the two of them packed their bags, checked out of the guest room, left the camp on horseback, and returned to the county town.

Xigou couldn't help but said: "Just pat your butt and leave now. Why don't you say goodbye to Duan Caiyan?"

Fang Zhixing said calmly: "It's just a romantic relationship. If we are destined to meet each other, we will meet each other. If not, we will be old friends in the world. How can we meet before?"


The thin dog couldn't help but grinned, "Although I'm a little philanthropic, you are the real beast."

Fang Zhixing looked indifferent.

Da da da~

The horses' hooves were brisk, and the two tall horses galloped freely on the official road.

Before they knew it, they had traveled more than 350 miles.

Suddenly something happened ahead.

Beside the road, there was a huge fire burning.

The smell of burning barbecue hung in the air.

Fang Zhixing took a closer look and his expression couldn't help but change.

Liang Buqing also exclaimed in shock: "Oh my god, why are so many people dead?"

That pile of fire burned not wood, but corpses, piled up into a mountain, definitely more than a hundred people.

Next to the fire, there was a group of people carrying corpses and throwing them into the flames.

Fang Zhixing didn't know that group of people, but the corpses they carried were all in tattered clothes and disheveled hair. They were obviously refugees, and they were all men, women, old and young.

Liang Buqing took a closer look and suddenly said: "Ganqing is from the Xiaodao Gang."

Fang Zhixing squinted and said, "Do you know him?"

Liang Buqing continued: "Have you ever heard of Wang Xiaodao? He was originally just a gangster on the street. He was ruthless, liked to stab people with knives, and committed many vicious crimes.

But somehow, he got into a relationship with Master Xu Xiang, and became his godfather. Later, he changed his name to Xu Xiaodao, formed the Xiaodao Gang, and now works for Master Xu Xiang. "

Xuanzhi Xu Dazhi...

Knowing it was clear, he turned his horse's head, walked over, and showed his identity token.

"It turns out to be Lord Fang Xiang, greetings sir!"

The members of the Little Knife Gang are also polite, and they all bowed their heads politely.

Fang Zhixing asked: "What's going on? Where did so many dead people come from?"

A young man replied angrily: "You don't know, sir. When one of our grain trucks passed by, it was suddenly robbed by a group of mobs and injured several of our brothers. We had to kill them all."

Fang Zhixing understood that it was now November, the weather was getting colder and colder, food was getting harder and harder to find, and the mob's behavior naturally became more violent and extreme.

He nodded and said: "Brothers, you have worked hard. You can continue to work."

"Have a nice trip, Lord Fang Xiang. Congratulations to Lord Fang Xiang!"

The people from the Little Knife Gang shouted in unison.

Soon, Fang Zhixing and Liang Buqing arrived at the county town. After entering the city, they first went to the Zhubing Hall.

Fang Zhixing settled the remuneration for Liang Buqing, and then gave him a deposit, requiring him to be on call the next time he went to the third-level restricted area.

Liang Buqing was naturally eager for this and happily agreed.

To be honest, Liang Buqing will run away whenever he encounters danger. He can hide as far as he can. His professional quality is a problem. Others would definitely look down on him.

But it is precisely because of his steady character that he can safely enter and exit the penalty area more than fifty times.

Moreover, Fang Zhixing had too many secrets that he couldn't reveal to anyone, so Liang Buqing's get-away style suited him very well.

Afterwards, Fang Zhixing returned to the county government office and checked his archer camp first. After confirming that everything was normal, he returned to the other courtyard to rest.

Lying in bed.

The fatigue accumulated over the past few days slowly came over him, and he fell asleep.

When I woke up it was the next morning.

Fang Zhixing sat at the table, carefully thinking about this trip to the Black Wind Forbidden Land, and sorted out the entire process.

This is his personal habit. He checks for omissions and fills them up without leaving any hidden dangers.

Then he and Xigou compared it, and both felt that there were no major omissions.

All in all, this trip was a perfect ending!

Xigou couldn't help but ask: "When do you plan to go to the third-level restricted area?"

Fang Zhixing thought for a moment and said in deep thought: "The third-level restricted area is more dangerous. We must improve our strength."

Xigou said speechlessly: "You are already so strong. You can sweep through the same level in the python realm. How else can you improve?"

Fang Zhixing continued: "My personal strength has reached its peak, but I can still improve my equipment.

For example, arrows are not sharp enough to shoot through scale-protected beasts such as the one-horned tiger and the four-eyed crocodile.

In addition, the quality of the broadsword is quite poor, so a more powerful knife must be prepared. "

Xigou understood and reminded: "This matter is easy to handle. You are the incense master of Zhubing Hall. It is not a matter of just a word to get a few useful weapons."

Fang Zhixing thought so too.

After noon, one man and one dog rode on horseback to the Zhubing Hall.

Halfway through the walk, the street ahead was blocked.

Two luxurious carriages were fighting each other, refusing to give in to each other.

The coachman and his entourage were furious and fought each other, making the scene chaotic for a time.

In front of the car, there are two women standing on each side. They are all gorgeously dressed, wearing gold and jade. Their clothes are even more fashionable, highlighting their nobility.

"Oh, whose family is this fighting with?"

"I know that one is the second wife of Master Xu Xiang of Zhubing Hall, and the other is also the concubine of Lord Ye Xiang of Zhubing Hall."

"I have long heard that the two incense masters of Zhubing Hall dislike each other. I didn't expect that their women also dislike each other."

"Isn't it?"

There were many people watching, looking at the excitement and pointing.

Fang Zhixing was speechless for a while, realizing that these two wives were causing trouble.

He looked at the two women carefully. They looked very attractive, but they were a bit weak and might not be able to withstand strenuous exercise.

Seeing that the two sides were making a fuss that wouldn't end for a while, he decided to take a detour.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a horse rushed from behind.

Fang Zhixing looked back and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The person riding on the horse was none other than Luo Qianqian, still disguised as a man.

She didn't notice Fang Zhixing at all. She glanced at the carriage blocking the road and frowned.


Luo Qianqian did not stop and continued to drive the horse forward.

The crowd of onlookers rushed to get out of the way and parted ways.

Luo Qianqian rode up to the carriage and shouted: "Whoever doesn't have eyes, get out of here."

The two women and their servants all stopped and turned to look over.

"Oh, whose girl is this? Who is she trying to seduce by dressing like this?"

The second wife of the Xu family looked at Luo Qianqian, crossed her hands on her chest, and smiled disdainfully.

"That's right, who can say that they don't have eyes?"

The concubine of the Ye family also came over and said sternly: "Believe it or not, I will dig out your eyeballs to see if you still have eyes?"

The two of them were at odds just now, but because of Luo Qianqian's provocative words, they instantly formed a united front.

Strangely, none of them knew Luo Qianqian.

"Now there's something good to watch."

Fang Zhixing twisted his lips and looked on coldly.

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