Full-time BOSS

Chapter 429 Spoiler

Shen Yuan floated in mid-air, scanning the famous heroes and bosses around him.

He could feel the suspicion and vigilance in the hearts of these plot characters, and he could also feel that they were faintly suppressing their strength and emotions. Among the people present, there were many enemies, even life and death enemies, even if they were not dead enemies , It is often also a hostile relationship, the alliance and the tribe, the natural disasters, the Naga, the blood elves, and the Illidari council, there are conflicts of interest among various forces.

But because everyone was afraid of each other and couldn't see the situation clearly, they didn't make a move for a while, but now, because of his appearance, everyone has a common goal. If your answer can't let these people Satisfied, then the consequences will obviously be very bad - very bad, even for him, facing the power of so many heroes and demon kings, it is a bit dangerous.

But he won't fail, he worked hard and planned everything, isn't he just for this day, so let's perform according to the plan, Shen Yuan took a deep breath, showing an unfathomable smile on his face .

"Good evening everyone, heroes and villains, everyone must be very strange, why after accepting my call and teleporting to this place, I saw so many people, and there may even be their own enemies among them, some people may guess , Is this some kind of conspiracy? Here I can tell you with confidence that there is no conspiracy.

The answer is simple, because in a sense you are all here for the same reason.

That is to find the answer to the question deep in your heart. You are puzzled about your own life, you are obsessed with your own experience, and there are too many past events that you cannot let go of in the past. As for the future, You also have too much confusion and fear of the unknown.

Even the king of Stormwind, the warchief of the tribe, or the Lich King of the Scourge, or the ruler of the Black Temple, you can still feel this kind of anxiety, feeling that your destiny is not in your own hands, as if the There is an invisible hand manipulating your life in the dark, making you fearful, am I right? "

No one answered, but no one denied it. Hearing Shen Yuan's words, everyone present had a thoughtful look on their faces. As the key plot characters, none of the people present was an ordinary person. People with wisdom and heart can naturally detect something is wrong on weekdays, but when it comes to exactly what is wrong, no one can tell clearly.

"What exactly is the invisible hand you're talking about? I do feel this way occasionally, so do you know the answer?" Cirvanas asked.

"There is nothing wrong with your feelings. There is indeed an invisible hand manipulating your destiny. Your tragic life and the experience of your ethnic group can be said to be stories that have been designed. You are just passively executing them. That's it, maybe even you yourself don't know why you made that choice in the first place, or, when things come, you find that you have no other choice, Azshara, when you built the portal, let Sargra When Si entered the sky world, didn't he really consider the consequences?"

Azshara snorted coldly: "Hmph, what are you talking about after so long?" Azshara said this, but found a group of people around her staring at her.

She sighed and said, "Well, since you said so, I did receive some external influences at that time, including——an order from God."

Azshara's seduction of the Burning Legion was actually ordered by the oracle, which immediately surprised everyone present.

"Then Arthas, why did you give the order to destroy Stratholme?"

"Well, all the information around me tells me that Stratholme has been completely polluted by natural disasters and plagues, so-hmph, but so what, now I have unprecedented power, the power and wisdom of Ner'zhul They have all fallen into my hands, and what has passed is not worth mentioning in front of this pure power." Alsace said in a dead duck-mouthed tone.

"Oh, you are very confident. Have you really obtained all of Ner'zhul's memories and wisdom? Then I would like to introduce you to an old friend."

As Shen Yuan said, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

A man in black robe came out beside Shen Yuan, "Long time no see, Alsace, maybe you still remember my voice, I have whispered in your ear countless times."

That voice made Alsace startled.

Of course he remembered this voice, and it was no exaggeration for him to remember it deeply.

"No, this is impossible, you are Ner'zhul!?"

These words immediately caused a commotion, Ner'zhul? Former Lich King? Didn't this guy fuse with Alsace?

Everyone looked at Ner'zhul in surprise.

But Ner'zhul patiently explained: "What you get is just some fragments of memories left by me. The real me was once forced to obey a terrible existence, but at the moment of my death, I I was finally freed from the shackles of fate, and now I have gained freedom, young human prince, I have to tell you with regret that compared with this kind of freedom, your so-called strength is not worth mentioning at all, I am sorry to let you Come and do this for me, but the Lich King must exist."

free? A trace of confusion flashed in Alsace's eyes, this term was so unfamiliar to him.

Shen Yuan looked at Cirvanas again, I guess you must be very angry with Arthas and Ner'zhul, but this is unnecessary, because what they do is controlled by others, Al Sass and the Lich King are just two puppets manipulated by others.

"Controlled by others? Do you mean the Burning Legion?" Cirvanas asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, the Burning Legion has already been unable to control me, but I'm curious about Mysterious Man. What do you mean I'm controlled? I'm not controlled."

Hahahaha, you really think too much, Shen Yuan snapped his fingers, and this time another person came out, Nesser.

"I am Nesser, the current commander of the Burning Legion—theoretically, although Kil'jaeden and Archimonde don't listen to me, and the void demon is also double-faced, but from a legal point of view, the leader of the Burning Legion It should be me, I can say responsibly, strictly speaking, we are just following orders."

Nesser, King of Purgatory! Speaking of which, Neisser can be regarded as the number one person, and there are quite a few people who know him.

"Who else is stronger than the Burning Legion, is it the King of Elements?" Varian guessed.

Shen Yuan snapped his fingers again, and now Xiao Yu also came out, "Are you talking about me?"

"The King of Elements!" Thrall exclaimed.

"Azathoth!" Varian roared.

Varian, Thrall and the others suddenly exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, both of you. I destroyed Orgrimmar and Stormwind City before, but in fact, I was just following orders. I have tried my best to avoid civilian casualties. Otherwise, with my strength at that time, I could completely kill these two cities. I'm a commoner. I wanted to talk to you guys, but who knows that you don't agree, so I can't help it."

Varian and Thrall looked very ugly, but the two of them knew that what they said was right. Back then, the two of them did have a chance to save their respective cities, but—

"Even the Destroyer has to obey orders, hum, this is impossible, maybe you will say in a second, everything in this world is predestined?" Kael'thas asked coldly .

Shen Yuan nodded: "You must be a little unbelievable. In fact, not only what happened before was planned, but also your future destiny has already been determined. If you are interested, I can show you .”

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and with a snap, a book appeared in front of everyone.

Curiously, everyone picked up the book in front of them and flipped through it. The title of the book was——"The Plot Design Outline of the Sky World"

Everyone suspiciously opened the books in their hands, and then flipped through them.

At the beginning, everyone's expressions were very solemn, because the book recorded their experiences and encounters in detail. There were some things that no second person was present at all, such as the stories Alsace and Jaina had to tell, such as Yili Some secret conversations between Dan and Azshara, such as Thrall's experience as a slave.

This book is thoroughly written.

But that's all, they can barely remain calm, but as the content progresses, when the time in the book is extended to the future, they can't calm down anymore.

"This, how is this possible, I was killed on the Frozen Throne by Tirion Fordring's old man? What the hell is the Ashbringer?" Alsace exclaimed.

"This is too ridiculous, Maiev Shadowsong defeated me with the help of a group of adventurers, forgive me for being rude, that woman is not my opponent, what, Akama actually betrayed, hey, wouldn't you Are you really planning to betray me, Akama?" Illidan said and looked at Akama.

Akama waved his hand hastily, "I swear I never meant that," Akama said as he looked at the book in his hand, but his face was full of joy and worry. The joy was that he finally ended Illidan's rule. The worry is that it seems that Illidan already knows his secret plan now.

Kael'thas was even more faceless, and his ending was even more tragic. He was first killed in the Storm Fortress, then resurrected in the Sunwell and joined Kil'jaeden, and then he was killed again. It's too sad.

"Hey, I turned out to be the great chief of the tribe in the end. I like this script." Sylvanas's eyes lit up, and Vol'jin actually hung up. It's a bit unexpected that Massas would betray me—fuck, what's unexpected, isn't the Dreadlord just like to betray others?

"Why Theramore was destroyed by the Horde, Thrall, how do you explain this?" Jaina waited for Thrall's resentment.

There are various reactions, but in general, dissatisfaction and complaints occupy the majority. After all, the ending of everyone present in this book (especially the BOSS) is not good. The BOSS is basically killed, and even the heroes have Many died unexpectedly.

"I can swear that all of this is true. At least according to the current situation, most of these things will happen." Shen Yuan said with a smile. "But it's not entirely impossible to prevent this from happening."

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