Full-time cartoonist

Chapter 413 Toilet paper sales surge

Taki and Mitsuha always miss, just like Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari.

However, Taki did not give up. He was still chasing the news about Itomori Town, which made Naoko Takeuchi breathe a sigh of relief.

On the tram going towards each other, the two people leaned against the door and suddenly noticed each other. Their pupils were trembling, and they stared at each other closely. In just a moment, the tram was gone.

Huahai wiped her tears while watching this scene, and her sleeves were soaked.

The movie scene is extremely simple, Taki and Mitsuha just looked at each other in shock, but this simple emotion contains the audience's pain of separation from love, and the sadness of not knowing each other.

The most important thing is the hope that they can meet each other.

When people who love each other passionately see each other again, the emotions revealed at the first glance will make people cry.

Hua Hai still had feelings about "Five Centimeters per Second" and was even more agitated.

"Want this?"

Naoko Takeuchi opened a pack of toilet paper and handed it to Hanami.

"Thank...thank you." Huahai nodded gratefully, but her eyes did not leave the screen.

Although they don't know each other, both Taki and Mitsuha feel that that person is the person they have been looking for.

They ran out of the station at the same time, looking for him in a panic. Overpasses, crossroads, both sides of the street...until Taki came to a staircase. He looked up and saw that the sun appeared after the rain. Mitsuba was at the other end of the staircase, melting into the light.

Taki walked up the steps only to pass Mitsuha, who was depressed and lost.

Huahai heard a "creak" sound beside her, and looked over and realized that it was Naoko Takeuchi's teeth grinding. She also suddenly discovered that her palms were clenched tightly, and there were crescent marks on the palms of her nails.

"I really want to blow up the railing, can't I do it without obstacles?" she thought.

When Takaki Tono and Akari Shinohara turned back, a train passed by, blocking their sight and cutting off the last connection of their love.

This is a grudge that countless readers of "5 Centimeters Per Second" have been unable to let go of for a long time.

Now, at this moment, the railing seems to have replaced the tram, expressing the forgetfulness between the male and female protagonists.

"That person is that person!" Naoko Takeuchi's heart was full of Tori Akino Mirai, "He is obviously a sunny and cheerful boy, why is he so twisted!"

He is constantly teasing the audience's emotions, making them expect and feel disappointed.

Fortunately the movie is not over yet.

"That!" Taki mustered up the courage to turn around, "I seem to have seen you somewhere!"

Mitsuba suppressed her emotions and looked at Taki, with tears still falling down her cheeks. She forced a smile and said, "Me too!"

"Your name is?"

They got to know each other again.

The movie ends here.

It's a good ending.

Naoko Takeuchi couldn't help but raise her lips, "I forgive you, Toriakino-kun."

The audience stood up and applauded, and they cried and smiled happily.

"Whoa whoa! Wow!"

Hanahai next to Naoko Takeuchi was crying bitterly, "I am obviously very happy, but I still can't help but want to cry."

A few years ago, due to the obstacles of time and distance in "5 Centimeters Per Second", the male and female protagonists no longer saw each other, no longer fell in love with each other, and no longer knew each other.

A few years later, the distance between Mitsuha and Taki was three years from a remote town to Tokyo, even life and death. This resistance was so strong, but today they are still together.

This is the relief of Tori Akino in the future, and also the relief of Huahai.

Love finally defeated reality.

Tori Akino was traumatized in her heart, and time could not make up for it. Today, "Your Name" finally made her let go of her worries about "Five Centimeters Per Second".

Naoko Takeuchi had tears in her eyes. The feeling of insignificance and powerlessness she had due to "5 Centimeters Per Second" has now been cured.

As long as there is love and care, we will eventually meet.

With tears falling, she looked at her sister beside her and motioned for her to give her a piece of toilet paper to wipe her tears.

Huahai lowered her head in shame. There was only waste paper in the toilet paper bag, with tears and snot in it.

Naoko Takeuchi walked out of the cinema and bought toilet paper at a nearby supermarket.

"Hibiki, look at this." Akimiya Akemi covered her smile and pointed to a passage in the newspaper, "The reporter said that the sales of toilet paper in supermarkets near the cinema have increased significantly, haha."

Thanks to the blessing of Mirai Akino's title, "Your Name" was played in 300 cinemas, and the publicity effect was very good during the period. As a result, one week after its release, it had 960,000 moviegoers and a box office of 1.28 billion.

This is the overall result of "Paprika" within 40 days of its release, and "Your Name" caught up within one week of its release.

It’s at the top of the movie week rankings.

The story is tear-jerking, and with so many people watching the movie, toilet paper will inevitably be consumed.

Hibiki Higashino glanced over and patted Akimiya Akemi on the head, "Go and draw quickly, it's time to finish "Dream Eaters"."

Akimiya Akemi shook off Hibiki Hibiki's hand and walked to the studio to draw comics in depression.

When both people are busy, everyone can still work hard together, but when one party becomes idle, the other party will quickly lose motivation.

After Akimiya Akemi left, Hibiki sat down and read the newspaper.

This entertainment newspaper gave "Your Name" an independent section with audience interviews and professional film reviews.

""Your Name" is beautifully animated and emotionally satisfying, adding another exciting chapter to the work of screenwriter Tori Akino. As a newcomer, animated film director Asahina Yuko also perfectly presented her debut film, but she will not be able to do it in the future. Will I break my own record? I feel pessimistic."

"What humans are still concerned about in the end is this problem called "hope." "

Of course, there are also negative comments. Some people say that "Your Name" is not interesting, does not express personal characteristics, and lacks sellable elements;

Some people say that the selling factors are too many and overlap to please young people.

Higashino Hibiki didn't mind negative comments from the beginning, let alone now. He wasn't angry at all, he just watched with interest.

The morning sun was warm, and he felt comfortable while drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

At this time, the doorbell rang, Hibiki opened the door and saw Asahina who was embarrassed.

"Dong...dong...dongye!" She stammered, and finally raised her hands and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Higashikata asked with a smile, "It's very unlike you."

Asahina Yuko is a literary girl, not the silly and cute girl she is today.

"I..." She bit her lip, twirled her long hair with her fingertips, organized her words and thoughts, and finally sighed and said dejectedly, "I can't tell..."

Dong Yexiang wanted to laugh when he looked at it. He stepped aside and invited, "Anyway, come in first."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Higashino House, Hibiki and Asahina Yuko sat opposite each other. He roughly understood what Asahina Yuko was thinking.

"Your box office expectation is 2 billion yen."

"It can be lower..." Asahina Yuko shrank her neck and said weakly, "Because it is a new work... 1 billion is fine..."

In fact, 100 million is not impossible, but "Your Name" consumes time and energy and cannot be too loss-making.

Yuko Asahina feels deeply ashamed of using the company's money to educate herself.

You can't say 100 million.

"Oh, but that's not important," Higashi Hibiki waved his hand, "In short, the results far exceeded expectations. You are confused and feel that your strength is not worthy of this achievement, so you are frightened?"

"That's right! That's right!" Asahina Yuko nodded fiercely.

"I don't know why "Your Name" is so popular."

Because I don’t understand it, I don’t have the confidence.

"Yuko," Hibiki Higashikata patted her on the shoulder, "you are a genius!"

"Yu... Yuko!" Asahina Yuko's eyes widened.

"Don't worry about this!" Hibiki Higashino said, "It's your ability to create shots that surprise the audience. Don't underestimate yourself."

Asahina Yuko replied weakly: "Yes...yes..."

Higashino Hibiki added: "In fact, you can also worry."


"But remember this feeling and work hard to improve yourself to the point where the audience will recognize you again! Don't let them down! Yuko!"

Asahina Yuko nodded: "I understand."

She was still flustered, but she knew that in order to dispel the panic, she could only calm down and continue climbing.

"Higashino-kun, thank you."

Her eyes gradually became firmer, and Higashino Hibiki was about to nod happily, when he heard...

"Mommy mommy!"

A little kid ran from the living room to the studio, shouting in a panic, "Dad and an aunt are kissing me!"

A few days later, Principal Ohta called Hibiki Higashino.

There was a smile in his words, saying that Higashino always said on campus that his parents were getting divorced because his father had cheated on him.

"The child is very sad and worried that he will lose his beautiful family. You can't act recklessly, Hibiki."

Higashino Hibiki was speechless, hearing Ota's joke.

"Principal, why do you like to talk about this..."

Principal Ohta said: "Actually, I want to talk about "Your Name", by the way."

Higashino Hibiki asked in astonishment: "Principal, will you also read this?"

The audience of "Your Name" is undoubtedly young people, or readers of Hibiki Hibiki's short comics.

When a 70-year-old man watches a romantic animated movie, there is always something unconventional.

According to NHK survey data, only 31.4% of the viewers of "Your Name" are over 30 years old, and even fewer are older people.

"I'm not someone who clings to the past. I can also like the culture that young people like. Moreover, the core of "Your Name" that touches people's hearts is the spark of love that collides under a huge disaster that human beings cannot help. This kind of thing has long been There is. After the Great Kanto Earthquake, there were many similar movies."

Under the huge threat, beautiful emotions such as love are brewing, and young girls chase what they have lost and shine.

"You're right." Higashikata nodded in admiration.

"So don't underestimate me," Principal Ohta said proudly, and then sighed, "This movie is very interesting, and I am eager to see your future works."

He has watched "Naoki Hansawa", "Paprika", "Dream Eaters", and "Your Name", and he was deeply moved by each work.

This sentence silenced Higashi Hibiki.

"Oh, right!" Ota realized that Hibiki might have to close the book. When they met on the football field, he said that he wanted to accompany his children to grow up.

"It's actually better to focus on your own life," Ota explained. "As a principal, I hope that students can be happy, happy, and enjoy life."

His language is gentle and full of love for children. Hibiki Higashikata is in his thirties, but he is still a child in his eyes.

"I will do it," Hibiki Higashikata was moved, "I will do it!"

"Mirai Tori Akino is such a genius."

"Isn't this common sense? Everyone came to this view ten years ago. You young people are really shocked."

"I'm just amazed that none of Tori Akino's works seems to have failed. "Paprika" has won numerous awards, "Naoki Hansawa" has set a new record for TV ratings after the millennium, and now "Your Name" is even more amazing. Well, it actually earned 2.6 billion yen at the box office within two weeks of its release!"

Most of the movie versions of "One Piece" are at this level.

The fan contributions of "One Piece" were evened out in two weeks, and I have to give it a thumbs up.

"Yes, even "Dream Eater", which had the worst performance, is now ranked fourth in the jump ranking."

The smallest achievement is already an unattainable goal for countless people.

"I wonder what other miracles he will create!"

In May 2008, "Dream Eaters" will come to an end.

The masterpiece that Ajoki Yumeha painted in order to surpass Eiji Shinzuma is called "RIVERSI".

Readers' votes for the short story surpassed Shinzuma's new novel "ZOMBIE GUN" by two votes.

The content is the story of the battle between the Black Demon and the White Demon.

The devil has the ability to infect others with his thoughts. The two teenagers who gained the devil's abilities started a battle with different stances.

This immediately reminds readers of "Death Note". The black and white demons are Light and L.

This made readers very excited, and they even thought that "Dream Eater" contained a career summary written by Tori Akino Mirai to himself.

He projected his own experiences onto his new wife, Eiji, and Ajou Mumenha.

Eiji Niizuma is a genius, just like Mirai Tori Akino, who became number one as soon as the series started.

Later, he also asked to finish his own comics.

"Crow" and "Slam Dunk" are both mainstays of Shonen Jump. In order to have the authority to complete them, Eiji Arizuma and Mirai Tori Akino took great pains.

Here, readers see Tori Akino's determination not to stand still and to constantly climb new mountains.

"RIVERSI" is similar to "Death Note". The plot of "RIVERSI" in "Dream Eater" will of course include Tori Akino's own thoughts when he serialized "Death Note", as well as the private events behind it.

"A hearty and hearty finished work, no sloppiness!" is Zhencheng's highest thought.

Tori Akino did the same thing in the future. When "Death Note" was doing well, L and Yagami Yue died together.

Sōma Satoru held the jump with mixed feelings in his heart.

He is a cartoonist, so he admires Mirai Tori Akino, and he is a reader, so he is very angry about this.

"Satoru!" Yamada Eiichi called him, "Watch TV, Torishima Kazuhiko is being interviewed! About Tori Akino's future!"

Hearing this, Soma Satoru quickly turned on the TV and saw Torishima Kazuhiko talking.

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