Full-Time Dad: Life Choice System

Chapter 317 Make a big deal out of it?

Then this is a great event!

So Jiajia asked Jiayi in surprise, "Sister, doesn't that mean that I'm going to be a aunt again?"

"Yeah!" Jiayi nodded with a chuckle, and said with a smile, "Of course! When this baby is born, you will have another little nephew!"

"Oh!" Jiayi nodded with a smile, then happily threw up the big treasure in her arms and said with a smile, "Dabao, I want to be a little auntie! No, I want to be a little auntie again!"

She suddenly thought that she was the little aunt of Dabao in her arms, so she changed the way of cheering.


Tossed into the air by the little aunt, and then caught again, Da Bao was as happy as a child. No, he was still a kid.

Seeing Dabao's wide-open eyes, Jiajia kissed Dabao and said with a smile, "Dabao, you are going to be a big brother! That's not right, you are going to have a sister again! "One Zero Three"

Because Dabao was originally a brother! It should be said that Dabao and Erbao will have a younger sister or younger brother.


How could Dabao understand this? He just stared at Xiao Yiniang with wide eyes, and then stared at Xiao Jojo happily, as if he wanted Xiao Yiniang to continue playing with him.

At this time, Jiajia asked Ye Fan, "Brother-in-law, do you think the baby in my sister's arms is a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Ye Fan smiled helplessly and said, "How do I know this? After your sister gives birth, she will naturally know.

Taking the pulse can only judge whether Jiayi is pregnant or not based on the pulse, and even how long she has been pregnant, but it is impossible to judge whether the child in her belly is a boy or a girl.

"Oh~" Jiajia pouted and murmured.

"Then... At this time, Jiayi couldn't help but ask, "Husband, do you think it's better to have a boy or a girl?"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Whether it's a boy or a girl, it's all good!"

Ye Fan has no idea about this, as long as Jiayi can give birth to the baby in her womb safely and safely.

"Yeah!" Jiayi smiled and nodded, whether it's a boy or a girl, it's her and Ye Fan's baby! They like both!

"Okay, let's eat quickly! Don't starve the three babies!" Ye Fan laughed.

"Well, good!" Jiayi smiled and nodded.

"Let's go to Dabao! Let's continue to eat!" Jiajia shouted while throwing the Dabao in her arms.


Dabao was thrown into the air by Jiajia, and then caught again. He was so happy that he shouted babblingly.

Seeing this, Jiayi smiled helplessly and said, "Jiajia, be careful, don't drop the big treasure.

"I'll pay attention, sister!" Jiajia said with a smile while holding Dabao.

Helpless, Jiayi can only let Jiajia go.

Back at the table, everyone picked up the bowls and chopsticks again and started to eat.

It's just that Ye Fan, Jia Jia, and Cheng Qin, the three of them have a tacit understanding, they picked up the meat from the plate at the same time, and put it into Jiayi's bowl.

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Wife, come! Eat more food! It's good for your body and your baby!"

Now Jiayi eats, but it is no longer a meal for one person! The baby in the belly also needs nutrition!

"Yes, yes!" Jiajia nodded and said coquettishly, "Sister, whether it's for you or the baby in your belly, you should eat more food with nutritional value!"

Looking at the dishes that were almost piled up in the bowl, Jiayi smiled helplessly and said, "But you give me so much, and I can't eat it!

"It's alright!" Ye Fan shook his head with a smile, and said, "You can just eat it, and just leave it to me if you can't finish it!"

Alright "!" In response, Jiayi nodded helplessly and started to eat with bowls and chopsticks.


At this time, Erbao watched everyone put food into his mother's bowl and forgot to feed her, and immediately waved his little hand and began to shout in protest.

"Yeah! Erbao is good! Aunt Qin will feed you now!" Seeing this, Cheng Qin chuckled lightly, immediately picked up a piece of fish, sniffed Erbao and ate it.

This second treasure will be robbing her mother for food!

Soon, after eating, Jiayi stood up and put away the tableware and said with a smile, "I'll go take a bath!"

"Wait!" Seeing this, Ye Fan immediately took the tableware and chopsticks in her hand and said, "Wife, let me wash the dishes! This is heavy work, you can't do it!"

Jiayi said helplessly, "Husband, how big is the baby in my belly? There's no need to make such a fuss! And I'm not that squeamish!"

When is washing dishes considered heavy work? And I remember that when she was pregnant with Dabao and Erbao, she didn't do everything, she went to work on time every day, and even often worked overtime until eleven o'clock at night!

Ye Fan said, "This is no fuss! Wife, listen to me now, go sit on the sofa first! Then leave the rest to me!"

"This... ok!"

Looking at her husband's serious and solemn expression, Jiayi couldn't help but feel like she wanted to laugh. Speaking of which, it was the first time she saw her husband's serious expression!

But what could she object to? She nodded and went to sit on the sofa obediently.

Seeing Jiayi sitting on the sofa, Ye Fan walked to the kitchen with dishes and chopsticks, and started to wash the dishes.

Ye Fan also decided that the last time Jiayi was pregnant, he couldn't accompany her to take care of her. And this time, he is going to make up for all the previously unsatisfactory Jiayi!

Soon, Ye Fan returned to the living room after washing the dishes.

"Cough, then, Ye Fan cleared his throat and said to Jiayi, "Comrade Wang Jiayi, for the sake of you and the baby in your womb, you are the only key protection object in this family! From today, you cannot step into the kitchen. Half a step! And your hands, in addition to holding the mobile phone and the remote control, and eating, can't touch other things. "

Hearing this, Jiayi was speechless for a while, and shouted, "Husband, there is no need to make such a fuss! When I blamed Dabao and Erbao, I didn't come here like this!"

When she was pregnant with Dabao and Erbao, she didn't choose to take a vacation until her belly became bigger and she could no longer move around.

At the same time, Cheng Qin chose to resign and come back to take care of her every day.

"This is different!" Ye Fan shook his head and said, "I wasn't around at the time! And from now on, you don't have to go to work in the company! I'll just go to 3.1! You're responsible for raising the baby at home!"

If he had known that Jiayi was pregnant with his baby, he might have given up his studies and chose to stay with Jiayi to take care of Jiayi. Or marry Jiayi immediately, and let my parents come to take care of Jiayi!

"Husband~!" Seeing Ye Fan's serious appearance, Jiayi not only shouted coquettishly, but said, "I'm not a patient, so there's no need to leave the door behind!"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Wife, it's useless for you to act like a spoiled child!"

Afterwards, Ye Fan said to Jiajia next to him, "Jiajia, from tomorrow, Cheng Qin and I will go to work, you will stay at home and stare at your sister, don't let her do dangerous things!"

"Yes!" Jiajia immediately stood up, nodded solemnly, and said, "I promise to complete the task!"

But then, Jiajia tilted her head and asked Ye Fan, "But brother-in-law, what are the things that are dangerous for my sister?"

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