Full-Time Dad: Life Choice System

Chapter three hundred and sixty fifth supper

Seeing this, Jiajia immediately helped Ouyang Xueer and said with a smile, "It's okay, Xueer, we should! After all, you have helped us a lot today!"

"Yeah!" Ye Fan on the side also nodded, and then smiled, "It's not too early, Ouyang Xueer, you can stay with us tonight! I'm going to have some supper now, let's go together Eat something, then wash up and sleep?"

"Well, good!" Ouyang Xueer nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Ye Fan!"

Ye Fan smiled and waved his hand without saying much.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law!" At this moment, Jiajia on the side heard that Ye Fan was going to have a late-night snack, and her eyes lit up, and she immediately shouted in a coquettish voice, "I want to eat cod fish with lemon fragrance!"

"Okay, okay!" Ye Fan patted her head, then asked Ouyang Xue'er, "Ouyang Xue'er, what do you want to eat?"

Ouyang Xueer forced a smile and said, "Anything will do!"

"Well, good!" Ye Fan nodded, handed the little Ma Ran in his arms to Jiayi, and walked into the kitchen.

At this time, looking at Xiao Yanran sleeping in Jiayi's arms, Ouyang Xueer couldn't help but ask, "Sister Jiayi, is this child from you and Ye Fan?"

"Yeah!" Jiayi nodded with a smile, and said, "This is Ye Fan and I's third baby! It's called Xiao Yanran, her brother and sister are already sleeping upstairs."

Hearing this, Ouyang Xueer looked at Xiao Yanran in Jiayi's arms and said with a smile, "Then you and Ye Fan are so happy!"

133 "Yeah!" Jiayi smiled and nodded, then looking at Xiao Yanran in her arms, she couldn't help but gently touched the bridge of her nose.

She and Ye Fan's three babies are growing up healthy. And her husband loves her very much and treats her very well. As Ouyang Xueer said, she is really happy..

"Um... woohoo!"

At this moment, Xiao Yanran in Jiayi's arms suddenly woke up, and immediately started crying.

Now Xiao Yanran is still very young, only six months old, and has not started to eat hard food. Get hungry easily and wake up from hunger.

"Cough, Xiao Yanran is good! Mom is here!" Jiayi immediately comforted her.

When the baby was small, the most troublesome thing was here, and he might wake up at any time, and then he would cry.

Especially waking up in the middle of the morning, that is the most torturing parent.

Seeing Xiao Yanran crying non-stop, Jiayi didn't think much about it, and just sat on the sofa and started breastfeeding.

Anyway, there are no outsiders (males) here, and it's okay if Ye Fan comes out and sees it, after all, it's his husband!


After drinking a bit of breast milk, Xiao Yanran kept her eyes wide open and looked at Ouyang Xue'er next to her with a "I don't know you" model (abdb).

"Sister Jiayi... Seeing this, Ouyang Xueer's heart seemed to melt, and she tried to ask, "Can I hug Xiao Yanran?"

"Of course!" Jiayi nodded with a smile, and handed Xiao Yanran in her arms to Ouyang Xue'er.

Xiao Yanran listened to Shishi more obediently than when she was a child.


Coming to Ouyang Xue'er's arms, the little mother still stared at Ouyang Xue'er curiously, stretched out her little hand and gently pinched Ouyang Xue'er's face.

"It's so cute!" The existence of a baby is undoubtedly the most healing thing. Seeing Xiao Yanran's cute appearance, Ouyang Xue'er couldn't help but chuckle.

Soon, Ye Fan prepared the supper, brought it to the table, and said with a smile, "Wife, Ouyang Xueer, Jiajia, Minmin, come and eat!"

"Come on!" Jiajia is always the one who eats the most actively. After giving a coquettish cry, she jumped up to the table, smelled the things on the table, and couldn't help smiling happily, "Brother-in-law. , so fragrant!"

In response, Ye Fan said with a smile, "Then you can eat more later!

"Mmmm!" Jiajia nodded with a smile.


After Ouyang Xueer came to the dining table with her little mother in her arms, she saw that her father was there, she immediately laughed and shouted at Ye Fan, her two little hands were shaking in the air, obviously wanting to make her father Hug.

Seeing this, Ye Fan smiled and said, "Xiao Yanran is also awake! Come, let Dad hug me!"

After that, Ye Fan smiled at Ouyang Xue'er, "Ouyang Xue'er, let me hug Xiao Yanran!"

"Yeah!" Seeing Xiao Yanran fluttering in her arms, Ouyang Xue'er had to chuckle and hand Xiao Ma Ran to Ye Fan to hug.


When she came to her father's arms, Xiao Yanran was so happy that she kept laughing and shouting.

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn't help laughing and said, "Ming, Xiao Yanran is so good! Come on, let Dad kiss him!"

"Bo" said, Ye Fan kissed Little Ma Ran's face.


Afterwards, Ye Fan also sat down, and everyone ate together.

When Ouyang Xueer took the first bite, her face was full of surprise. She didn't expect Ye Fan's food to be so delicious!

During the meal, Ye Fan asked Ouyang Xue'er, "Ouyang Xue'er, you are a senior this year, have you started looking for a job?"

In many universities, when students are in their senior year, they basically don't care, unless the students want to continue the postgraduate entrance examination.

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Ouyang Xueer pursed her lips slightly, nodded her head, and said a little disappointedly, "If it really doesn't work, I'll go back to my hometown after graduation. Maybe I'm not suitable for looking for a job. If I'm at home, at least I can help My parents do some work."

Ye Fan thought about it and asked, "How did you get in school? What kind of work do you want to pursue?"

Ouyang Xueer smiled helplessly and said, "The grades are okay! It's just that the grades are good, it doesn't matter, you can't find a good job. As for what job you want to do, it doesn't matter."

After this incident, she understood that good jobs are basically reserved for those who are related, no matter how good her grades are, it is useless.

In this city, you have nothing to do with yourself, even if you want to rely on other relationships, you have to give what you don't want to give...

Even without relationships, there are too many people competing for the same position.

Therefore, there is a saying that "the older you get, the harder it is", and she has experienced it personally in recent months.

Hearing this, Ye Fan thought about it and said, "Well, I know the secretary of Xin'an City, and I will ask her to arrange a job for you some other day. If possible, let you arrange for you to enter the city hospital in the name of an intern! Show that you can, and you can officially work in the city hospital!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Xueer's heart suddenly trembled, and she tried to ask the truth, "?"

As a medical student, she naturally knew how difficult it was to get into the hospital. It can be said that people who have no mathematician want to go in without breaking their heads!

Ye Fan smiled and said, "This matter shouldn't be difficult for a secretary. And after you go to work, it's up to you whether you can turn into a regular!"

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Ouyang Xueer stroked her mouth, her eyes suddenly became wet, she nodded and said, "I will try my best! Thank you, Ye Fan! Thank you so much!"

"It's alright!" Ye Fan smiled and waved his hand, "By the way, you should have taken the medical certificate, right?"

"I passed the test, I passed the test!" Ouyang Xue'er nodded immediately, the tears from the corners of her eyes couldn't help falling.

Perhaps in her heart, she is more happy at this moment.

A suitable job is hard to come by. How many people in this society compromise with life and give up looking for a suitable job?

"That's good!" Ye Fan nodded with a smile.

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