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Chapter 132 Dialogue with Trisolarans? !

"I'm looking for Moriarty and Lord Grim." The young man smiled shyly.

"Are you... Concealed Light?" Tang Rou heard Concealed Light's voice, temporarily exited the arena and walked out of the bar: "Aren't you only able to come at night?"

"Hello, Miss Tang!" Concealed Light greeted with a smile: "The things are ready in advance, so I changed the train ticket... Where are Brother Xiaobai and Boss?"

Concealed Light was a little excited, he had been excited since Bai Mo and Ye Xiu invited him to play in the professional league together, and even took a photo of his ID card to them without saying a word.

Professional league! This can be said to be something that Concealed Light had never dared to think about before.

"They're upstairs! Xiao Tang, take Xiao Concealed Light up there." Chen Guo waved his hand. He didn't really want to see those guys up there today.

...I didn't talk to them until I finished watching Houheixue!

"But..." Tang Rou glanced at Chen Guo.

"It's okay. The new network administrators will be here in two days. You should get in touch with them in advance. I'll take it for the next two days." Chen Guo waved her hand.

"Don't be nervous, everyone is very friendly." Tang Rou took Concealed Light to the training room on the second floor and comforted Concealed Light when he saw that Concealed Light looked a little nervous.

"Uh, Miss Tang, is Baozi here too?" Concealed Light asked with a headache.

"I came here this morning. I asked you when I first arrived. Don't worry. Well, why is the door open? So careless..." Tang Rou said with some doubts.

"No, Boss Wei, are you sure the time and cooldown are correct?" Bai Mo's voice was full of doubts.

"Damn, Xiaobai, what do you mean! You don't believe in Lao Tzu's mathematical ability! You still have a misunderstanding of my understanding of warlocks, it's absolutely fine to listen to me!" Old Wei's arrogant voice sounded: "Skill point strategy But I did it all!"

"30% probability, what use is this to a warlock..."

"Hey, aren't I all over four thousand and nine hundred?"

"Dante's five thousand..."

"That's just a matter of probability, it has nothing to do with strength, listen to me!"

"Just now, I just listened to you and I was turned to death! I didn't even use my skills!" Bai Mo said angrily.

"Um, Xiaobai, how about... um? Xiao Tang? This is..." Ye Xiu was helping to persuade the fight, and he looked up to see Tang Rou standing at the door awkwardly.

Bai Mo and Old Wei were arguing so hard that they didn't even look this way for a while, Zhang Jiale looked helpless, and Baozi was beside him eager to try.

I just said that the relationship is harmonious and friendly...

"This is Little Concealed Light, Concealed Light, this is Lord Grim, Ye Xiu, that one over there is Zhang Jiale, that one is Baozi, and the one over here is...discussing, the older one is Wei Chen, the developer of the strategy , that one over there is Xiaobai." Tang Rou briefly introduced, then patted Xiaobai's head helplessly: "Okay, say hello to Concealed Light..."

"Boss Wei's mathematics is really bad!" Bai Mo muttered.

"Hey, you art student, how dare you talk about me!"

"Brother Ye said you didn't even graduate from high school!" Bai Mo fought back.

"He farts! I still finished high school! It's better than him, a guy who dropped out of junior high school!" Old Wei retorted with a blushing face.

"Hey, don't attack people when you two quarrel!" Ye Xiu said with black lines all over his face.

Zhang Jiale shook his head helplessly, opened the website and continued to watch Baihua's video.

Baozi ran directly to Concealed Light's side, and patted Concealed Light's shoulder carelessly: "Brother Concealed Light, you are here! From now on, you will hang out with Brother Baozi!"

"There is a problem with the position." Concealed Light didn't answer Baozi, but stared at the white ink and gray screen and said seriously.

"Oh?" Old Wei and Bai Mo who were arguing looked at Concealed Light.

"How to say?" Bai Mo faintly grasped the crux of the problem.

"Brother Xiaobai, do you want to use manipulation to pull this Anduyan?" Concealed Light asked.

"That's right, use manipulation to hold it back when it comes out." Bai Mo asked seriously, "What do you think should be done?"

Anduarn is a boss in the shape of a turtle. After emerging from the magma under the platform, it will jump high, and then start to spin, constantly spewing flames and magma towards the surroundings.

"In this case, generally the warlock needs to release the manipulation technique at the five positions after the boss is opened, so that he can be pulled to him before the rotation." Concealed light scratched his head with some embarrassment: "Of course, these are I guessed it from the video, I don’t know exactly what it is, but according to the data, there should be nothing wrong..."

"Five positions..." Old Wei touched his unshaven chin: "Isn't it too close?"

"It seems that I can give it a try. You still have the hand of death, and I have Sherlock Holmes... Boss Wei, you also enter the picture?"

"Okay!" Old Wei nodded and returned to his seat.

Everyone was watching Bai Mo and Old Wei's operations seriously. After calculating their personal silver weapons, Bai Mo and Old Wei successfully used manipulation techniques to pull An Tuyan.

"It's ok, kid... your name is Concealed Light?" Old Wei nodded.

"Well, my real name is Luo Ji." Concealed Light patted his head, "I'm currently a graduate student in the Mathematics Department of University T..."

"Fuck, Concealed Light, you... you still have the identity of a sword holder, right?" Bai Mo asked hastily.

"Ah? What is that?" Concealed Light asked suspiciously.

"It's fine if it's not." Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's big!" Tang Rou exclaimed, "Mr. Zhang Yichuan seems to be big too."

"He is my mentor." Concealed Light smiled embarrassedly: "The strategy was perfected with the help of the teacher."



Ye Xiu, Bai Mo, Tang Rou gasped for a moment, Zhang Jiale, Old Wei and Baozi were a little confused.

"A world-class mathematician... Help me improve the game... Concealed Light, you are expelled from the school, right?" Bai Mo's voice trembled, this is a great sin!

"No, no, the teacher is very nice. He said that this question is quite impressive, and if there are any more in the future, you can ask him for help." Concealed Light smiled: "By the way, little white brother, the strategy has now been improved. With a probability of 50%, the teacher said that this is almost the upper limit."

"Damn!" Old Wei was a little depressed. After studying it for so many years, he had regarded it as the pinnacle of his life. He didn't expect that it was just a grand math problem in the eyes of others. He regretted not studying hard...

"Already, it's amazing." Bai Mo took the USB flash drive and said with a sigh: "Wait! Baozi, did you shoot Concealed Light just now!"

"Yes! What's the matter, master?"

"Concealed Light, Baozi is still young and ignorant, don't be fussy like him, don't get involved in the game?" Bai Mo said seriously.

"Um, Boss, what's the matter, master?" Baozi patted his head wonderingly.

"...Well, what you did just now was probably running up to the giant panda and slapping it twice." Ye Xiu also didn't know what to say: "Maybe it's more serious than that..."

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