Full-time expert, all-around designer

Chapter 139 Are you still not convinced?

[Glory official customer service personnel: After verification, players such as Moriarty, Windward Array, No. 1 Macho, and No. 3 Under Heaven have not used third-party plug-ins, and will not impose any punishment for using game mechanics.

The Divine Realm update package will be distributed within seven working days. 】

"Damn, Xiaobai, do you have such a big face in Glory Company? I thought you would be banned this time." Early in the morning, Lao Wei opened the God's Domain forum and began to browse. To nod again and again at the result of last night's processing.

After Lao Wei calmed down after finishing his important work yesterday, he was a little scared, afraid that the game company would suspend their account, so he hurried back to the training base early in the morning with Bai Mo.

Now he felt relieved and ate the breakfast that Bai Mo bought along the way.

Bai Mo took a sip of soy milk: "How can there be any face, it is a bug in the warlock's skill mechanism and boss, why should we be punished?"

Just like the thief classmate who is permanently invisible in memory, isn't he still living well?

Glory has always been vague about its own mechanics and bugs, because it is reasonable for players to take advantage of the problems in the game itself.

Otherwise, there would be no such profession as a lawyer, would there?

"Tsk tsk, the people of Excellent Dynasty will probably explode with anger when they see this?" Old Wei repeatedly shook his head.

"It's not like... You see, because all the problems in the official bugs have been filed back for them." Bai Mo said with some regret.

The blow to Excellent Dynasty this time was indeed great. Excellent Era Club still had some face, and the loss was caused by bugs in the game itself, so the game officials kept their dropped items and repaired the damaged Maple Leaf City.

But that's all they've done. Neither the dropped experience nor the attributes lost by death have been reverted. It can only be said that they have made up for part of their losses.

Even so, Jia Dynasty's vitality was seriously injured.

"Oh! Today's breakfast is not buns..." Baozi Invasion and Concealed Light also walked in.

"Well, it's fried dough sticks, just fried, eat quickly, it will be cold in a while." Bai Mo greeted a few people with a smile: "You can't always eat buns. By the way, buns don't feel good when they eat buns." Will there be any obstacles?"

"How could it be, master! Baozi is so delicious!" Baozi cheerfully picked up a fried dough stick: "It's quite hot hahaha."

Ye Xiu and the others also walked over, "How is it? Is the matter over?"

"Well, it's probably over, now we're waiting to see Jia Dynasty's response." Bai Mo scratched his head: "Now they should be..."

"Xiaobai, Excellent Dynasty's official account on the Domain of Gods forum responded." Tang Rou said.

"Oh?" Bai Mo hurried over, his eyes narrowed.

"There's good news, Boss Wei!"

"Oh? What's the good news?" Old Weikou asked without raising his head after enjoying a mouthful of soy milk.

"Your bounty has increased. Now it's the same price as Brother Zhang's Dante. Congratulations!" Bai Mo said with a smile, not only Old Wei, but also Moriarty's head has added a bounty of 500 yuan.

"Oh! Really! That's a good thing, Excellent Era is still a sensible person, knowing how much I have contributed this time..." Old Wei's eyes lit up, and he ran over with fried dough sticks in his mouth.

"Can this be considered a good thing?" Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale smiled wryly: "So, does Jia Dynasty still refuse to accept it?"

"It should be like this... The newly appointed guild president has been dismissed again..." Bai Mo shook his head, his expression became a little dangerous: "Does this mean that I have no other options after this bug is fixed?"

The sky is sunny, the rain has stopped, and you think you can do it again, don't you? It seems that if you don't slap hard, you will never end!

"What's the fun this time?" Old Wei asked enthusiastically.

"That's very fun...Huh? The materials sent by Huangfeng have arrived!" Bai Mo's eyes lit up, and he temporarily put aside the matter of Jia Dynasty: "The things are quite neat..."

"By the way, I forgot to ask you yesterday. Why do you want these things? Is it also the next step in the plan?" Old Wei asked curiously.

"Hmm... It's about the equipment of our team's priest." Bai Mo checked the things carefully, then quit Glory, opened his penguin chat group, and found the newly joined little cold hands.

This was created before, Chen Guo pulled all Xingxin members into this group, of course, Su Mucheng was also there.

[Moriarty pokes a cold little hand. ]

Little hands are cold: [Huh? What's the matter, Mr. Moriarty? 】

Moriarty: [How is things going? When can I come? 】

The little hands are cold: [I'm taking a leave of absence from school, I haven't dared to tell my family...]

Moriarty: 【Communicate well! Don't run away from home, you hear me? 】

The little hands are cold: [Uh, I'm not a child anymore...]

Moriarty: [Then do you have time now? 】

The little hands are cold: [Now, it may not work... Is there something urgent? 】

"Pfft! Cough cough! Xiaobai! I remember that you are also running away from home now?" Ye Xiu wiped the soy milk that was sprayed on the keyboard just now, and said angrily.

"Uh... Hehe." Bai Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, and immediately typed in the group chat: [OK, do you have time to go online tonight? Something needs your help. 】

Little hands are cold: [Okay, no problem, then where shall we meet? 】

Moriarty: [Devil's Canyon. 】

An Wenyi's expression was a bit complicated. Moriarty's head is very valuable now. After the commotion last night, it is now worth 1500 yuan. No one's head has ever been offered such a reward in the history of Glory.

Tell yourself directly, aren't you afraid of being betrayed?

Little hands are cold: [Teacher just told me your position, aren't you afraid that I will betray you? 】

Moriarty: [Would you? 】

A feeling of being trusted came to my heart.

Little hands are cold: [No, see you tonight. 】

Moriarty: [See you tonight. 】

"Damn it, Xiaobai, if you report the location to him like this, are you really not afraid that this kid will betray you?" Old Wei asked in amazement.

"Heart, do you know what a professor's heart is?" Bai Mo emphasized on purpose: "By the way, Brother Wei, remember to ask your little brother to explore the road first at night!"

"Damn, you shitty heart!" Old Wei said disdainfully.

"Hahaha!" Tang Rou finally couldn't help laughing.

Ye Xiu sighed: "However, if you always use these bugs, it will affect individual players sooner or later...If you can't use these things, try not to use them."

"I know." Bai Mo nodded: "This is the last time, most of the bugs have been handed over to Glory, and they should have fixed them these days..."

He didn't have the time to play house games with Excellent Era's people all the time, and all the equipment needed to be updated.

Last but not least, leave them with a deep memory.

Experience the fear of being dominated by demons again!

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