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Chapter 179: Moriarty and Lord Grim's Silver Clothing Ideas

"But, is it useful to have this name? Isn't Yinwu's name automatically generated?" Old Wei asked with some doubts.

"Well, yes, so I plan to ask my friends in the program team to help me change the name after I'm done." Bai Mo smiled.

These problems are not a big deal for the program group, and it’s not about staying up late to fix bugs, changing the name, and these hours of fishing time before get off work can be easily modified.

As long as Bai Mo doesn't cause any trouble, everything will be fine.

"Damn, it's amazing to know people, so you can do whatever you want?" Old Wei was a little upset, and expressed his deep reprimand for the authority dog.

"Sorry, people who know each other can do whatever they want." Bai Mo said with a smile.

"Cough...then what do you think about changing the hand of death to [Father of Soksar], Xiaobai?" Old Wei thought for a while and asked with a smile on his face.

"...I don't think it's good." Bai Mo shook his head expressionlessly: "There are also many fans of Soksar in the programming department. If you really dare to do this, you can think about the consequences."

While Bai Mo was arguing with Old Wei, Ye Xiu and the rest of Xingxin had already begun to look at Lord Grim's silver outfit idea.

"She always likes to play with these things." Ye Xiu shook his head helplessly: "But... this set of things is specially prepared for casual people?"

"Well... some special drop materials are not in place yet, and they can be crafted after the 80th level update." Bai Mo regained his senses, leaned over, and watched Ye Xiu click on [Jun Moxiao Yinwu Ideas] ] folder.

Because Jun Moxiao didn't have the attribute bonus of equipment, Bai Mo chose light armor as the attribute of the whole set of equipment.

It has good physical defense and magic defense, and the overall load is also within an acceptable range.

"These...are all named after Song Ci, Tang Poetry and Yuan Opera!" Chen Guo was a little surprised.

"Well, it's Mucheng's style." Ye Xiu shook his head with a smile, and sat in Bai Mo's seat, and Bai Mo sat in Tang Rou's seat, and everyone in Xingxin surrounded him curiously.

"The helmet [Pierce Yang Ting] provides accuracy, reduces the dodge rate of the opponent's equipment bonus, and comes with physical penetration and magic penetration.

Armor [Military March] has a weakened version of the battle mage [Fighter's Will], which also relies on combo skills to enhance character attributes, but there is no way to increase the movement speed, and the attack speed and strength bonuses are only the original version of Fighter's Will one-third of. "Bai Mo felt a little regretful.

Ye Xiu focused his attention on the additional attributes in front of him. Fighter's Will is a little weak against Battle Mage in the arena, but it's different when it comes to untrained people!

Even [Military March] is a bit harsh on the judgment of combos, and the time interval before and after each combo is only 0.5 seconds before it is counted as a combo, but it is not a problem at all for casual people.

A divine attire is completely a divine attire for a casual person! Even being able to extend the 95th level upper limit of the individual can still maintain a considerable advantage.

"Let's make this first!" Ye Xiu nodded.

"Damn, it's not that easy. The material properties of this piece of equipment need to be updated!" Bai Mo said angrily.

"Tsk." Ye Xiu shook his head regretfully.

"Okay, you, don't be so cute when you get a cheap one! Hurry up and check the equipment attributes of the next silver equipment!" Old Wei scolded angrily, even Zhang Jiale who was on the side looked contemptuous.

"What's the rush, let's take a look." Ye Xiu slowly conceived the actual bonus to Lord Grim in his mind, and didn't click on the next piece of equipment until everyone else got a little impatient.

Two pairs of armguards, [Gai Xia Ge], provide strength, physical attack and attack speed bonus...

The lower body, [after enrolling], provides movement speed and dodge rate...

Two pairs of leggings, [Long Song Xing]...

Boots, [Treading Shake], additional skills, the thief's [Air Leap]...

Silver jewelry, cloak, [Sky Clean Sand], unique passive, 5% chance to dodge a fatal attack, cooldown time is one hour...

"Fuck, I really want to open Xiaobai's brain to see how it grows!" Old Wei said with some emotion, you know, the statistics of the number of silver equipment for professional characters this season, the average of each character is also There are only 5.23 pieces...Of course, this is just an average. Some small teams and even the whole team only have four or five pieces of silver equipment.

The silver equipment here does not include silver weapons, but specialized silver equipment.

However, now Bai Mo has completed a complete set of equipment specially made for undisciplined people.

"Since, when did it start?" Ye Xiu sighed and asked with a smile.

Bai Mo scratched his head: "Jun Moxiao didn't start until he left the realm of God."

"Thank you..."

"Don't be so disgusting!" Bai Mo felt a layer of goose bumps on his body, and said with some disgust.

"Hurry up, click on Moriarty's silver outfit!" Chen Guo urged.

"Uh... some things can only be made after the level cap is updated, so there's no need to read it?" Bai Mo scratched his head in embarrassment.

"take a look!"

"That's it!"

Old Wei and Zhang Jiale sang together and said that after reading Lord Grim's silver equipment ideas, they became even more curious about Moriarty's silver equipment.


Bai Mo shook his head helplessly, took over his computer, fiddled with it for a while, and clicked on the folder belonging to Moriarty.

Headgear, [Crown of Thorn Wisdom]

Tops, 【Fog City】

Armguard, [The Ripper]

Bottoms, 【Scotland Yard】

Leggings, [Watson]

Boots, [Baker Street Squad]

"Hey, this fog city... is very interesting?" Zhang Jiale let out a sigh: "It can be activated when the visibility is five meters or below, and it has the effect of stealth... This is almost equivalent to invisibility!"

"Combined with Lao Zhang's Hundred Blossoms style of play..." Ye Xiu touched his chin: "The current team can already be regarded as a dual-core team?"

"It's still very early... This is a kind of cover style of play, for life-saving." Bai Mo shook his head: "However, it's not impossible to change a new set of play based on this, and this one has to be done." Come to think about Brother Ye."

"Well, no problem." Ye Xiu nodded.

"Hey, Xiaobai, how does brother usually treat you?"

Looking at Old Wei's wretched smiling face, Xiaobai shivered, but remembering that a few days ago, Old Wei didn't say anything about sponsoring him a few hundred dollars, so he still didn't have the nerve to say it.

"Look, Lord Grim and Moriarty already have ideas for silver equipment, so should Windward Array and Dante's be..." Old Wei asked happily.

Others didn't have any opinion on this. In terms of strength, it was the most important for these four to have a full set of silver equipment, and the same was true in terms of contribution.

"Actually, Dante already has a rough idea."

Zhang Jiale's eyes lit up: "Can you tell me in advance what direction it is?"

"Uh... The way I said it was, the way to choose the name..." Bai Mo scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "I don't know which one do you like, the evil ghost on the other side or the Divine Comedy Brother Zhang?"


"Hahaha! What about mine, Xiaobai!" Old Wei mercilessly expressed his laughter.

"...The wind today is very noisy." Bai Mo turned his head, picked up a cup of tea, looked at the scenery outside, and said somewhat comfortably.

"What do you mean?" Old Wei was confused.

"Probably, you didn't even think of a name, did you?" Ye Xiu cheered up.

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