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Chapter 198 Two-Line Operation

Desert Dust and Passionate Fanxing shuttled among the ruins, chasing the figure ahead.


Teleportation, deception, stealth... All kinds of escape skills made the interception of Desert Dust and Passionate Brahma fail.

Has been pulling Desert Dust and Passionate Brahma to keep them away from that battlefield.

"Captain, be careful, look at his direction, there should be an ambush ahead." Zhang Xinjie glanced at the mini-map and reminded.

"Well, I understand." Han Wenqing nodded, but said nothing else.

Zhang Xinjie nodded, and understood what Han Wenqing meant. Leng Anlei on the other side had also changed from a hunter to a prey, and was suppressed by Fenrir and Stelter for a moment.

"Old Lin, retreat towards the direction of three o'clock, take advantage of the wind, and prepare to enter the field instead of Yan Fei." Zhang Xinjie quickly ordered: "Be sure to let Luota rush to the designated place within forty-five seconds."

"But..." Although Zheng Chengfeng didn't understand, he still acted subconsciously.

"The other side doesn't have an assault class, and it's enough to be restrained by Desert Dust, Passionate Sanskrit, and Leng Darklei. It's the best choice to replace it with a sufficient output." Zhang Xinjie said calmly.

"Understood." Without the slightest complaint, Zheng Chengfeng successfully replaced Bai Yanfei from the sixth man position.

Rota, enter the battlefield!

No... If I were Loki, where would I arrange Hela? Where is the opponent's sixth-man preparation seat refreshed?

Zhang Xinjie frowned, because he still couldn't figure out where Hela was...

"I found Hela!" Amorous Brahman rushed to report, Hela appeared behind them, raised his hand and struck with a cursed arrow, Desert Dust and Amorous Brahman rushed forward and dodged the two arrows.

Hela missed a single hit, and waved a chaotic rain, and Loki in front of him also stopped, and the two warlocks formed a double-team situation, waving the staff that symbolized pain at the same time.

"Wait... are you sure, why is there a Hela on my side?" Leng Anlei asked in a daze.

Two Hellas?

Zhang Xinjie was also taken aback: "Be careful, one of them should have a skill similar to that of a stand-in!"

"But there is no way to verify it!" Lin Jingyan smiled wryly, and finally saw Shi Buzhuan's figure: "Hurry up and give me a bite, or I'm afraid I'll die!"

Shi Buzhuan immediately used the big recovery technique on Lin Jingyan, increasing Lin Jingyan's dangerous blood volume by a bit, and then chanted the holy flame, which hung on Yemengard's body, and forcibly interrupted the playing tracks.

【Light of the Holy Commandment】!

Stelter and Fenrir were instantly enveloped in the light of the holy commandment, the damage of the cold dark thunder was greatly increased, and their own hand speed also increased, and the explosive output instantly suppressed Shi on the other side. Ertel and Fenrir fought one against two at a time without even losing the wind.

【Overlord's Fist】!

Hela brandished the Deadwind Reaper in her hand and chanted the rain of chaos covering the entire battlefield.


Obviously, Shi Buzhuan had already predicted that the hypnotism was ready to hang on Hela in an instant.

Enter Rota!

Thirty-seven seconds to reach the designated battlefield!

Bai Yanfei, known as the turret, immediately began to chant high-explosive fire spells, suppressing Hela and Yermungandr in the distance with his own power.

On the other side, the state of Damo Guyan and Damo Guyan is a bit dangerous. On the other side, Hela keeps moving, and two warlocks stand in front of and behind him, constantly using various buffs to apply various buffs to Damo Guyan and Damo Guyan. body.

"The damage is not right, Hela on our side should be a stand-in." Han Wen said coldly, "Separate, put an Acceleration Talisman, a Hard Body Talisman, and a Clear Heart Talisman, and you rush out of Hela's siege from there to support the other side." .”


"Leave it to me." Han Wen said calmly.

"Okay." Guo Mingyu did not hesitate, and directly slapped three auxiliary talisman papers on Da Mo Guyan's body, and he lifted the Cronus in his hand and rushed towards the rear.

It was still discovered... It's a pity that the other side has not established a good advantage, and Loki sighed with some regret.

The core of the original plan was to restrain at least two people with the double bodies of himself and Hela, and provide enough output time for the other side, but now it seems that Tyranny is still too underestimated...

Moreover, there are some differences between the rhythm on my side and the original plan. It was supposed to be Hela, my stand-in, who appeared first, and collected enough negative status. The one on the side is Hela's body, and when Hela appears on another battlefield, he will be caught off guard...

It's still too young, Loki can only sigh helplessly about this, the original plan has been changed a long time ago, the three of them forcibly killed Leng Anlei but failed according to the original plan, there is nothing wrong with this Thought-of.

Looking at his teammates, the support is timely and the style of play is sharp. There is no problem with one-to-three support. The sixth person supports quickly and quickly enters the battlefield.

Loki believed that if Fenrir and the others were to replace Ned Hogg, that boy Ned Hogg would not be able to appear on the battlefield before he died...

I'm so hard...

"Hella, pay attention, and try to put enough buffs on Da Desert Guyan before the double body dissipates, and then don't worry about this side, and concentrate on outputting the other side." Loki directed.

Hela immediately turned the target of the spell, although the damage was not as good as the main body, but the shorter spells were chanted one by one on Da Mo Guyan's body, ignoring the amorous Brahma that was rushing here.

Cronus swung it around, and the Hela on this side disappeared into thin air.

Hella's two-line battle is over, and she is fully committed to the other side's team battle led by Leng Anlei.

The pressure suddenly increased.

The arrow of chaos flew towards Shi Buzhuan, who had been providing support for Leng Anlei, the angel wings spread out, Shi Buzhuan spread his white wings behind him, flew into the sky, and dodged the arrow of chaos.

"Rota, help Leng Anlei relieve a wave of pressure and then suppress Yemengade and Hela with firepower. Amorous Brahma will join the battlefield immediately." Shi Buzhuan said coldly.

"Understood!" Bai Yanfei grinned, a line of ice poured out from the staff, and the Z-shaped cut opened the positions of Stel and Fenrir. Leng Anlei seized the opportunity, and a handful of sand captivated Fenrir's eyes. , the choke grabs Shirtel's throat, and slams him to the ground.

The maintenance time of the ice line has not been lifted, and it is still drawn in the direction of Hela and Fenrir. Hela turned sideways, and the skill that was chanted just now is [Magic Mirror]!

The ice thread dissipated the moment it touched the magic mirror, turned into pure ice particles, and floated into the sky, which was really beautiful.

However, enough is enough!

Bai Yanfei sneered, and next, let you see why Lao Tzu is called a turret!

Today's condition is really bad, I'm not feeling well, I'll make up for today's condition tomorrow, I'm sorry, Mina-san...

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