Full-time expert, all-around designer

Chapter 235 Steamed Bun's Brain Hole!

8:00 p.m. on Friday, Glory Arena, challenge room, No. 117

Although it was only a challenge match, it received no less attention than the regular match.

After all, Promise itself has a large fan base, plus people who are looking forward to seeing Xingxin get slapped in the face...

"Hahaha, look, this is the fate of disobeying me!" He An was naturally also in the arena room, and was proudly watching the news records of the audience channel, basically all of them were cheering for Team Everlasting. There was a voice that bad-mouthed Xingxin: "The number of our Wuji fans has increased again! Not bad!"

The Wuji team members around are hesitant to speak, it seems that the manager, ah, no, the team leader doesn't seem to understand the situation?

"Hmph, it's still our home game, Wu Chen, follow the original plan." He Anzhi said complacently.

Wu Chen is the current captain of Team Everlasting. He used to be the vice-captain of Team Everlasting. He fought for Team Everlasting for three years, and as the team was relegated, he became Team Everlasting after Yu Hongliang, the operator of the original captain's magic sword [Sedin Kun], left. The current captain, account number is Gunner, Xiao Gun.

Wu Chen nodded, and chose the individual competition map [Linjiang Water Corridor] according to the original plan.

The water area accounted for more than 50% of this map. The purpose of choosing this map was to bully Xingxin, who was not a former professional team, and didn't know much about water warfare.

This was also arranged by He An, which came from the superiority of his former professional team leader.

Wu Chen sighed, with such a team leader, it's really...

The opposite Xingxin's character also quickly entered the map, is Baozi invading?

Wu Chen frowned, but didn't say much, and was seriously preparing to start.

Baozi Invasion on the opposite side rushed over in an instant, while Wu Chen carefully observed the distance between the opponent and himself, and carefully calculated the attack range.

As a long-range profession, the gunner is a gunner, and it would be a disaster to be close by a hooligan of the melee combat system.

The gunner uses the heaviest hand cannon among all the gunners. Naturally, the melee spear technique is not as dexterous as other gunners' professions, but the advantage lies in its powerful attack power and attack range.

It's almost there, seeing that Baozi has almost reached his attack range, Xiaoqiang raised his hand cannon slightly, and bombarded him across the water...


Wu Chen was a little surprised, he discovered his attacking intention? Does the grassroots team actually have such a strong observation ability? Even if there is a professional player like Master Ye Qiu in charge of teaching, this kind of observation ability cannot be developed overnight!

Wu Chen didn't care so much anymore, he had no choice but to shoot, and raised his hand, and three anti-tank guns fired over.

Anti-tank guns, triangular battle formations to block the opponent's position.

In the meantime, Baozi Invasion quickly took out a brick, and then threw it towards the bottom anti-tank gun. The shell exploded instantly, and Baozi Invasion rolled over, lying on the ground. The other two shells After passing through the corridor, it hit the water surface, causing two waves to explode.

What is he doing?

Wu Chen was dazed again, and Baozi Invasion took another turn and ran to one of the corridors.

The corridor over there is closer to my side, do you want to swim over there? Not a bad idea.

Wu Chen nodded lightly, pointed the muzzle at the water, and ran towards the other side. Then, let me kill you in the water... huh?

Wu Chen's eyes widened immediately, because he saw an incredible scene, Bao Zi's intruding claws actually flew away from the body, dragging a long and thin chain behind, and the front part of the claws was entangled in the water near the river. On the pillars of the corridor, the whole person actually flew over like this!

The rich woman is hungry: 【Then, what is that? 】

Huakai Fugui entered the live broadcast room: [The one in his hand is a claw, right? Are there any claw weapons that actually have this effect? 】

Xiaoqi, who loves to correct mistakes: [What the hell is this orange weapon or purple weapon, this is clearly a silver weapon! 】

He An is the team leader, not the manager: [How is it possible, such a grassroots player as Xingxin, will have a second silver weapon! 】


The audience was stunned for a moment, and they started discussing in the channel.

"I'll go, Xiaobai, can the Claw of the Reticent be used like this?" Wei Chen asked in a daze.

"Fuck, I don't know either!" Bai Mo also looked blank.

"Baozi developed it himself, right?" Zhang Jiale smiled: "I thought he would be bound by Lao Ye's words, don't fall into the water, but I didn't expect this kid to develop this trick."

"Indeed." Even Ye Xiu didn't expect that this method of use was indeed unexpected. To come up with such a method of use, can you just say that it is worthy of being a steamed stuffed bun?

Ye Xiu smiled, and glanced at Bai Mo who was more nervous than himself on stage.

Speaking of which, Baozi is still his nephew...

Before the game, I gave Baozi a special warning, and after I finished speaking, I regretted it. With Baozi's stubbornness, he definitely wouldn't even go swimming, right?

I didn't expect to give myself such a big surprise now!

Naturally, Baozi couldn't see the amazement of the audience, and he didn't even know the exclamation of his teammates in the training room. Now he was excitedly shouting the slogan Baozi Invasion and the names of the moves, playing with extra passion.

However, he didn't seem to know that the room dedicated to the challenge also couldn't hear the other party's speech.

"Hey, I rolled over and then jumped again. How dare you aim at me? Look at my throwing bricks. It's actually throwing sand, didn't you expect that? Yo, quick reaction, want to dive? Come here!" Baozi Excitedly shouted, the Claw of the Silencer in his hand came out again, directly entangled Xiaoqiang who had just fallen into the water, and dragged him to his side.

"Rewarding you for hitting a brick! Dare to come and let us smash the field!" Baozi became more and more passionate as he fought, and after pulling it over, he slapped the opponent directly, punched the opponent with an uppercut, locked his throat for control, and then hit an indescribable position with his knee .

Instead of following the usual rogue combos, he uses the usual street fighting moves in reality. This is also a rogue style of play that he and Bai Mo have studied together, and it is called the [Reality Style] style of play.

All kinds of street tricks were used continuously, which made some viewers look very cordial, and immediately expressed their love for Steamed Bun Invasion.

The last blow, [Overlord's Consecutive Fist]!

Baozi Invasion kicked Xiao Qiang to the ground with one kick, and slammed Xiao Qiang hard with his old fist.


"Yeah! I won! I beat the professional player!" Baozi raised his hands and cheered, then quickly ran out of the small apartment and rushed into the training room, and swooped towards the gratified Bai Mo: " Master, have you seen, I won, professional player, the captain of the opponent! Master is invincible, the real rogue is the strongest! The Claw of the Silencer is invincible!"

"Baozi, strangled to death, come first, come down first..." Bai Mo said painfully.

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