Moriarty: [A cute little elk is going to pass a river, and there is a crocodile in the river that will eat the other no matter who crosses the river, but why did the little elk pass the river safely? 】

Troubling Rain: [Go to your uncle, go to your uncle, come out pkpkpk always hide, what kind of hero is a shady person? 】

Moriarty: [Don't you feel ashamed when you say this? Also, you probably don't know the answer, right? 】

Troubling Rain: 【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

"Huang Shaotian's mentality seems to be broken by Xiaobai!" Fang Rui said cheerfully, "It's rare to see such a scene."

"Pull it down, you're not good enough to break this guy's mentality." Old Wei said disdainfully.

"Huang Shaotian should be pretending, pretending to be very anxious, but there are no mood swings at all." Zhang Jiale touched his chin.

"No, who did you learn to touch your chin from?" Ye Xiu said helplessly, "Of course, but Xiaobai won't fail to understand this. Now both parties are in the trial period..."

Opportunists, will they really be fooled by trash talk and such tricks? The answer is no, this method is effective for Sun Xiang, Du Ming, even Liu Xiaobie or Lu Hanwen, but the effect for players like Huang Shaotian is definitely not as great as imagined.

Bai Mo is also aware of this point, posting those things is just a physical holy sword to pry Huang Shaotian's defense, he is also an opportunist, but it is not the same as Huang Shaotian's passive opportunism, Bai Mo is more inclined to create it by himself without a chance some opportunities.

"The two sides have entered a quiet period again, but the current situation on the field is a little disadvantageous for Young Master Huang." Pan Lin said with some regret.

"Oh? You actually analyzed the situation on the court?" Li Yibo was a little surprised: "I thought your focus would be on that issue."

"I'm still professional, okay, Brother Li." Pan Lin was a little speechless, "And that question is so simple, how could it be possible that I don't know the answer."

"Oh? Then tell me what the answer is?" Li Yibo was taken aback.

"It must be that the elk got lost by itself and made a big circle and went straight to the other side of the river!" Pan Lin said confidently.

[Fuck, I always thought that Pan Lin was a fool, but I didn't expect him to think of it before me this time? 】

[I don't think so? 】

[Could it be that the elk traveled around the world a full circle? 】

【As we all know, the earth is round...】

"Everyone pay attention to the game, pay attention to the game! Er...forget it." Fang Shijing sighed helplessly. Now that the situation is like this, does the focus on the game depend on how the two play peek-a-boo?

Hey, Bai Mo's riddle-guessing method is not for Huang Shaotian, but for the audience to ask questions in order to avoid the audience's impatience, and use this trick to confuse the referee and avoid getting a penalty, right? ?

As expected of Professor Moriarty, he is really thoughtful!

Fang Shijing nodded in admiration.

Um? Strange, why does it feel like something is falling on my back again?

Bai Mo felt his shoulders sink, as if something was being carried on his back.

Forget it, let's leave it alone, let Xiaorou rub it tonight, the most important thing now is to get rid of Huang Shaotian...

Moriarty: [How, did you guess it? Finally, I will give you three seconds! 】

Troubled Night Rain: [Bastard, bastard, give me a little more time! 】

oh? Are you really guessing seriously?

Do you think I really believe it? Bai Mo sighed helplessly, and began to keep calculating in his mind. The referee didn't call for a penalty, which meant that Troubling Rain was also making high-intensity moves, and he wasn't penalized as a passive game. His side was adjusting the best angle of attack...

Huang Shao, really can't relax in the slightest.

Moriarty: [The answer is, because the crocodile went to the sports meeting. 】


Troubling Rain: [Hehe. 】

"No, why didn't the elk participate in the sports meeting?" Pan Lin was confused.

"Because the elk got lost..." Li Yibo laughed dryly.

"It's cold."

"Indeed." Pan Lin nodded approvingly: "Eh? Bai Mo contestant released another puzzle? Why did the elk that crossed the river to the sports meet die after all?"

"Because the crocodile came back from the sports meeting." Li Yibo said helplessly.

"No, it shouldn't be. There are connections before and after. There should be something related to the sports meeting. Let me think about it." Pan Lin waved his hand seriously.

...I miss your uncle! What the hell is starting to fight on the court, you don't want next month's salary, right?

Li Yibo almost punched Pan Lin, this kid is really young!

"Moriarty's attack is about to begin!" Lu Hanwen said nervously.

Indeed, while frantically searching for Moriarty's traces, Troubling Rain stepped on the shadow trap set by Moriarty!

Moriarty's figure was quietly behind Troubling Rain.


"No, Moriarty's shadow trap...could it be..." Song Xiao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"It should be like that." Yu Wenzhou smiled wryly: "Moriarty's movements were obviously much slower before..."

"It's just such an operation..." Zheng Xuan scratched his head.

"Bai Mo really wants to win. The current him and the previous one who just joined the league and just wanted to play with talent have completely disappeared." Yu Wenzhou said with a smile: "It should have started when he got the title..."

Xingxin prepares for the battle.

"How did Xiaobai do it?" Chen Guo asked impatiently.

"It's very simple, skill scroll." Ye Xiu laughed.

"Skill scrolls, you mean skill scrolls that forge skills on weapons?" Chen Guo was stunned for a moment: "It's just... that simple?"

"It's that simple, even simpler than Xiao Bai's cold joke." Ye Xiu shrugged.

"Xiaobai really wants to win." Old Wei laughed aloud. Seeing Bai Mo in this round, he seemed to see himself in the previous round. He will do whatever he can to win, and he will go to hell with any consequences.

Now this stage can only shine for me.

Moriarty, who was hit by Sap, leaped back, and the cursed arrows around his body shot out suddenly, and the speed of the corrosion technique was much faster than the cursed arrows, and he had already hung up on Troubled Rain at the moment of take-off. body.

Mysterious, unrestrained, and noble, Moriarty is like a monarch in the dark, holding the sound of the rain in the night tightly in his hands.

That's right, Bai Mo wants to win, really wants to win.

Even abroad, he has heard of the names of domestic Glory professional league masters.

Ye Xiu's Fighting God One Autumn Leaf, Huang Shaotian's Sword Master Troubling Rain, Zhou Zekai's Spear King One Spear Cloud Piercer, Han Wenqing's King of Fighters Desert Dust, and Wang Jiexi's magician Wang Buliuxing.

At the very beginning, Bai Mo really regarded the professional league as a pastime and a game. Although he was actively preparing for the battle, it didn't exist to say how much he had to care about it.

But since the battle with Guo Mingyu ended, everything changed.

Be content with the status quo? Satisfied to sit and eat? Waiting for latecomers to surpass themselves?

Although Guo Mingyu didn't say anything when he was on the court, Bai Mo still sensed what he meant.

【Glory is not that simple. 】

From that time on, the White Mo Diamond Lab spent much less time, and devoted more time and energy to the growth in strength that had stagnated a long time ago.

And now, is a very good opportunity.

After returning to China a few years ago, apart from Ye Ge, the first master he came into contact with was Huang Shaotian.

At that time, Bai Mo was still careless, but the result was beyond his expectation.


On the surface it was a draw, but Bai Mo knew better than anyone else that he lost, even with Sherlock Holmes in hand, the result would still be the same.

At that time, one should be vigilant, the attitude at that time was a sign of disrespect for anyone, especially Huang Shaotian who was his opponent.

But fortunately, there is such an opportunity now.

Jumping back to the ground, Holmes hit the ground, and a string of howling ghosts scrambled towards the sound of the rain that had been dazed in place.

【Dead Entanglement】 and 【Haunted by Ghosts】!

Damn it, why are the readings so fast, and why are the dizziness so slow!

Huang Shaotian twitched his lips. If outsiders saw Huang Shaotian's game state in the competition booth, they might be surprised for a while.

Because in the eyes of ordinary people, Huang Shaotian seems to be able to leave the keyboard with both hands, but he seems so relaxed, quietly waiting for the end of the stun time, his vision has been fixed on Moriarty who is constantly attacking.

The dizziness time is coming to an end, the wave just now was performed at the same time, the current blood volume is about 60%, very healthy, but there are a lot of negative status attached to the body, this is a comparison hurt...

However, this also shows that the boy Bai Mo does not intend to use the six-star light prison to forcibly delay the rhythm. I think so, the singing speed of the six-star light prison is the slowest except for the gate of death and ghost entanglement. Release a six-star light It is better to take advantage of this period of time to output more cost-effectively.

But... in this situation, the skill that needs to be met after the vertigo is lifted is probably...

Vertigo lifted!

A purple ball of light emerged from Holmes, and Moriarty threw it towards Troubling Rain opposite him. Then the space seemed to be distorted, and several threads appeared at Troubling Rain.

Just as Huang Shaotian expected, the restraint technique, plus the cutting technique!

This may seem like a dead end, but it's also an opportunity!

A chance to break the game!

Huang Shaotian's eyes lit up, the mouse and keyboard started to move at the same time, and Cheng Ying in Troubling Night Rain's hand brought a starlight, slashed left, slashed forward right, and then rushed straight up!

"Huang Shaotian's reaction was extremely quick, and he made the most perfect response almost instantly. He avoided Moriarty's binding technique and even perfectly avoided the damage caused by the cutting technique, and Troubling Rain has now Moriarty is included in the attack range!" Pan Lin simply didn't care what Bai Mo's problem was, but explained it emotionally: "Then Huang Shaotian's next skill will be released soon. Now, what could it be... Oh, the skill has been released before I even guessed it, it's the sword that sets the world! The status skill of the swordsman!"

"If Moriarty is caught, he will be frozen." Li Yibo didn't react for a while, and now he could only explain what everyone knew, looking very dumbfounded.

"No, but the status is still attached." Yu Wenzhou shook his head, he had obviously discovered that Bai Mo had already used the shadow clone, and what remained in place was just an afterimage.

"As long as you can post your status, you'll make money." Lu Hanwen looked very excited. Seeing that Young Master Huang had been suppressed and beaten for so long, and now he finally had a chance to fight back, he was naturally very cheered up.

Naturally, Huang Shaotian didn't have much expectations for the stiffness of the sword to fix the world, and he had expected Bai Mo's dodge for a long time.

Troubling Night Rain kicked his right foot, and the whole person rushed over like a streamer, and arrived at Moriarty's side almost in the blink of an eye. was smashed down.

Flowing Light Style and Falling Flower Style, the combination of two seventy-five-level sword skills, has no flaws at all under the addition of Jianding Tianxia, ​​everything is so smooth!

Moriarty formed the seal with one hand. Fortunately, the ninja sword was not sheathed after releasing the shadow avatar before. Now, the seal of the substitute technique is half a second faster, and it is precisely this half-second that the substitute technique can be accurately released.

Troubling Rain: [Damn, what kind of shit luck are you doing? Is it because I moved so fast that you had no time to react? It seems that this time it's because of you? Dumbness saved your life! 】


"Hahaha... Sure enough, it's Young Master Huang's style. I thought I was sick because I didn't speak before..." Li Yibo laughed.

"Indeed, during the high-speed typing process, I still haven't lost my attack, beautiful!" Pan Lin nodded.

Huang Shaotian's trash talk is related to his strength, he can always use all his time to type and then send it out, which also makes it impossible for opponents to catch flaws.

There is one in the entire alliance, and even Ye Xiu can't do it.


Bai Mo's expression became serious, and he dealt with it carefully.

Troubling Rain: [What's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong, look at the sword, look at the sword! 】

Troubling Rain: [Silver Light Falling Blade Blade Storm picks up and down, chop, chop, chop, chop! 】

Troubling Rain: [Aren't you pretty good at talking just now? Hurry up and continue talking about the result! Tell me and let me hear the answer! 】

Tsk, Moriarty took out a smoke jade from his sleeve and threw it on the ground. The purple smoke appeared at the moment when Moriarty wanted to step back into the smoke jade.

Troubling Night Rain sheathed his sword...

Attack, attack, attack, life is endless, attack is endless!

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