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Chapter 569: Revealing the Truth

Moriarty: […]

Moriarty: [[image]]

What's the meaning?

Loki, who was inviting the battle, froze for a moment, and clicked on the picture. It was written in Chinese in Huaxia. Loki couldn't understand it, so he turned his head and looked at Andvari: "This is... ..."

Andvari came over and took a look: "This is the list of members of the Chinese national team."

"What does Hela mean by sending this here?" Loki looked blank.

"I mean, look at the last column, what's written on it? Bai Mo, logistics staff, logistics, logistics? Do you understand?" Bai Mo sighed: "You are a positive candidate, and you want to show some face when you hit a logistics staff?"

"...Isn't this guy's name on the main list of the Huaxia National Team?" Rocky asked blankly.

Andvari shook his head honestly: "As he said, he is indeed in the logistics column, and his position is quite high, the logistics supervisor."

This is so...

"Aren't you afraid, bastard, hurry up and challenge me!" Loki slammed the table angrily.

"How did the enmity between Loki and Hella come about?" Merlin pulled Andvari.

Andvari spread his hands: "That is to say, he was killed by Bai twice in the online game, and then he led people to block the resurrection point. After that, he released Rocky's pigeons in the Warlocks of the Hall of Fame. This broods."

"Release the pigeons? Why?" Shelley also approached curiously. Isaac and Wilde on the other side seemed to be discussing tactics, but their footsteps also quietly moved to this side.

There is still time for tactical analysis, and this gossip may only be heard once!

"Well, there just happened to be an exam that day." Andvari said innocently: "Bai said he wanted to get a scholarship, and then he gave Loki to the pigeon. After that, you all know that the warlock players are called the uncrowned king of Hella, It makes Rocky's position as the first person a bit awkward."

"Like a child." Bai Mo took off the earphones speechlessly, not wanting to listen to Loki's chatter: "Who will come next, Shaotian? Team Wang? Sister Yunxiu? Sister Mucheng? Little things classmate ? Or Brother Fang, it would be quite appropriate for you to come..."

"It's up to you." Yu Wenzhou smiled and patted Bai Mo's shoulder: "I really feel wronged by having you as a logistics supporter. When it comes to the official World Invitational, such opportunities will be rare..."

"Come on, just give the opponent a little pressure, let them show more things." Fang Rui said.

"From a rational point of view, it is definitely profitable for you to exchange the role configuration of an absolute main tactician for the opponent who has not played many times in the World Invitational." Zhang Xinjie pushed his glasses.

"Well, not only do I want to make equipment for you, but I also want to be a tool for you." Bai Mo stretched out a middle finger, but the smile on his face did not disappear.


In fact, I am also a little greedy for the title of the first warlock.

Moriarty: [Since you want to seek abuse, then I will not be polite. 】

[Moriarty has joined the room].

Overjoyed, Luo Ji locked the room instantly without giving Bai Mo any chance to repent. The random map starts to pick...

Taking advantage of this time, Bai Mo also had time to carefully observe the changes in Loki on the opposite side. There is no change in the equipment, it is still the exaggerated red color, and the silver weapon... the staff seems to be shorter?

The name is still the original [Levatin], but it's a little more slender, more like... a dagger?

【Death Jungle】!

The map is selected, and the progress bar starts to load.

"Hey, Ye Xiu, who do you think will win, Loki or Xiaobai?" Huang Shaotian asked curiously.

"I think Warlock will win." Ye Xiu rolled his eyes angrily. The last time he saw Loki was a year ago, and he hasn't paid attention to the news of his former opponent in this year. How could it be possible? know the outcome of the game.

"The god damn warlock will win. I think Xiaobai can definitely beat Loki. Xiaobai has too many eyes, and it is a jungle map. There are too many places to use. Even if I am in In this scene, I dare not say that I can beat Xiaobai, that Loki still looks a little worse..."

"Shaotian." Yu Wenzhou sighed helplessly. There was no other way. The other members of the national team looked at him with extremely speechless expressions. Although he didn't speak, Yu Wenzhou clearly understood what they meant.

Huang Shaotian shuddered, closed his mouth resentfully, turned his seat around and returned to the computer again, but after a while, he came to Fang Rui beside him: "Do you want to bet on who will win?"

"Okay, I'll bet on Xiaobai." Fang Rui said decisively.

"...It's boring, watch the game seriously." Huang Shaotian turned his head.

"Andevari, based on what you know about these two people, who do you think is the ultimate winner?" Wilde asked with a smile.

The game on the field has already started, but the others are chatting in a leisurely manner. These two people can have a total of one hundred hearts and minds. It is estimated that there will be no fights in a while.

"I don't know, Bai's progress in the China Professional League is too fast, and he has almost completely abandoned the style of play he played in Hella's time, and Rocky's progress is also not small..." Andvari sighed helplessly tone.

This game is also a bit confusing for the Tacticians of the Rotten Kingdom. After all, Moriarty is really just a logistics supervisor. When the people below collect information, almost no one includes him in it. Information on Moriarty is next to zero.

"According to what you said, Hella's strength is very strong, not weaker than Loki's, which is interesting..." Merlin touched his chin with a smile: "Although he is a support staff, he still has the opportunity to replace the main player. , and at this time, the national teams of other countries are not at all wary of Moriarty..."

"You mean, this is what Moriarty wanted?" Arthur turned his head blankly and asked.

"It should be like this, a character completely hidden in the mist, a sharp sword hanging over everyone's heads..." Merlin said with a smile.

This guy Bai has become even more despicable since he went back!

Andvari couldn't help shivering, it was terrible...

"Aqiu!" Bai Mo sneezed.

Mucheng poked Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu nodded helplessly, raised his hand and used the remote control to slightly increase the indoor temperature.

Really, I don't really have a cold, do I? Bai Mo muttered for a while, thinking about scolding and catching a cold, it must be that boy Loki who is still scolding himself, so he needs to show some color, but he still needs to find that guy first...

The Eye of Kilgroh quickly shuttled through the dark jungle. Logically speaking, the bright red body should be easy to find in the jungle map. What about people?

The Eye of Kilgroh spun around in place, and finally found a red figure at the original rear position.

Found it, but...

"Why didn't Bai Mo go up?" Sun Xiang frowned: "From the current angle, the opponent should be crouching backwards. Adjust the position of Kilgroh's Eye to replace it. After landing, you can directly hit the opponent. Yes..."

Tang Hao turned his head and glanced at him: "It's not for nothing that Bai Mo likes you as his opponent."

"What do you mean?" Sun Xiang asked blankly.

"It's nothing." Tang Hao shook his head and continued to look at the computer screen.

Chu Yunxiu asked with a smile: "Yang Xixi, do you know why people who talk less seem smarter?"

"Huh?" Sun Xiang continued to be at a loss.

"Because they hide their stupid thoughts from others." Xiao Shiqin explained with a smile.

"Hey, hey, what do you two mean by targeting or not? Now that we are teammates, is it appropriate for you?" Huang Shaotian felt offended instantly.

"Wait a minute, so what on earth do you mean!" Sun Xiang was a little anxious, why did he feel that everyone else understood that only he didn't understand? This feeling is really annoying enough.

"The other party is Rocky. It should have been mentioned in the information copied yesterday that he is competing against a domestic title-level professional player in the Rotten Country Professional League. A teammate for a while?" Wang Jiexi asked suspiciously.

Sun Xiang scratched his head: "Yeah, but this little foreigner is nice to talk, and he even praised me as Lu Bu..."

Wang Jiexi was speechless. They should mean that you are a family slave with three surnames, not to praise you for being unparalleled in bravery.

"It seems that Loki also likes you very much." Yu Wenzhou said with a smile: "As a master tactician, do you think that the opponent might adjust his position to the current state? Obviously...it's a trap."

A trap... Bai Mo frowned, it should be a double body? Or just a mere phantom? So that means that the location of the Rocky body should not be very far from here? But the location just now did not detect the position of the second figure at all.

Now, I can only be a little more active.

Kilgroh's Eye adjusted its position, Moriarty triggered the displacement, and landed on the tree like a cat, without making the slightest sound.

【Shen Mianlong Emblem Ring】.

It's time to attack...

Everyone watched the scene in front of them in silence, the training room was so quiet that it seemed as if one could hear the beating of a person's heart.

Moriarty drew out the ninja knife from Holmes, and like a swift cheetah, he rushed directly to the hidden location of Loki.

Well done!

Loki's eyes lit up, and a mischievous smile appeared on his face. After all, it was a trick!

Not far from the red Loki, a green jungle twisted, and Loki, who was wearing a green robe, appeared, and with a wave of Levatin in his hand, a soul strike directly rushed to the front of the air To Moriarty who can't change direction!

Double chant!

Loki quickly pressed down the Levatin in his hand, and an arrow burning with black flames followed closely behind the purple light group of the soul-knocking technique!

In... hmm?

Moriarty's figure in the air dissipated like a bubble under the soul blow, and the flaming arrows were also nailed to the side tree, and the black flames began to spread.

Shadow clone!

Loki quickly made his own judgment, and it was too late to look for Moriarty again. His only thought now was to quickly switch positions, and then make plans.

It's late, you want to run away after offending the abbot?

Moriarty, who was standing sideways on the big tree, aimed Holmes in his hand at his target.

[Spiritual Attack], [Corrosion], [Voodoo], [Pain]...

One after another of the Warlock's signature skills rushed to Loki, who was hit by Moriarty's soul blow.

Moriarty: [What do you say? Don't you use your brain in single player mode now? Or...you think your opponents are all idiots, and now, you also regard me as a idiot? 】

Bai Mo spoke English, so Zhou Zekai could understand it naturally. The corners of his mouth twitched twice as he rarely spoke.

Damn, this thing, even killing and beating, is still sowing discord, so shameless! Rocky's face turned dark all of a sudden, he didn't dare to look at the face of his fellow national team partner now.

Moriarty: [Very interesting silver equipment, if I'm right, the skill should be a chameleon-like mimicry, right? After the doppelganger is triggered, it will automatically leave the original red color, and change the color according to the scene...]

So, the original exaggerated red color was just to induce.

It's so dirty!

Bai Mo shook his head, and Moriarty's jade hand threw a misty rain onto the tree trunk, and Moriarty's figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

Similar to Fog City mode, although detection skills cannot be completely avoided, players can also find the location by careful observation, but what is better than Fog City mode is that they can still maintain a mimic state when releasing skills...

Lurk down and see if there is anything more interesting, that kid Andvari's skills have also improved...

"Is this the military master of Huaxia?" Wilde asked with a smile: "I can figure out the skill effect of [Camouflage] just by touching it. This insight and understanding of you are really scary."

Andvari nodded proudly: "That's natural, that's Bai, my best brother."

"Loki is feeling even more uncomfortable now. He should choose to molt his skin a second time and change his current color to move and transpose to wait for the opportunity to fight back. Is it necessary to continue?" Gahalad frowned: "The opponent is Huaxia My soldier master, if this continues, the equipment on Loki should not be a secret to him, right?"

"No, no, Gahalad, you still don't understand Loki. The most terrifying thing about that guy is deception. Even if the opponent knows the effects of all the skills, so what?" Merlin smiled. He asked, "The so-called scariest lie is all made up of truth..."

And now, isn't Rocky just showing his truest side to his opponent?

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the tacticians of the Rotten Kingdom, even those who were as strong as Odin and Arthur couldn't help but shudder.

What the hell, this group of tactics players are really dirty, I'm afraid they are all black!

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