Full-time expert, all-around designer

Chapter 598 [Giant Beast] and the Forgers

【Look at the hippopotamus. I made you and I made it. It eats grass like an ox. Its strength is in its waist, and its power is in the tendons of its belly. Its tail was straight as cedar, its muscles as hard as stone, and its bones as hard as copper and iron. 】

Book of Job

"The two monsters will be separated on that day. The female is called Leviathan, and it lives in the abyss of the fountain; the male is called Behemoth, and it occupies the entire Dandan Desert." Bai Mo Turning off the computer, he said leisurely.

"Xiaobai, what are you talking about?" Huang Shaotian asked curiously.

"Enoch's book of prophecy." Bai Mo smiled and said, "In the sixth chapter of the "Book of Israel", an external book of the Old Testament, it is recorded that God created the mountains and the sea on the fifth day of the creation of the heaven and the earth. Six days created Behemoth and Leviathan out of clay, and when the end of the world comes, Behemoth, Leviathan, and Roost will together be the food of the Holy One."

And Behemoth's top equipment is called [Sixth Day], which is enough to prove that his guess may be correct.

The black exercise uniform on Bechymos' lower body turned khaki, and the original silver outfit on his upper body disappeared, replaced by only a black sleeveless top.

"Ah? Bechymos... took off his equipment? Why? Could it be that he gave up?" Pan Lin asked in surprise.

This suddenly made Li Yibo feel murderous again, if you ask me who I'm asking, you can't ask me what I know! If it weren't for the fact that you can't buy traditional spiritual bone pagodas abroad, today's height is too low for you to live in!

"It's about to begin," said Beth, smiling.

The team leader took a look and found that except for the captain Hades who couldn't see any expressions, the other team members were all smiling and looking at the stage. As the director of the Australian Sports Association, he was too embarrassed to ask, he could only pretend nod.

The other Australian team members curled their lips when they saw his uniform, layman... how annoying!

The speed has increased! At least double the improvement!

Sun Xiang's pupils shrunk unconsciously, and Bechymos, who could barely dodge the evil attack, is now in a state of complete ease.

Is that the top? !

Silver outfit [Sixth Day], passive skill, when wearing it, own attack speed is reduced by 20%, movement speed is reduced by 40%, body weight is increased by 1/2, strength is increased by 20%, double defense Thirty percent increase.

After three minutes, you can take the initiative to remove the current equipment, the attack speed will be increased to 30% of the base speed, the movement speed will be increased to 40% of the base movement speed, and the attack power will be increased to 20% of the original. The strength remains unchanged, and the dual defenses are reduced by 30% of the original basic dual defenses.

On the sixth day, the real Behemoth was born to rule the land.

Just as Bechymos had thought before, the real competition officially began.

The number one player in Australia's Glory profession, [Big Beast], officially roared at his opponent.

Slide sideways, squat, sprint and slide, punch, punch!

Fluent and freehand, he dodged One Autumn Leaf's Xie's sweep, and he punched him close to his body.

One Autumn Leaf, who hadn't adapted to Bechymos' speed up for a while, was sent flying by this punch.

It's not over yet.

After the restraint was lifted on the sixth day, Bechymos's speed could only be described as terrifying. He used Eagle Steps to catch up with his opponent almost in the blink of an eye, and then all four legs accurately hit One Autumn Leaf's body in the sky. superior.


Jack pendant!

Just like that, Bechymos crouched halfway in the sky, his body turned into a glittering golden appearance, stepping on One Autumn Leaf's body and falling towards the bottom.


Smoke and dust were everywhere, and One Autumn Leaf's body could only be vaguely arched, and there was also a golden body.

"Equipment, can it be built like this?" Fang Rui couldn't help looking at Bai Mo beside him.

"That can't just be a huge improvement in our equipment." Bai Mo shrugged: "However, I didn't expect such an extreme increase. The reason for sacrificing movement speed and attack speed in the early stage is to increase our own load. A violent attack three minutes later... the aesthetics of violence."

Even Bai Mo couldn't help admiring, sure enough, there are definitely a lot of capable people in this world.

There are definitely not a few Yinwu designers who have the same idea as him. Andvari has already taken out the paper and pen he carries with him like a madman and keeps writing and drawing, recording the fleeting inspiration.

Guan Rongfei, who was far away in China, directly squeezed away the two beauties sitting in the front row, and stared at the figure of Bechymos at the place closest to the big screen.

The leader of the army nodded to the weak-looking man at the end of the Australian preparation table. He seemed to have noticed the gaze of the leader of the army and smiled back.

[Hephaestus], the god of forging in Greek mythology, Australia's chief silver weapon maker, [The Sixth Day], and [Desperate Monarch], Artemis' [Golden Bow·Cyclops] and other silver weapons costume maker.

Einstein from the United States was thoughtful, Vulcan from Germany narrowed his eyes, and Marbus from Italy kept tapping on his armrest.

The third eye is one god, Khnum...

Silver weapon makers from all over the world who are named after the legendary God of Forging express their high respect to the silver weapon makers who came up with such fantastic ideas.

"I can't wait..." Bai Mo couldn't help laughing, looking forward to the competition that was gradually heating up on the stage.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiu asked with a smile.

"I look forward to [Pandora's Box], [Constantine], [Fallen Angel], [Seven Star Dragon]...and other things appearing." Bai Mo said with a smile: "Of course, if the Thousand Chance Umbrella also It’s good to let the other party see and see.”

"It seems that in this regard, our military master's desire to win will be inexplicably high." Xiao Shiqin smiled.

"Yes." Bai Mo nodded: "Only in this aspect, I don't want to, and it is absolutely impossible to admit defeat to them."

At first, it felt unnecessary, but... those few things still need to be improved.

Bai Mo smiled.

"It looks like Xiaobai can give us a surprise." Huang Shaotian whispered to Yu Wenzhou.

"Isn't that good?" Yu Wenzhou asked back with a smile.

"Of course not... Hey, it seems that Sun Xiang's condition is not very good, he should use some of Quexie's little things." Huang Shaotian said cheerfully.

I can't go on like this anymore, if I really lose, I will definitely be laughed to death by those two guys, Bai Mo and Ye Xiu, and even those two bastards, Huang Shaotian and Tang Hao, will not let go of this opportunity to laugh at me.

Sun Xiang gritted his teeth and thought.

Okay, the movement speed increases, right? The attack speed increases, right?

Then I will rely on the speed of hand-holding to convince you!

The rhythm of Sun Xiang's dancing hands suddenly increased again, and he felt that his state was unprecedentedly high now!

The inscription on Quexie's spear shone slightly, and the magic metal within it began to move, but Quexie shrank extremely quickly, turning into a short spear to support Bechymos' fist.

Despair and remorse collide, sparks flicker.

"The weight has dropped back, but the attack speed has taken advantage." Yu Wenzhou pushed his glasses.

Que Xie did increase his attack speed after being shortened, but facing Bechymos, who was freed from the sixth day's restraint, he was obviously faster than him.

Behemoth, whose speed and attack speed had the advantage, suddenly became more ferocious in his attacks, and he was always able to dodge Que Xie's deadliest attacks.

After the forced exchange of blood, Bechymos already had one-tenth more HP than One Autumn Leaf. What's more frightening is that this advantage is still being continuously increased.

No, it can't go on like this.

Sun Xiang squinted his eyes, he had already noticed something was wrong, and now he must stop the loss as soon as possible...

The Falling Flower Palm blasted out, and was dodged by Bechymos again. When Bechymos punched again, One Autumn Leaf suddenly rolled to the side.

"Before, I wouldn't believe that Sun Xiang would use this method to avoid the opponent's attack." Lu Boyuan smiled.

"Everyone is making progress." Jiang Botao nodded with a smile on his face.

In any case, Sun Xiang was a member of Samsara, and seeing his teammates making such progress, he was naturally happy as a teammate.

"I can't be left behind, and now the gap between Xiao Zhou and Xiao Sun has widened again." Fang Minghua, the eldest brother of Samsara, smiled and touched the heads of the two: "The name of the two-person team cannot continue to be passed down..."


"That Huaxia kid has made rapid progress." Odin folded his hands and watched the game offstage.

He still had a deep impression of Sun Xiang, a young man with a fierce style of play and a lot of vigor, but... a little stunned.

"Less than two months have passed, right? They have grown to this point. The young people nowadays are really more terrifying than the other." Loki smiled lightly and shook his head: "How do you feel about the kid on the other side? Sample?"

"Behemoth..." Odin squinted his eyes, and glanced at Andvari who was analyzing the effect of the sixth day: "Three hours ago, the opponent's blood volume could be reduced to 50% If you do, you will definitely win, if you keep more than 50% of your blood... 30 to 70, if you have 80%... you will lose."

"In other words, Sun Xiang is doomed..." Loki shook his head.

He jumped back and rolled, but the spear in his hand was thrown evilly, turning into a stream of light and killing Bechymos who was crouching half-body.

Roll on the spot!

Bechymos moved out sideways, but the expected Wrathful Dragon Piercing Heart didn't hit completely. The streamer flashed halfway, and returned to One Autumn Leaf's hand again.

Forced to cancel halfway, Fulong soaring to the sky to accumulate power...

The roaring black dragon rushed out of Quexie's restraint, and blasted straight at Bechymos opposite.

Leaping up... Fulong Xiangtian was easily dodged by Bechymos's bounce.

It's not over yet!

Sun Xiang's eyes lit up.

Although both Ye Xiu and Bai Mo said that raising the dragon's head is just an impractical trick to show off, but... the timing is just right!

The giant dragon rushing towards the sky adjusted its angle as if it was alive, turned around and bit Sun Xiang's back.

[Dragon turns back]!

"Long Huihui, it's Sun Xiang's Long Huihui!" Pan Lin shouted excitedly.

Li Yibo also tightly clenched his fists, nervously watching the battle on the screen.

The entire Huaxia audience began to cheer, shouting the name of One Autumn Leaf.

"It's a bit short..." Yu Wenzhou sighed.

"Yeah, it's only a little short." Bai Mo shook his head.

In the eyes of the Huaxia national team players, it could be clearly seen that the head of the angry dragon just brushed against Bechymos' ankle, and even the original incidental damage was not dealt.

Long turned his head, and today he didn't hit.

The outcome is decided...

Bechymos fell to the ground and rolled, with an afterimage behind him, and in the blink of an eye, he came to One Autumn Leaf.

【Cloud body】!

The right fist was condensed, and the Bahuang Fist suddenly blasted out!

Even in the process of accumulating power, Kexie still hadn't returned to One Autumn Leaf's hands, and the Bahuang Fist had already been blasted out.


He kept up close to him again, and in the process of advancing, he punched out a fist at the speed of lightning, and the shadow of the fist all over the sky covered One Autumn Leaf's body.

After landing, Fuhu Tengxiang followed...


Winner, Team Australia, Behemoth.

Sun Xiang sat in the competition booth and rubbed his face vigorously. The dragon turned his head, why didn't he hit...

It must be because the attack rhythm was too fast before, which caused too much fatigue.

Sun Xiang didn't think about what would happen if he really hit it, he just wanted to take a good look at his previous game performance and listen to the opinions of the four major tacticians... Well, Bai Mo's, I also want to listen Did you hear it?

After going out, Bechymos didn't wait for him to shake hands, Sun Xiang could only see the back of the other party.

Sun Xiang returned to the preparation bench, still with that thoughtful expression.

"Fuck, this kid Sun Xiang is thinking... he must have been hit too hard, are you stupid?" Fang Rui quietly tugged on Zhang Jiale's sleeve, and whispered to him in a voice that could be heard by all Huaxia team members. Looking at Zhang Jiale, he said, "Or is it that this guy was dropped?"

Zhang Jiale slapped Fang Rui's hand away angrily, "Stop saying a few words, save your energy and talk about it later in the team competition."

Sun Xiang glanced at Fang Rui, didn't say anything, turned his head to look at Ye Xiu: "That dragon turns back, isn't it the right time to use it?"

"That's right, but Bechymos has obviously studied you. The direction of your position can cause you to misjudge the opponent's position. This time you hit the dragon and turn around. The most accurate way of attacking is the action you just made." Ye Xiu smiled: "If you change your position and direction, you might be able to hit the dragon when you turn back."

"But the opponent is very confident. If you use the heavy pendant directly from that position, you can also quickly avoid your dragon's back." Bai Mo brought up the video of the game just now. It was a video with Bechymos as the first perspective. The heavy pendant The cooldown has been improved: "So, it is indeed the best time to use Longhuihui, but there are also many other options at this time..."

Sun Xiang listened carefully to Bai Mo and Ye Xiu's explanation.

"This... I also have some doubts if this is Sun Xiang." Guo Mingyu muttered in a low voice.

"People will grow up." Xiao Shiqin smiled.

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