Full-time expert, all-around designer

Chapter 631 Almost Meaning

Pavilion along the river? Instead, he drew a good map for his opponent.

Wang Jiexi in the competition booth seriously thought about the tactical system needed for this round.

He has never been the kind of person who looks for problems in the external environment. When encountering problems, Wang Jiexi's first choice is to think about his own problems. Just like other members of Team Tiny Herb who couldn't keep up with their rhythm, Wang Jiexi chose to use a season to adjust himself so that Wang Buliuxing could better fit Tiny Herb, instead of blaming his teammates for their incompetence.

Wang Jiexi is such a serious person, he takes everything extremely seriously.

The halo that restricted him disappeared, and the match officially started. Wang Buliuxing directly turned over and mounted the Firebolt. He left his original position in an instant, and rushed towards the opponent's position from above the river.

"It seems that Wang Jiexi's choice is the same as what Xiaobai said." Yu Wenzhou smiled.

"Currently this is the best choice." Xiao Shiqin nodded, "Considering the casting range of the flame bomb and Jack's bomb...if it's too close, I'm afraid it will be pulled by the opponent."

"Do you think Wang Jiexi might make a mistake in moving?" Ye Xiu asked with a smile.

Xiao Shiqin froze for a moment, then nodded with a wry smile: "Indeed..."

Wang Buliuxing shot across the river like a shooting star, and the originally calm water below was pierced by two waves of water waves by the fast-flying broom.


Wang Jiexi thought silently, shaking the mouse lightly, the original flying angle changed instantly, and the aroused water wave completely covered up the original standing position of Pinocchio.

He saw Pinocchio's state, it was a bit blackened by Tang San hitting a petrol bottle in the last round, and the claw marks left by Jack the Ripper still remained on his body, it looked broken, but it added a bit of ferocity.

However, so what, this is not scary.

"Surprise attack in this way?" Assassin's eyes widened in disbelief.

"The opponent's broom is also very powerful. According to the previous competition, it has specialized flight speed, flight time and altitude... But what is even more powerful is the opponent's operation. Turning at that speed can still be so close. fit the terrain." Little Red Riding Hood fixed her eyes on the trajectory of Wang Buliuxing on the stage. As a professional player with the same profession as Wang Buliuxing, she knew how difficult it was to operate like this. At least, the current one is far away. Can't reach the level of Wang Buliuxing.

Little Red Riding Hood angrily crushed the lollipop that was not much left. This is a demonstration, definitely a demonstration! I'm still young, but one day I can do this too!


Pinocchio quickly turned his field of vision around. The surrounding water curtain had not yet fallen, and his original field of vision was completely blocked. He had no way of judging Wang Buliuxing's position at all, so he was naturally unable to make corresponding defenses and counterattacks.

At the moment when Pinocchio was waiting for Wang Buliuxing to charge forward, another change occurred around him. The water curtain on the left and behind instantly turned into ice cubes, shining with crystal clear light.

Pinocchio reacted quickly, twisting his body, stuck in the left rear corner, waiting for Wang Buliuxing to break in.

However, as a qualified [Magician], how could it be seen through by the [Audience]?

The blind spot at the back quickly melted from the middle, and Wang Buliuxing, who was wearing a mage robe and a pointed mage hat, broke in instantly!

Landing on the ground, the lava protective furnace was instantly released!

Endless lava gushes out from the magical creations of the magician in an instant!

"That moment when the sorcerer just now..." Beth stared at the scene on the stage in disbelief.

Just at that moment, the surrounding water curtains were stirred up, and then ice powder was thrown in the air, followed by a broom dance in the air, and the ice powder quickly frozen the water curtains on the left and rear.

Everyone thought that Wang Buliuxing was blocking the opponent's escape route, and that the confrontation would force Pinocchio to death, but they didn't expect him to do the opposite. Without the slightest hesitation, he turned over and jumped into the hollow that entered, and placed the lava protective furnace on the ground.

Everything is so flowing and full of beauty, a lava furnace instantly evaporated 30% of Pinocchio's blood volume, and the damage caused by the burning is still happening continuously.

"Nice job." Even Bechymos, who looked expressionless with his arms folded over his chest, couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

This king does not stay away, which is worthy of praise.

So, is that the plan...

Pinocchio frowned. This kind of development in front of him was extremely unfavorable to him. The damage of the lava protection furnace had not been fully charged, and the moment after it was fully charged, another lava flask would pave the way. If this continues If not, I'm afraid it won't be long before my life value will enter the red line.

Pinocchio didn't hesitate at all, and didn't try to dodge the lava blocks constantly spewing out from the lava furnace, but chose to bear the damage of the lava directly, turned around, and shattered his back with a punch. The ice wall jumped directly into the water, trying to relieve the burn damage on his body.

And all of this is also within the calculation of the magician...

The moment Pinocchio just jumped out of the pavilion, Wang Buliuxing snapped his fingers, the lava protective furnace was forcibly canceled, and an ice-blue magic circle appeared in front of him.

Outside the pavilion, above Pinocchio's head, a blue cloud condensed, and cold water droplets began to drip continuously.

The icy rain of the sorcerer!

Pinocchio's surroundings began to condense rapidly, and because of the icy rain, he was unable to use any power-up moves.

After finishing all this, Wang Buliuxing snapped his fingers again, and an ice-blue strange vehicle with a huge drill appeared in an instant.

[Frost Drilling Vehicle]!

Wang Buliuxing jumped up, and the huge frost drilling truck completely smashed the ice wall in front of him. Four wheels made of ice crushed the river surface, and the place it passed quickly condensed into a thick ice wall. The ice surface strengthened the control over Pinocchio. At the moment when the Frost Drilling Car finished, Wang Buliuxing ruthlessly slammed into Pinocchio.

Turning over, Wang Buliuxing rode the Firebolt again at the moment when the blast of the Frost Drilling Vehicle exploded and sent the magician flying. This time, there was no obstacle above to help Pinocchio cover it.

The powders of various colors, like stars, floated down through the waving of the Firebolt, and even produced a dreamy beauty on the entire ice surface, but this beauty was obviously extremely fatal, and Pinocchio's life began to decline continuously.

And in the end, Wang Buliuxing once again took out a triangular flask containing lava from the large mage robe.

Lava Flask...

As the flask hit the ice and spread rapidly, Pinocchio's HP also instantly fell to the bottom.


Wang Buliuxing has 100% HP remaining and 46% mana remaining.

Full blood victory.

Wang Jiexi calmly took his hands away from the keyboard, the player closest to the title? It seems... It's almost meaningless.

"It's... over?" Pan Lin scratched his head in a daze, and subconsciously glanced at the time, only to find that it had just passed one minute and forty-seven seconds.

Originally, he thought that he might lose this round, but he never thought that Wang Jiexi gave himself such a big surprise.

The microphone seems to be useless!

"Bull... so ruthless! As expected of the king team! The king team is mighty!" Pan Lin immediately changed his words, laughing extremely: "I just said what, the king team is absolutely impossible to lose! Magician, this It’s the magician! With a slap, the blood bar on the opposite side disappeared! This should be the fastest single-player event in the World Invitational Tournament!”

"Hiss... I suddenly want Wang Jiexi to lose, nothing else is important, I just want to see this guy eat the microphone." Huang Shaotian curled his lips: "From this point of view, it seems that there is no room for me to exert myself."

"It seems so... everyone is improving." Bai Mo smiled, even Wang Jiexi's strength is constantly improving. Is this person's opponent?

The originally dull atmosphere disappeared, and Wang Jiexi's unconventional style of play also made everyone feel fresh and new. It received full applause, and the tactics masters of other teams also began to re-evaluate when facing Wang Buliu. Winning rate when running.

"Thank you." Niord wanted to reach out and pat Pinocchio on the shoulder, but was slightly let go by this dull, expressionless young man.

Niord was a little embarrassed, Pinocchio was silent for a while, and took the initiative to break the atmosphere of silence: "Sorry..."

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's nothing, I've tried my best, and the opponent is much stronger than I imagined..." Njord scratched his head.

He could see that Pinocchio wanted to integrate into this group very seriously, but he always subconsciously avoided everyone's kindness.

Silent, like a puppet.

"How much is the upper limit of the puppet suit left?" Andersen asked with a smile.

"Destroyed." Pinocchio said blankly, turned his head and glanced at the scene of himself being killed that flashed back and forth on the big screen, and after confirming it, he turned his head and said, "However, the opponent doesn't seem to have seen it." look."

"That's not bad." Andersen smiled: "The spare ones will be traded to you after they play, and the rest can give them a surprise, no problem, Tin Woodman?"

"No problem." A burly man who looked not small smiled honestly.

"I said, isn't it the time to talk about this?" Niord asked a little tiredly: "There is one more group arena..."

"Ah, that's true, come on, Fiddlesticks!" The Tin Woodman turned his head and patted the tall and thin young man beside him who was like a bamboo pole.

"I...do my best." Fiddlesticks laughed dryly and swallowed.

Are you kidding me, the opponent is as terrifying as a monster... It is still difficult to win, right?

Maybe it's better not to lose so ugly?

Fiddlesticks walked into the competition booth and let out a long breath.

The random map starts to pick...


Ah...it's a map that suits me very well, but it seems to be more beneficial to the opponent, which is really a headache.

Fiddlesticks scratched his head, but a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

It seems that in this round, the GM is on his side!

【Wang Buliuxing has joined the battlefield】!

【Fiddlesticks has joined the battlefield】!

Um? What about people?

Wang Jiexi was slightly taken aback. Although the rice on the paddy field map was tall, it was definitely not high enough to completely cover people, unless the opponent was originally very short.

But... it shouldn't be, remember when watching the Danish team's game video, that Fiddlesticks seemed to have reached the maximum height limit that the character can set?

But now, if you look at the past at a glance, you can only see a few scarecrows, and crows hover above them, making a few ugly calls from time to time.

Is it special silver equipment? camouflage? Fiddlesticks didn't play against the South Korean team in the last game. Regarding the summoner's recent situation, the Huaxia team is indeed in a zero state.

The circle of light turned into spots of light and dissipated, Wang Jiexi didn't worry about anything anymore, but directly rode on the Firebolt. Surveying from above must be better than surveying from below.

Wang Buliuxing's actions obviously disturbed the crows hovering in the rice fields, and the crows flew around, which made the originally peaceful scene a little scary, but at this moment a The crow directly broke away from the main force and flew towards Wang Buliuxing.

Its speed is not slow, at least under Wang Buliuxing's deliberate control, it can catch up to Wang Buliuxing's figure.

And the moment it flew in front of Wang Buliuxing, the crow's feathers exploded suddenly, and Wang Buliuxing fell into a state of blindness instantly, and his body unconsciously flew in the opposite direction.

【blindness】! 【fear】!

Wang Jiexi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he regained his energy in an instant.

The blindness didn't last long, only a short second, and the fear lasted only a second, but the moment he opened his eyes, an eagle with lightning flashing on his body had already rushed towards him.

Summon [Thunderhawk]!

Wang Buliuxing kept changing directions in the air, and Lei Ying also bit firmly behind Wang Buliuxing's back.

The situation is a bit unfavorable...

Wang Jiexi frowned. Although Lei Ying hadn't caused too much of a hindrance to him at the moment, he couldn't even find any trace of his opponent. This was not a good thing.

Where, where?

"This... the opponent has an invisible silver outfit?" Huang Shaotian asked, "Is it the same as the phantom limb ring that Boundless Hai is wearing?"

"No...not." Bai Mo squinted his eyes, staring at a scarecrow on the holographic field on the stage: "It's just a simple approximation of the equipment, let me think... a mask, a hat, and clothes ...The staff shaped like a sickle...is quite interesting!"

In the rice field, the other crows had left the rice field that had turned into a battlefield, and only one crow stood on the shoulder of a scarecrow, singing continuously towards the figure in the sky.

The scarecrow, on the other hand, looked at the sky silently, seeming to be grinning loudly.

Fear, spread!

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