
With the sound of a huge explosion, both the garrison, the gangsters and the citizens focused their attention here.

And Lane had already walked to the trash can on the opposite street and took out the box hidden inside.

Open the suitcase, check the drugs inside, quickly put the suitcase at the explosion scene, and before leaving, he did not forget to throw a grenade to the side of the box to fake the crime scene.


With the sound of the second explosion, the police car dispatched by the garrison bureau approached the scene more quickly, and Rien had already left the place to hide.

At this time, Papo, who was anxiously waiting, finally waited for the call from his subordinates.

"Is it the Collier family? Are you sure? Päbo said angrily.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure they're the only ones who have recently entered the city." The person on the other end of the phone said in a very firm tone.

Hanging up the phone, Päbo was just about to make arrangements when a ringing phone came, and Päbo answered with a frown.

"What do you say? Our officers got into a fight with the people of the Collier family, and in the end, the other party detonated a bomb and killed all five of us!

The bruises on his forehead burst, and Päbo gritted his teeth and asked, "How do you know it's the Collier family?"

"Sir, they all have tattoos of the Collier family, and there are still a lot of drugs scattered at the scene, it should be that this wave of people has not had time to hide."

"Good! I know!

The angry Pabo swept everything on the table to the ground, punched the table, and the killing intent in his eyes was about to overflow.

"Collier! It seems that you have forgotten whose territory this is, and I will make you pay! "

Immediately encircle and suppress the Collier family in the city, life or death!"

This was the last call made by Päpbo, and in order to prevent the Collier family dog from jumping off the wall and holding him hostage, he told the driver to rush to the garrison, after all, the garrison is much stronger than his own villa.

Rien didn't know about Päbo's anger, but he expected it.

At this moment, inside the sewers of the city, Rien is resting here.

Lane knew very well that there was no need to do anything at present, just wait, and wait until the garrison and the gang were completely chaotic, which was the best time to act.

As the night grew darker, Huck and a few gang members seemed to be waiting for something in a forest.

Huck looked at the pocket watch in his hand, and it was obvious from his expression that he was very anxious in his heart.

At this time, a gangster ran over and said: "Brother Haque, there has just been news that the security bureau in the city is arresting us like crazy, and several squads have lost contact.

"Do you know for what reason?" Huck replied with a frown.

"I don't know."

Hearing the answer of his subordinates, Huck couldn't understand why the garrison bureau would be unable to get by with him, after all, unless the garrison bureau and the gangster encountered a specific situation, basically the well water did not violate the river water.

"Damn it! It must be that abominable imp!

"Quick! Let our people hide as soon as possible, and presumably our people will not be able to leave the city now.

Huck seemed to have figured out something, and quickly gave instructions with a little anxiety.

After instructing his subordinates, Huck continued to look at the pocket watch in his hand as if nothing had happened, and it seemed slightly relieved to watch the pocket watch ticking and turning in his hand.

The sewer was dark and dark, and Lane felt that it was almost time, and slowly opened the manhole cover and walked out from inside.

Glancing at the surrounding situation, under the cover of night, Rien pinned a long knife to his waist and carried his suitcase towards the next destination.

Carefully avoiding police cars and patrolmen on the street, it should have taken 20 minutes to travel, and it took Rien more than an hour to reach his destination.

"The port management station, it's here, that's right." Rien muttered at the sign on the building.

When making the basic plan, Rien knew that the city gate must be guarded by gangsters, and if he went to Longtan Tiger's Den, even if he rushed out, he was bound to seek his own death.

However, there is not only one way to get out of the city, there should be three.

Airship Aviation Hall, City Gate and Port Management Station, only these three locations can leave the city.

The city gates were blocked, and the airship Lane would not open, so he had to find a way from the port management station.

The port management station is where the cargo ships entering the city are managed, and the gates are opened punctually every morning and the port is closed at sunset, so the ability to open the gates is the key to Rien's escape.

Rien jumped into the river and lifted his suitcase above his head, swimming all the way to the gate, reaching out and knocking on the gate, with a clear look on his face.

"Sure enough, this gate cut corners, the inside is wooden, but with a layer of iron on the outside."

So far, Lien's goal has basically been achieved, and his plan can be divided into three parts.

It was determined to go out of town through the port management station, rob the underground forces associated with the garrison, and obtain enough explosives.

The disaster caused the garrison and the gang to clash, attracting the attention of both sides and making the operation smoother.

Finally, the floodgates of the port are blown open, and by then neither of the two cat-and-mouse forces will pursue them.

After planting the explosives, Rien hid to safety on the shore.


With a loud noise, Rien even felt the shaking of the ground, looking at the gate that had been blown out of the huge opening, Rien took a deep breath, put the long knife on his waist in his mouth and bit it, and jumped into the river without hesitation.

The sea is wide with fish leaping, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

Rien in the water swam desperately outside the city, and at this moment Rien unexpectedly had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

This kind of exciting life is not experienced in the original world, and at this moment Lane is extremely glad to have come to this world, although this world is not safe.

After swimming outside the city, Rien quickly went ashore, pinned the long knife he was holding to his waist, and left quickly without paying attention to his wet clothes.

It was very silent in the moonlit woods, and suddenly two headlights illuminated Rien's figure, and this sudden accident startled Rien.

"Boy! You really are not simple!

Huck appeared with a wicked smile, and his men quickly rallied around him.

"How did you show up here?"

His face was slightly cold, Rien's expression was serious, and his right hand instantly held the handle of the knife.

"It's not difficult, it's easy to guess by uniting your purpose with this chaos."

Huck looked a little proud, and after making a gesture, the five gang members behind him pulled out their pistols one after another.

"Sure enough, is it because the location was exposed when the gate was blown up!"

Rien made a gesture of drawing the knife, knowing very well that life and death were fighting here!

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