
The huge knife cut down, plowing a huge ravine in the ground, and as for the place where the time ant was, it was already wrapped in thick smoke.

"Such a strong blow, Lane, you really have a lot of means, what kind of department are you?"

Hearing Jin's voice, Rien suddenly felt bad, and secretly said in his heart: "Is this guy so keen?" That's where you start paying attention to me.

"I'm afraid of being left in danger by some unscrupulous bastard, so I hide my hole cards a little more."

Lane knew his performance had aroused Kim's curiosity, but there were some things that couldn't be said.

Who can not have a secret? It's just more or less, so avoid it in this ridiculous way.

Hearing this, Jin Ming asked a little out of line, scratched his head embarrassedly, and said embarrassedly: "I'm just curious, and I will give more advice in the future."

"Hmph~ Hmph, Rien is very powerful, almost the most outstanding disciple of the Heart Origin Talent."

Biskie was a little proud, and he couldn't wait to let all mankind know that this beautiful jade belonged to the source of the heart.

"By the way, how did you get into the ruins, I remember that after Biskie opened the damn box, the Luluko clan sealed off the ruins with his back hand."

Bigill was a little puzzled, although the situation was not suitable for asking these questions now, but with her straightforward nature, she really couldn't help it.

"You said that! I know that Lane is the exclusive remover of the association, and he must have come in with the elimination.

Bi Siji looked even more proud, and several people in the exploration group on the side widened their eyes in disbelief.

Feeling that he had become the capital for Bisgi to show off, Rien gave Biskie a blank look and said helplessly: "Shouldn't you care about the situation of the Time Ant?

"Don't worry!"

Bisji said with great confidence, pointing to the propagules below: "Seeing that these propagules are no longer moving, it seems that the time ants should be dead." Several

people did not reply to Bisgi, only relieved to see the situation of the propagule, but still wary of the time ants in the smoke.

The smoke and dust slowly dispersed, and the environment of the scene was reflected in front of everyone's eyes, and a huge slash mark was cut out by Rien in the space, which spread directly to the back of the mountain.

The time ant in the center of the slash has been split in half by Rien's knife, and it seems that it is dead and can no longer die.

Seeing this situation, everyone's tense hearts completely relaxed, and they were finally able to say goodbye to this ruin.

"Look! The Time Ant is dead, and I can look for gems with peace of mind! Bisji

looked at the dead time ant happily, not feeling the strange gazes around him at all.

Seeing that Biskie got a little carried away, Rien warned: "It doesn't matter if you look for gems in Biskie, but don't happen to such a dangerous thing next time."

"Don't worry! Whether there is a second time ant in the human world is not certain!

Biskie was a little unconcerned, and Lane also knew that Biskie was a kind of confidence, after all, with her strength, she was also considered a strong person in Lake Mobius.

With a helpless smile, Rien asked everyone's plans: "Are you going to continue exploring, or are you ready to return to the stronghold, Jin has already informed the president of the situation here, and it is estimated that the president should arrive in a few days."

"Don't think about it, the damage to this relic is too serious, we must return to the stronghold as soon as possible."

In the midst of everyone's doubts, Jin pointed to the place that was damaged in the ruins and said: "I just observed that Rien's slash destroyed the structure of the ruins, and this place may collapse at any time." "

If you want to continue exploring, you must have professionals to stabilize the structure of the ruins."

Everyone nodded, in fact, except for Bisgi who wanted to find gems because he had not achieved his goal, the others had long wanted to leave this place.

Especially when Gira heard that Biskie was going to continue to search for gems, tears were about to fall.

"Let's go quickly, the rest will be handled by President Nitro, I really don't want to come to this place a second time."

Saying that, Lane began to urge everyone to leave here, and only Bisiji walked at the end with some reluctance.

Just as everyone walked a short distance, suddenly a breaking wind sound came from behind several people.

When everyone looked back, they saw a red gemstone flying rapidly in the direction of everyone.

"Is this a gift from the ruins?"

Seeing that it was gems flying over, Bisgi's eyes lit up and he was ready to reach out and catch it.

Jin on the side felt that the flying gem was in a trace of danger, and he didn't want to raise his hand to send out a thoughtful bullet.

In the eyes of everyone, the bullet hit the flying gemstone, but although the gemstone was hit, it did not stop, nor was it broken as imagined, but the surface was full of cracks.

"Duh: "The

gems in flight are constantly shattering, and in the blink of an eye, they are near Bisgi.

"Not good!"

Everyone present "clicked" in their hearts, all sensed that something was wrong, and kept retreating.

"Duh: Boom.."

Finally, the gem shattered in the air, and in the eyes of everyone, a fiery red bug quickly rushed out and went straight to the nearest bisgi.

"Be careful!"

Rien shouted subconsciously, his body reacted instinctively, and he slashed out with a knife with one hand, grabbed Bisgi's clothes with the other, and threw it directly behind him.

The backhand knife directly slashed at the fiery red bug, and the bug was cut in half in an instant.

Even in Rien's eyes, the silver-white blood splattered after the bug was slashed was clearly and slowly spilled.

The knife was Rien's subconscious reaction, and after the knife, Lane began to regret it.

At this moment, in Rien's eyes, time seemed to slow down a lot.

"It turns out that the gem on the head of the Time Ant is the essence, what a cunning guy!"

This was Rien's only thought, and then he felt that the time around him was extremely slow, as if he was stuck in mud, and even had a feeling of infinite falling, and an unbearable dizziness appeared in his mind.

"No, I can't fall here yet, die with this ant, my life is not like this..." Although

it was already dark in front of him, Rien obviously felt that his body was moving his feet with all his strength, but he could not move half a point.

When Lane cut off the fiery red worm, the remaining few people saw that the silver blood quickly dissipated in the air, forming a time field of about two meters around it, and Lane was wrapped in it.

Seeing this situation, Jin was as smart as he didn't know where he was, this was the essence of the Time Ant, and hurriedly untied the windbreak wrapped around his head, injected his thoughts and rolled towards Rien.


Seeing that the windbreak successfully wrapped around Rien, Kim immediately dragged Rien back, but the process of pulling back became slower and slower.

"Give me out!"

Jin roared, the aura on his body exploded, his hands pulled hard, and Rien's figure kept retreating, and finally left the field.


Jin looked at the comatose Rien, exhaled heavily, and rejoiced: "Fortunately, the time realm has not yet had time to form, otherwise what I pulled out will be a dry bone that I don't know how many years it has been dead."

Then Kim wrapped Lane around with a windbreak and slung it on his back, saying, "We must get out of here as soon as possible and wait to join the president." "

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