Chrollo dodged to the side, but.

This time, what Ren used was not a small colorless crystal, but a large colorless crystal.

The diameter of the laser cannon directly reaches one meter.

A meter-thick laser beam made it useless for Chrollo to dodge.

The left shoulder, and even the heart, were all burned to the ground.

Under the action of laser, it is directly ablated.

Chrollo's eyes widened.

The figure retreated involuntarily.

Failed to step firmly.

After that, it plummeted.

Ren took a step forward.

Chrollo's figure fell into the torrent, was submerged in an instant, and disappeared.

Renn did not follow.

Because it's not needed.

Ren saw clearly just now that Chrollo's heart was gone and there was no way he could survive.

"it's over."

Ren shook his head, turned around and walked in the direction of Youke Xin.

The mastermind behind the Scavenger Team being targeted, Renn really didn't expect it to be the Phantom Troupe at first, and Renn didn't expect that he would change. has become an obsession in Chrollo's heart.

He also wants to change himself and make himself look like what Chrollo expects.

"Like Hisoka, he is a pervert 537"

"However, no matter what, the matter has been resolved"

"The Phantom Troupe no longer exists."

With the death of Chrollo, the Phantom Troupe will never appear again.

Franklin, Shadow, Chrollo, died.

Hisoka was originally fake.

Feitan, Finks, Peeling Lev, Kubi , exit.

Anthony, knight, Pike Notan, was captured, life and death are decided by the scavenger team

"Wait, there seems to be two more to go."

"Lecter and Dold."

Ren is not very impressed with these two people.

Because these two are not original characters, but because of the changes in the fate of Nobunaga, Wojin, Maggie, and Xiaodi, they became the phantoms who joined. Brigade.

Renn had no interaction with them before.

When Renn returned to Youkexin, Nobunaga and Wojin arrived one after another.

"team leader. Renn nodded, looked at Wojin, and asked:"Wojin, Lecter and Dold are the ones you are responsible for, right? Have you seen them two?""

"No, when I passed by, I only saw faces"

"Anthony came later."

Wo Jin said (dafe), pulling Anthony to the front.

"Where were Anthony, Lecter and Dold?"

"Went to chase the earthworms among the Yin beasts."

Anthony looked miserable.

Step by step, he walked out of the bottom of Meteor Street. Anthony should be regarded as an inspirational model of Meteor Street. Before he was middle-aged, he became a member of the elders.

Facing the great changes in Meteor Street , the Elders lost power, turned around, and joined the Phantom Troupe.

It can be said to have completed a gorgeous body.

However, now that the Phantom Troupe has been destroyed, Anthony's situation has become very embarrassing.


Anthony hopes that for the sake of past friendship, Renn will forgive him.

"I really don’t know what Chrollo did."

"I know you don't know."Ren looked at Anthony and said,"With your character, you wouldn't do something that overestimates your capabilities."

Anthony smiled bitterly.

"Let me ask you, were you involved in the genocide of the Kuluta tribe?"

"No, absolutely not."

Anthony shook his head repeatedly.

Anthony was really not involved in this matter.


"Really do not have"

"Okay, then leave, Wo Jin, let him go. Ren said:"Since we have had some friendship before, I will let you go this time.""

"But you have to do something for me"

"whats the matter?"

Anthony said quickly:"As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

"Return to Meteor Street and stabilize the situation in Meteor Street."

Anthony was stunned for a moment.

"I see"

"Go ahead."

Ren then looked towards Nobunaga, Xiao was standing next to Nobunaga.

Noticing Ren's sight, Xiao immediately became nervous.

"Lord Wren."

Ren nodded and said:"What should be said, Nobunaga has already told you. From today on, you will follow Nobunaga first. Nobunaga will teach you the rules of our scavenger team."

"Your ability is very good. I will use it in the future."

"However, your own fighting strength is a little bit poor."

Xiao is a little embarrassed.

He is the leader of the Yin Beast. Before today, he was very confident in his own strength.

However, until he met the Phantom Troupe, he was directly crushed by the Phantom Troupe.

After that, he met the general again. The scavenger squad crushed by the brigade

"Regarding combat, you can also ask Nobunaga"

"Yes, Lord Ren."

Ren then looked at Kurapika again.

"Kurapika, Knight, and Pikenotan, these two people are left to you."

"They should have been involved in the genocide of the Kuluta tribe back then."

Kurapika's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, captain."

Ren waved his hand and said:"We almost understand the matter, let's go back."

Two cars were taken out of the bulging fish by Xiaodi.

Ren, Maggie, Xiaodi, Sayaka. Nobunaga,

Brian, Wojin, Kurapika, Xiaoxiao.

Knight and Pike Notan were It was thrown into the trunk and wrapped with Maggie's mind thread to ensure that the two people would not wake up during the process.

However, the scavenger team left and Youke Xin's incident was not over.

The auction's The huge change shocked the entire world's gangs.

None of the Yin Beast members came back.

And the members of the brigade, who were the culprits of the great changes in Youkexin, disappeared one after another.

This made the world's gangs want to find someone, But he didn't know who to look for.

And, more importantly, at this time, news of the death of ten old men suddenly came out.

In the secret room.

All ten old men died and fell on the table.

No one knew who did it.

Except for the commission Or, and Renn.

When Renn got the news, he guessed that there was a high probability that Ilmi and Maha would beat the enemy guest, because apart from them, it was really difficult for others to do it.

The ten old men left The guards around you are not necessarily weaker than the Yin Beast.

Otherwise, why have the world's gangs suppressed Meteor Street for so many years?

The entire underground world is in chaos.

Gon and Killua are tracking the two People.

The two glanced at each other and immediately hid in the corner.

"It's Lecter and Dold"

"They seemed to be chasing someone."

What Gon and Killua didn't know was that Lecter and Dold also discovered the two of them.

"Brother, there is a stalker"

"It's just two little guys, don't worry, we can just find a remote place and we can deal with it by ourselves. What's really important is the earthworms."

"But it’s really strange. Why didn’t anyone in the group respond when we contacted them?"_Please download the novel without underlining

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