However, due to Shiba's intervention, Ilmi has been less involved in Killua's affairs, but his heart of controlling his younger brother will not be extinguished.

"I'm so confused."

Neither Gon nor Renou had a good impression of Ilmi.

Killua hesitated and said,"But it doesn't matter if he comes. I'm not afraid of him now."

On the other side, a lot of people gathered around Kate.

None of the members of the previous team were brought along because they were too weak.

Even in the human world, Kate's team members are not considered strong, and they are more in the research field. Ability.

A koala, a panda, and a bat.

All three are chimera ants.

This is Kate’s current team.

The koala is feeling guilty about Kate, and Kate looks like this now The corresponding girl was killed by the koala, so the koala wanted to help Kate.

Furthermore, it wanted to repay the debt it owed and make itself feel better.

The panda and the bat were because of Kate's identity.

Born at the same time as the Ant King, her potential is far beyond that of ordinary ants.

Both pandas and bats saw the potential in Kate.

That's why they came to join them.

Four chimera ants formed a team.

10 Kate's current strength has reached He has reached the same level as a human, and is still improving. Although becoming like this now makes Kate a little uncomfortable.

But Kate feels that this does not seem to be a bad thing.

Moreover, there seems to be a voice in the subconscious. Tell Kate that she must go to the dark continent.

Kate looked up at the three ants in front of her.

Koalas can be trusted.

Pandas and bats can be trusted in ordinary situations, but not in dangerous situations.

"Get ready, let's go"


Four figures walked out of the building.

Meteor Street.

Zaiyiluo looked at the information on his phone and slightly curved his mouth.

He raised his head and looked at the ants in front of him.

"Go to the dark continent"

"I didn't expect there to be such interesting things"

"Meteor Street, the human world, is not worth mentioning compared to the Dark Continent."

After turning into an ant, Zailuo immediately awakened his own memory, and immediately left the ant nest and went to Meteor Street, because Meteor Street is a very suitable place to rise.

Zailuo understood his situation.

If you want to defeat the ants and take revenge, you must have enough strength.

Meteor Street is also a place where you can improve your strength.

After coming to Meteor Street, Zailuo lurked, slowly learned the ability to read, and formed his own team, but before Zailuo could accumulate enough strength, the queen and king of ants had already been killed.

This made Zailuo a little less interested.

NGL had been destroyed and Zailuo was no longer interested in NGL. , at this time, the news of the Dark Continent came out, which immediately attracted Zailuo's attention.

"Chimera ants come from the dark continent."

Zai Yiluo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Go to the Dark Continent, maybe you can find it, and know how to use humans."

In addition to Zai Yiluo in Meteor Street, Finks is also very interested in the Dark Continent.

A figure walked in from the outside

"Feitan. Feitan nodded.

"It's almost time, let's go"

"Okay, but before that, we still have something to do"


"The name of our team."

Finks said:"When we go to the Dark Continent, it would be inappropriate for us to call the Meteor Street Guards."

"So what do you think it should be called?"

"Dark Hunters, what do you think?"

Finks seemed to be very satisfied with the name he gave and looked at the four of them expectantly.

Anthony waved his hand.

"I don't care about names, any name will do."

Kubi nodded.

"I think it's ok.

Peeling Lev shook his head and said,"I don't think it sounds good.""

"Feitan, what do you think?"

"Whatever you want is fine. Feitan said calmly:"The key now is to get a quota in the Cajin Empire. In addition, we have very little information about the Dark Continent.""

Anthony said:"I heard that the princes of the Cajun Empire are recruiting guards."

"We can apply for jobs"

"With our strength, the possibility of being chosen by them is not small."

"Information about the Dark Continent can also be obtained from the prince. Feitan nodded.

"good advice"

"But this involves another issue, the prince succession battle. There are 14 princes, and only one prince can survive to the end. Which prince should we choose?"

Anthony turned on the phone

"All the information about the fourteen princes is here"

"I personally think that the one who has a chance to win in the end is the eldest prince, the third prince, the fourth prince, or the ninth prince. One of these three people, the rest have little hope."

The princes of the Kajin Empire all have very distinct personal characteristics.

The eldest prince is arrogant and physically strong. Even if he does not have the ability to learn telekinesis, he can tear apart tigers and leopards. If he learns telekinesis, he will definitely become a strong fighter.

The third prince looks more mature. He is obviously the third in rank. He looks bigger than the eldest prince. He looks like a middle

-aged man. He is a sinister man.

The fourth prince is a pervert and likes to collect human organs.

The ninth prince is one of the many princes. In the story, the seemingly normal prince disagrees with the bloodline theory and hopes that the Cajin Empire can follow the path of a democratic republic, which is supported by many people.

"The eldest prince is not easy to get along with"

"The third prince's mind is too complicated"

"The Fourth Prince is somewhat similar to Chrollo, which I don't like.

Feitan hesitated for a moment and said,"Just choose the Ninth Prince.""

"The Ninth Prince seems to have a lot of experience in managing an area, and this is exactly what our 03 Star Street needs. Finks said:"The Ninth Prince is indeed the most suitable choice.""

"Then, it’s decided."

Kubi hesitated for a moment.

"However, there is no specific information about the prince in the announced news."

"This is indeed true, but it is not difficult to find the Ninth Prince."

It has been officially announced that there are only six princes recruiting bodyguards, and their personal information has not been disclosed. Outsiders cannot know which six princes are being recruited. This is the rule set by Nasby. Earthworm has wrapped himself in a layer of disguise, He has arrived in the Cajun Empire.

Ever since he was defeated by the Phantom Troupe, Earthworm has been very thirsty for strength.

After surviving, he spent all his time improving his strength.

However, Earthworm found that this is not very efficient.

His talents are limited..Unable to break that bottleneck

"I hope I can find something useful in the dark continent"

"I heard that this time, the scavenger team will also participate."

Earthworm raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then quickly entered the crowd.

Earthworm did not want to seek refuge with a certain prince.

Instead, he wanted to enter the ranks of ordinary crew members and hide his identity and strength.

If he gets the chance , Coming.

Earthworm clearly realized this when being chased by Lecto and Dold.

Only those who survive are the final winners.

Gou is the king._Please download the novel without underlining Fei Lu Xiao

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