Nasby looked at the figure opposite.

A monkey.

Golden light flowing on the body

"It's not just the power of the macaw. The power in me comes from the Cajin beast. The Cajin beast is no worse than the Macaw. They are both the masters of the sequence, and even the Cajin beast is stronger."

The monkey's face darkened.

"That's right, but my power was given by Mr. Macaw himself, and yours was stolen from Cajinmon through some method."

"The name is not right, the words are not right"

"Your power has great flaws"

"This flaw makes it impossible for you to be my opponent."

The golden light on the monkey became stronger and stronger.

"Humanity should be extinct, so stop making fearless struggles"

"This world is what it is because of the existence of human beings."

Nasby stared at the monkey coldly.

"Have you forgotten your own memories as a human?"

"What good will it do you if you exterminate the human race?"

The monkey looked indifferent.

"I haven't forgotten it, but that's the memory I hate the most"

"When I was a human, I faced too much injustice and too much misfortune. My family, my studies, and my career were all oppressed by those privileges."

"My father chose to commit suicide because he was framed"

"My mother was under too much pressure and was humiliated by her enemies, so she also chose to commit suicide."

"I tried my best to study, but in the end, my grades were snatched away by a rich man, occupying the spot that should have been mine, forcing me to work early.."

"I have done all kinds of dirty work and tiring work."

"More than ten years later, I finally succeeded with my own efforts"

"I have a wife and a son"

"But, that bitch, she just wants my money. She doesn’t love me at all. She even gave birth to my son with another bitch."

"So I killed them"

"One stick after another, their heads were beaten into pulp."

"That's the memory I hate the most"

"Human beings are so shameless"

"More despicable than all living things."

The monkey's hatred for humans has reached the bone marrow.

"You are indeed unfortunate, but now, you want to add to this misfortune, and I cannot agree to it."

Nasby's expression became serious.

"I'll do whatever it takes to kill"

"Huh, can you do it?"

"I will do it."

No one else dares to approach here. The area where Nasby and Monkey are located has become a vacuum zone. Even the master-level power cannot get close. The

Cajin Army, under the influence of Nasby's aura, , bursting out with extremely strong power.

However, after all, numbers are a disadvantage.

There are too many gatekeepers on the opposite side.

Jin Fulis and the Hunter Association gathered together

"Kim, what are you thinking right now?"

Jin Fulisi glanced around.

At this time, thirteen people were in a forest. They were discovered by the gatekeeper of the monster faction. They wrapped up the thirteen people and were ready to kill them all at any time.

"I agree with living peacefully with monsters, but now it is these gatekeepers who want to kill us, so it is not a violation of our principles for us to fight back."

Jin Fulisi looked at Yorkshire

"Even the president would make the same choice at this time."

Shenhou stood up

"Then let's fight, I'm the first one. These freaks still want to exterminate human beings. Unfortunately, they were still human beings before and still have human memories in their brains."

Bi Yongde stood next to Pariston, and there were three or four people with telekinesis beside him.

Opposite, there were dozens of gatekeepers.

One gatekeeper licked his lips

"If we kill these humans, the leader will definitely reward us."

Bi Yongde took out something from his arms.

A box, and in the box was a heart.

"Father, I have received your gift."

After that, Biyongde pressed the heart to his chest.

The next moment, the heart was integrated into it.

A strange aura appeared on Biyongde's body.

Pariston narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is this the power from the Shadow Snake? Really powerful."

Bi Yongde rushed towards the gatekeeper with a cold expression.

"Just use your blood to give me strength"

"The gift my father gave me is just a switch, but your lives will help me turn on this switch. Father, just watch."

Parris (Mo Wang Zhao) confronted a gatekeeper and punched him on the head.


It shattered instantly.

And Biyongde's battle became even more violent.

The cold aura on his body, like a poisonous snake, quickly plundered the life of the gatekeeper. The life energy of the gatekeeper was integrated into Biyongde's body.

Biyongde's body Germany's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

Compared to Nasby and Biyong,

Kate's team and Zailuo's team are much less mobile.

In terms of strength, these two teams are weaker..

Sanji’s contact information was finally spread.

The nearby gatekeepers all learned about the tribe’s reconstruction.

Countless gatekeepers swarmed here._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

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