But everything that the pillar of light touched suffered great damage in an instant.

The planks were crushed, and the connecting steel was melted.

Only those who reacted and used Nian to resist in time escaped a catastrophe.

The four district bishops had gloomy faces.

Twenty protectors, their expressions are not very good.

But that’s just the beginning.

The fall of the first pillar of light was just a temptation.

Immediately after, there are more pillars of light.


Three ironclad ships, all shrouded in it.


The entire ironclad ship, broken in the middle part.

The sea rushed over.

People exclaimed falling into the water.

The attacks directed at satellites continue.

The second ship, too, broke.

Immediately after, the third.

The qi on a cultist’s body was dissolved by this light, and after that, these lights directly touched the skin of the cultist, strong penetrating damage, and high temperature, directly burning and evaporating the person’s skin.

Muscles, even bones.

Under the action of satellite rays, they turn into coke.

Without gas as a defense, the defense of human beings themselves is inferior to steel, or even, inferior to the wood on a ship.

A cultist, in front of everyone’s eyes, turned into char, fell into the water, and turned into a puddle of black powder.

Kodoro’s face was very ugly.

“What kind of attack is this?”

“Why, scavenger squad, have such a strong attack weapon?”

“Who is helping them?”

One of the protectors had an anxious expression.

“Lord Bishop, what should we do?”

Reyes hurried outside.

“What else can I do? Leaving the area, that’s the only way. ”

“But what about them?”

The protector refers to those ordinary cultists.

Ordinary cultists, in terms of strength, are much weaker.

At this time, they were basically injured.

If they are left alone, they will surely die, and they will surely die under the attack of this beam.

“Mind what you’re talking about first.”

Wren sat on the back of a bird NPC, picked up a sniper rifle, looked through the scope, and looked to this side.

The whole process seems to be a long time, but in fact, it is a momentary thing.

The satellite rays fell, and in less than three seconds, the three ironclad ships, all shattered and collapsed, sinking in the seawater, and the people on board naturally fell into the sea.

Some people, unable to withstand the damage of satellite rays, turned into coke.

However, there were still some left, escaping the area of attack by satellite rays.

But Wren wasn’t worried.

Because, satellite rays, is still a tracking skill.

As the crowd below moves, the position where the ray falls also changes.

More people turned to char, silent to the bottom of the sea.

“Judging from the uniform, among the people who came this time, there are 4 district bishops and 20 protectors, this evil god church, really can afford me, but unfortunately, it is still a little worse.”

“The district bishop and the protector can withstand the damage of satellite rays without dying, but the people below, cannot.”

“Under this blow, only 20 protectors and 4 district bishops can survive.”

“However, the satellite rays are over, but my attack has only just begun.”

Wren took aim at a protector.

“Laser cannon!”

A laser accurately hit the eyebrows of a protector, directly penetrating, only in the eyebrow of this protector, leaving a hollow, not even blood.

Because the wound has been burned by the laser.

The previous Wren could not kill a protector with one blow.

But now, Wren is on another level.


Another shot.

A protector fell.

Kodoro’s face was ugly, and he knew very well the strength of the protector, and he would not be much weaker than a district bishop like himself.

The other party was able to kill a protector’s weapon with one blow.

And it’s still that far.

It’s terrible.

What does this mean, this means that they and others, who do not even get close to that island, will be killed one by one by the other party using this long-range weapon.

“Senior Korodo, what should I do?”

Reyes is not the confident attitude he used to have.

These two attacks by Wren completely destroyed Reyes’ self-confidence.

A huge beam of light fell from the sky, completely destroying the ironclad ship.

Together with 56 lay people.

With one blow, his team of 80 people was only 4 district bishops and 20 protectors.

After that, another attack was used.

One blow kills a protector.

Being able to kill the attack of the protector, their district bishop can only withstand at most twice, and the third time, they will definitely die.

The strength of the other party exceeded Reyes’ imagination.

Kodoro’s eyes flickered rapidly.

“We can’t go back, this battle is to represent the face of our Angolan church, if we don’t fight and flee, then even if we survive, the archbishop will not spare us.”

“We only have one way, and that is to kill the scavenger squad!”

Kodoro glanced at those protectors and gritted his teeth.

“Later, we will give the order to let these protectors escape from different directions to attract the attention of the other party.”

“This attack of the other party, in a short period of time, can only be used once.”

“And the four of us, we dive to the bottom of the sea, relying on the cover of sea water, close to the island, after going to the island, the distance is close, their weapon, definitely can no longer be used.”

“That’s when we had a chance to win.”

Kodoro does not believe that this is the strength of someone in the scavenger team, but believes that it is the scavenger team that has obtained some kind of powerful weapon, and it is this weapon that defeated them.

Reyes showed a fierce look.

“When I get ashore, I will definitely torture this group of people.”

“It is unforgivable to make me so embarrassed!”

Immediately, with Kodoro’s order, the protectors scattered.

After that, the four district bishops, all diving to the bottom of the sea.

But what they didn’t know was that what they thought was a good strategy was clearly seen by the people of the scavenger team.

Rooney is keeping a close eye on the crystal ball.

Wren got the news through the walkie-talkie.

Wren didn’t care too much, though.

Instead, he planned to solve the Protector of Nai first.

Aim, shoot.


The head of a young man was directly shattered.

“The third!”

Immediately afterwards, a woman was cut off by the waist, her body was cut in two, and a large number of carnivorous fish around her swarmed over, eating the corpses of these people.

“The fourth.”

Wren adjusts direction and aims for the next one.

“It’s a good feeling.”

“Absolute crushing.”

“Before, I faced these protectors, and I still needed a lot of effort to kill.”

“But now, I kill them, and I kill ordinary people, there is no difference.”

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