“I’m also laid out here.”

“Then let’s get started.”

Wren stood on the top of a tall building.

“Use characters, Berserkers.”

After that, Wren looked at one of the members of the Kuto Thieves’ Group through the scope, and Wren aimed at the operating system in the Thieves’ Group.

On the one hand, it is the mind of the operation department, in such a densely populated city, it can cause great trouble, and he can make puppets continuously.

It’s the same as the needle man of Ilfan.

In addition, when Kulolo fought Siso in the Sky Arena, he also created a lot of puppets, which caused Siso considerable trouble.

It can even be said that the key to Kulolo’s victory.

“Laser cannon!”

Wren took out a large colorless crystal.

The strengthened laser cannon is not at all comparable in strength.

A laser, like a column of water, shot straight at the person who operated the ability.

But at this moment, suddenly, a figure next to him moved.

It’s the trait department.

At the moment of the first shot, push the capable person of the operation department away.

The laser cannon passed between the two.


Where it touches, it melts instantly.

The Trait Department lost an arm, but saved the life of the person who operated the ability.

Wren frowned.

This result made Wren a little disappointed.

However, what Wren was even more strange was how this person expected his attack.

The speed of the laser cannon is not something that humans can easily react.

The strength of these six people is at most the top level of the master, and they have not yet reached the level of the grandmaster, and if it were not for Jin Fulix saying that their ability was special, Wren would not have adopted the method of fighting with the Chanting Pattern.

Instead, it will fight the other side head-on.

After the blow, Wren left immediately.

“Use teleportation, position 1.”

Wren’s figure disappeared in an instant.

The people of the Kuto Thieves’ Group looked in the direction where Wren was before, and the expressions of the six people were very vigilant.


“Judging from the attack just now, it should be, Wren of the scavenger squad.”

“I don’t know if there are anyone else.”

The change system ability came to the side of the trait system ability, covered the hand on the broken arm of the trait ability, and then saw that the arm of the trait ability person was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The changed ability, repaired the broken arm of the trait ability.

“Commander, what should we do?”

A person who strengthens the ability of the department looks at the person with the ability of the trait department.

The trait ability person pondered for a while.

“Let’s find a place first, hide, the other party has ultra-long-range sniping capabilities, even the archbishop of the Angolan Church died at his hands, we must be careful.”

“Blanche, find the location of that person.”


Blanche is the one who operates the system.

For what happened just now, I was very afraid, if it weren’t for the trait ability to push him away, maybe he would have died at that time, and the damage ability of that laser was too strong.

Kim Fulix put down his binoculars.

Take out your phone.

“Wren, the ability of the change system, has the ability to repair other people’s bodies, the broken arm of that person just now has been repaired, we will wait and try to kill the ability of the change system first.”

Wren nodded.


However, Wren was still very concerned about the trait department’s ability to anticipate his attack.

This made Wren think of something.

See the domineering.

But in this world, there is definitely no such thing.

Immediately afterwards, Wren thought of another person’s ability.

A certain prince of the Kakin Empire.

A prince who can see the future in advance.

“Probably a similar ability.”

“Because, even if it is round, it is too late to react.”

“After the laser cannon is fired, the speed is the speed of light.”

The Kuto Bandits entered the building.

At the same time, Blanche shot a tiny needle in his hand and controlled dozens of people, and these dozens of people were surrounding in the direction where Wren was before, but Wren was no longer there.

Wren and Kim Fulix, do not know much about the abilities of the Kuto Bandits.

They also did not know much about the preparation of Wren and Kim Fulix.

In terms of comprehensive strength and preparation, it is still Rennes and Jin Fulix who have the advantage.

As long as you understand all the abilities of the six members of the Kuto Bandits, you can launch a real attack and find the right way to defeat the Kuto Bandit Group at the lowest cost.

Siso sat bored on the bench, and not far in front of him was Qilu who was training.

Now, Siso is still worried about his loss to Rennes.

Not for losing.

It’s for the fact that the gap between himself and Wren is so big, but he can’t feel it at all.

A deck of cards, in Siso’s hands, constantly switching.

“Wren is right.”

“Qi is the foundation of those who think of ability.”

“Stratagem, skills, etc., can only play a better role on the basis of qi.”

Siso got up and walked to the training ground.

Start basic physical training.

Qilu was stunned when he saw Siso’s movements.

“Siso, what are you doing?”


“Are you so powerful, do you still have such basic training?”


The corners of Siso’s mouth tugged, and he looked at Killu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“Little ghost, are you mocking me?”

“No, no.”

Although Siso is no match for Rennes.

However, Killua clearly knows that he is even less likely to be Siso’s opponent, and the strange aura on Siso’s body makes Killua a little afraid, if it were not for Wren’s words, Killua would not have come to Siso.

Not far away, in a building opposite, Ilfan put down his binoculars.

Just now, when Siso glared at Killu, Il fan couldn’t hold back, and the killing intent leaked out in an instant.

It wasn’t until it was determined that Siso didn’t mean to strike at Killua that Ilfan withdrew his killing intent.

Siso looked across and pouted.

“Il fan, the importance you attach to your younger brother is really high.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t make a move on him.”

“After all, he is not even a green fruit now.”

After Siso finished his physical training, he sat cross-legged on the ground.

After that, he suddenly opened his eyes.


A powerful momentum erupted on Siso’s body.

Killu’s face changed suddenly, and his figure quickly retreated, looking at Siso, but he didn’t see anything.

Killua thought of something.

“Siso, is this what Wren defeated?”

“What the hell is this?”

Siso glanced at Killua and did not answer.

Siso looked down, and on his phone, it was a text message, and Ilfan sent it.

“Don’t tell him about the existence of the thought.”

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