other side. ♦♦  ♦♦

The "Lifeline" bridge on the far right.

Elite mages from the Hongling Military Headquarters are leading the people to evacuate from high-rise buildings.

Suddenly, a young man noticed a deep water shadow swimming under the bridge in the distance.

“Over there, is there something moving under the water?!!”

The young man rubbed his eyes and hurriedly ran towards the military mages next to him.

"Boy, don't run around."

The Red Ridge military mage frowned and shouted.

"Just under the bridge, that guy is really big. It keeps swimming faster!!" The young man looked anxious.

The Hongling military mage looked back, only to find that there was still calm under the bridge, and there was no disturbance. He said angrily: "Boy, if there is any situation, we will handle it. Return to the team!"

The young man's face was full of astonishment. He looked towards the bridge again and found that the huge water shadow under the sea had disappeared.

Suddenly, a wave of fear surged in his heart.

Danger! !

Danger is coming! !

A few seconds later.

A huge roar exploded from the sea, and a super wind roar swept up the sea water and heavy rain, and struck the entire bridge in a terrifying manner!

This wind howl can be called a wind disaster.

It hit the central gate-shaped cable tower of the Haicang Bridge laterally, and the towering cable tower used to hang the steel cables suddenly shook violently.

Boom! ! !

As the supporting cable towers were damaged, the entire bridge began to swing violently! !

Howling winds threaten more than just sea-crossing bridges.

The people who were crossing the bridge were like duckweeds, being swept high into the sky or thrown into the sea.

At the ferry crossing, the people crowded in the crowd were trembling involuntarily, eyes wide open, looking at this horrifying scene like a doomsday tsunami in disbelief.

"League!!! It's the Sovereign Sea Beast!!!!"

Finally, a magician saw the huge monster clearly from the howling wind flying in the sky, and roared loudly.

"Back up!! Back up!! Everyone back up!!!!"

However, when facing high-level sea monsters, most mages are not much different from ordinary people.

Panic, confusion!

The originally smooth evacuation suddenly experienced such a huge change.

The mages were also frightened and at a loss.

The ocean is so scary, it's hard to predict the dangers, let alone know exactly what creatures are hiding in it!


"Going to hit the bridge!!!"

The space trembled slightly, and a mage in silver-white military mage clothing noticed the sea beast's purpose and disappeared.

His eyes immediately shot out a sharp light.

He tried his best to use his space magic to protect this cross-sea bridge.

You can see the silver honeycomb-shaped space barrier expanding into an arc covering the sea-crossing bridge.

But the next second, the monster's huge collision force came in, and the silver arc was shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterwards.

The bridge deck is broken and the bridge piers collapse!


There was another loud roar, and in the vast mist of sea water, the true face of a mountain monster so deep blue that it turned black was finally revealed. It exposed its huge back and swam back to the sea quickly.

In the rain and fog, it was still difficult to see the entirety of its giant body.

But the small hill-like hair follicles, flesh bumps, and tumors were so clear, and the disgusting black skin parasites crawling on them were none other than blood-sucking leeches.

These leech parasites swim violently with the monster and fall into the sea in clumps, which is extremely terrifying.

"Then... what on earth... is that??" A mage's eyes were dull. Stone slabs and steel bars were still falling from some parts of the cross-sea bridge, but the huge monster disappeared without a trace.

"Did it hit the bridge on purpose?"

"After the collision, leave!!!"

There are many magicians flying in the air. Even if they understand the monster's motives at this moment, they can only hover in the air and stare blankly.

Faced with such a behemoth.

There is absolutely nothing they can do.

There is no way to stop it from breaking down the bridge, and there is no way to stop this monster from running away!

"Great Master!"

Several mages with wings of wind and winged magic equipment flew to the location of the tower. They thought of the senior who just rushed out without hesitation and withstood the impact of the giant beast alone, and they felt awe in their hearts.

"This bridge is unworkable. Get the people away from the bridge quickly!" The silver-clad Grand Master ordered in a cold voice.


The wing mages quickly flew to the bridge. They searched for the congestion location as quickly as possible and used earth magic to move the people as a whole...

The silver-clad master looked at the vast sea ahead, feeling tremendous pressure in his heart.

The cross-sea bridge is the bridge of life for countless citizens.

The opponent's goal was very clear. After breaking the bridge, he quickly turned around and left without any intention of attacking directly.

These beasts want to trap people in this isolated island city that is constantly flooding into the sea! !

"Fortunately, there are still two bridges, and Academician Lu Yan is still there to take care of everything. There is still a chance for everything."

The silver-clad master murmured in his heart.

Central primary school

The heavy rain became more violent, and the rain clouds in the sky were clearly stirring. The strong winds could even lift the roofs of some buildings into the air.

To ensure that the children are not blown away by the strong wind.

Lu Yan also deliberately used a space barrier to seal off the entire elementary school.

"Sure enough, search and rescue work is not an easy task." Ai Tutu wiped the rain from her forehead, and her wet hair blocked her eyes.

Lu Yan smiled and said, "This is the last class."

After moving all the students to the Haicang line, Lu Yan specially summoned the Dark Crow to escort them forward in secret.

At this time, a message sounded in Lu Yan's headset.

"I just got the news that the Haicang Bridge was broken by an unknown creature. The monster's purpose was very clear. After hitting the Haicang Bridge, it immediately disappeared with the storm and the sea water in the strait... In short, please be sure to protect the bridge!"

"Only hit the bridge??" Lu Yan asked.

"Yes, the sea monster is very intelligent. I think it should be using this method to delay our migration so that other sea monster populations can arrive." Zhuang Hong replied.

Most monsters will directly attack humans after they appear.

But this giant sea monster disappears immediately after completing the task, not giving human super-class mages the opportunity to attack it.

The intention of doing this is too obvious!

It is waiting...

Waiting for the real army of sea monsters to enter!!!

"By the way, you are close to Wuyuan Bay, which has an inlet that is almost connected to the sea. If sea monsters break in from there, they will easily enter the city and attack the bridge." Zhuang Hong reminded.

"I sent people to defend before, but the guard mage there said that more and more sea monsters are coming. I am worried that there is a trend of a breakthrough."

"I looked at the topographic map. There are some mountains in the whole ring island area of ​​Xiamen. These mountains actually form a natural barrier... But this Wuyuan Bay is different. The sea monsters can dive in the water first and swim all the way to the inside of Wuyuan Bay..."

Zhuang Hong explained solemnly.

"You mean, if a large number of sea monsters want to break in next, Wuyuan Bay is the best breakthrough?"

Lu Yan understood Zhuang Hong's meaning and asked seriously.

"That's right. Since the sirens even thought of crashing into the bridge, given their cunningness, they will definitely not miss this opportunity." Zhuang Hong said.

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