Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 106: Lose as soon as your trump card is revealed

In the Brave Continent, a first-level warrior apprentice usually learns the "charge" skill first.

For example, if two first-level warriors have almost the same physical strength, if they confront each other, the result will be nothing more than a loss for both sides.

However, if one of the warriors has learned the "Charge" skill, the knock-up and stun effects produced by the skill can kill an opponent of equal strength instantly.

The high-level melee skill "Sword of the Brave" sounds very high-end just by the name.

Fortunately, the temporary gladiator stage built by the mercenary union is made of extremely hard obsidian. Obsidian has the property of repelling demons. This is the best building stone for the arena.

Back on the gladiatorial stage, when Kong's golden sword struck down, everyone in the audience thought it was dark.

The sound of "rumbling" kept coming from the fog. When the fog cleared, the first thing that came into everyone's eyes was the split obsidian arena.

A huge ravine appeared on the stage in front of everyone's eyes.

"Wow, with such a powerful attack, that silver-haired boy won't be chopped into pieces, right?"

"Haha, the ditch is so deep, you can jump in and see for yourself."

"Hey, poor young man, how could he offend Master Lu Lan!"

"Eh? Is there still a piece of fog left?"

The fog cleared, and Fei Fei stood there doing nothing, scratching his head with a cane, looking at the confused audience in the audience.

At the feet of Fei Fei on the stage, Knight Lulan fell in a pool of blood. A huge incision at the hip level was opened on his back, and blood spurted out.

"Tsk tsk, don't tell me, the blood of high-level melee professions is very strong. With such a big wound, the blood is all over the place, and it can still be pumping!"

"I heard that the mid-level insurance specialist's 'Breaking Sky' is indestructible. By God, how did you get this wound?"

Ignoring the audience's questions, Fei Fei walked down the arena and came to Miss Ruth.

Around the entire arena, there was only one high-level magician who used the Eye of True Sight to see what was in the fog.

The moment the Brave Sword struck down, Feifan appeared behind Lulan Knight in a flash. If Feifan only relied on the magic gold sword and his current inferior strength level, it would be impossible to cut through the Lulan Knight's skin.

Then, the terrifying nature of the Insurance Man and the Magic Swordsman was revealed.

I originally wanted to add an ice blade to the blade of the magic gold sword, but the "Ice Arrow" skill takes a long time to sing, and the attack power of ordinary "Ice Arrow" is insufficient.

There was not much time left for Fei Fei to think about it.

When the "Sword of the Brave" skill was formed just now, Fei Fei felt that all the blood in his body was solidified, and the golden sword that appeared above his head was just hanging above his head. The oppressive feeling of death was very real.

At that moment, Fei Fei felt like he was going to die.

However, when the sword of the brave fell on his head, the control of the extraordinary body returned, and then a flash appeared behind Lu Lan.

All thoughts are just for a moment. In the next scene, Lu Lan may turn around and find himself. He pushes himself forward with a charge and chops off his beautiful head with a click.

Finally, Fei Fei found a compromise method that was not a method.

Use the sharpness of "Breaking Through the Sky" to open a hole in the knight's back, then insert the magic gold sword into it and kill you, the idiot.

However, this is done in two parts. If you are in a hurry, you will easily make mistakes.

But what if this mistake is good?

The anxious Fei Fei just stretched out his left hand, and the air-piercing slash was formed, but it was different from the half-moon shape in Fei Fei's mind.

Like a suit made to measure, the air-piercing slash was drawn into a straight line, and hung on the blade on one side of the magic gold sword.

At this time, Feifan is not thinking about changing the state of Breaking the Sky. Without thinking or pausing, he clenched the handle of the sword with both hands and slashed hard at the back of Knight Lulan.

The threat to life is gone, and everything is calm again. The fog dissipated, the sun reappeared, and there were the people in the audience with their mouths open and the mercenaries with surprised faces.

Who says that an intermediate insurance engineer can't be a great swordsman?

Some people are happy and some are sad.

On the balcony where Baron Hunter was sitting, the angry gentleman smashed everything he could find on the table.

He wasn't angry when Lulan Knight failed, and it didn't matter if he died.

But that silver-haired Cordo, even if he is handsome, is he so powerful?

Fortunately, he is of the Wisdom stream and is not on the same level as these mercenaries who fight and kill all day long.

"Great goddess of wisdom, please abandon the common people in front of you!"

"Lord Baron, do you still want to watch?"

"Haha, the most exciting scene has ended. What else is there to watch? I'm afraid tomorrow there will be reports about Cordo Extraordinary Intermediate Underwriter Li Ke and the Great Swordsman Knight in the major newspapers in York City! "

"Go back and look for the 'rat' in the sewer and I will pay for it with my life!"

Feifan was very angry when the three women took turns groping him? Oh, no, that doesn't exist.

Feifan, who could only make a "purring" sound from his mouth, enjoyed the beauty of this moment.

After lunch, Feifan weighed the four dragon blood grasses in the golden space and directly encouraged everyone to go to the Alchemy Society to watch the boring academic exchange.

You can't say that you want to find an alchemist who can make medicine. If you look for old Henry, the Berman Chamber of Commerce will be happy to provide you with an alchemy pharmacist.

But these dragon's blood grasses can't be exposed without being exposed. If someone thinks of what happened at the top of Dawukan Mountain, I don't know what kind of trouble there will be.

The Alchemy Society is right next door to the Alchemy Academy in Kers District. The academy is a branch of the Royal Capital Alchemy University. It is the summer festival holiday, and the most lively place is the "debate" podium in the square in front of the Alchemy Society.

"Merricao's theory is a mockery of the great gods. The power provided by the combustion of gas in the pistons will greatly improve the performance of the steam engine, and we think he is right."

"But he has blown up no less than a hundred special steel steam engines, and he has collected all the poop in the capital. What do people call him? 'The Shit Warlock'!"

Coming to this world, Feifan has discovered the existence of coal and gas.

For example, there are gas street lamps on every street, as well as charcoal and gas stoves used in the homes of nobles and common people.

Coal is, of course, dug out of mines, but gas is the product of every city's largest garbage dump.

Just like in the extraordinary hometown, the conversion of steam engines into internal combustion engines was a huge progress of civilization, and work efficiency increased exponentially.

But in the Brave Continent, rich elements of various systems are active in every inch of the world.

The kinetic energy generated by directly pushing the piston through burning gas is not as powerful as the kinetic energy provided by water vapor.

But even on this retrograde academic issue, those alchemist masters will also gain people's admiration and love.

Just like Mericao, the alchemist master, being called "the shit magician" is just a joking name.

After all, who can be called a master who has not made outstanding contributions to the kingdom and even the continent?

"Humph, this bad old man deserves to mention Master Mericao? Is it just a fantasy to install a steam engine on a two-wheeled vehicle?"

Just as Fei Feifan was nostalgic for the past and praising the present, he was brought back to reality by a murmur from the side.

A young man wearing the gray robe of a junior alchemist of the Alchemy Society stood on Feifan's side. He was not tall and had a loud voice.

"Hey, you said you want to install a steam engine on that human-powered two-wheeled vehicle? Will it be driven by a steam engine?"

The round-faced and somewhat goofy alchemist looked at Fei Fei with an embarrassed expression. He felt somewhat guilty because his complaints were heard by outsiders.

"Well, this is an experiment I have been conducting. Although the smallest steam engine is huge when mounted on a two-wheeled vehicle, there is no problem with my idea."

"Master Mericao's theory can compress the size of a steam engine, but the reduced volume is also very limited."

This is also a top student, the kind of top student who can do things.

"If you can't make a steam bicycle, you can make a steam motorcycle!"

"What kind of car? What kind of motorcycle?"

The freckle-faced, round-faced academic had trouble recognizing the words spoken by Fei Fei.

After looking at the women on the balcony in the distance who were dozing off, Fei Fei pulled his round face to a place with few people.

The sudden appearance of pencils and paper surprised the little round face, and then a look of envy appeared.

"You don't have to look at my ring. I'm an insurance agent. Nice to meet you!"

"Oh, it turns out to be an insurance company. Are you a mid-level insurance company?"

I didn’t mention junior insurance officer directly, but it seems that this little round-faced guy also has a good emotional intelligence.

"Intermediate insurance officer, Cordo Feifan, let's meet him!"

Speaking of his right hand on the ground, the little round face was confused for a moment, then he woke up and held his two hands together.

If someone were around to record this scene with a memory crystal, the biography that would exist for future generations would not just be about the fuzzy silver hair and burly figure.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Kordo, I am Hill Klin, you can just call me Klin!"

"Oh, Klin is a good name. I have a kid named Kerry. There is only one syllable difference between your names. I will introduce you to him another day."

"Thank you, thank you. I have no friends in the Alchemy Society. Can we be good friends?"


Feifan almost choked to death. I came here to inquire about the alchemist who can make potions, not to make friends.

"Of course, we are already friends!"

Gu Lie behind him sneered at Feifan's back.

"My lord, you can become a troubadour with this mouth!"

But why can’t I coax girls? Lucy and Lan Ling, who were dozing in the distance, raised their heads and looked in the extraordinary direction. When they saw someone there, they continued to fall.

Holding paper and pen, Fei Fei recalled the scene during the art exam that year, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

In his writing, a later-generation sidecar motorcycle appeared on paper, but instead of a seat, the sidecar had a large steam engine.

"Wow, this is really God's idea. Are you a favored one of the goddess of wisdom? Or a divine attendant walking in the world!"

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