Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 130: Patting horses to help

Most of the residences in the Sissel Territory are civil buildings. A cellar can store crops harvested in spring and summer, especially certain vegetables. In winter, it is very suitable for selling or eating yourself.

Most of the inner city of York is made of bricks and tiles. Except for the Donagh area where many ancient stone buildings remain, there are always one or two underground storage rooms under every house.

There are not many modern storage rooms in Dona District, but there are more old and rough cellars.

A cellar is a huge storage space dug underground. Most of the cellars in Dona District are one-story structures, but there are also rare multi-story structures.

Just like the cellar in No. 55 Courtyard, there is a vertical ladder with a height of about three meters from the entrance of the cellar.

Going down to the bottom of the vertical ladder, the corridor, which is one person high and two people wide, is looming under the dim whale oil lamp, and you can't see the bottom.

However, the obstruction of vision does not cause trouble to Feifan.

Under the magic detection, although the underground pattern is not very clear, the signs of life that exist cannot escape the extraordinary detection.

Three fingers stretched out, two pointed to a room on the right side of the corridor, one pointed to the left, and finally drew a circle in the room on the left.

The two people in the room on the right are lying down, and the person on the left is standing up in the shape of a cross, as if he is tied up.

Gu Lie and Fatty, who were following behind, immediately understood that there were two people in the room on the right and one person in the room on the left. There was a high probability that Anthony was in the room on the left.

Without verbal communication, Gulie and Francis sneaked directly. If there were traps set by magicians or thieves in the cellar, even if they were not discovered, they would be triggered immediately.

This gives Feifan some reaction time, and the thieves' reaction speed and combat power are also increased when they are in stealth mode, making it easier for Gu Lie and Fatty to strike first.

But until I walked outside the doors of the two rooms, there was no movement inside.

This shows that the upper limit of the combat power of the two of them is high-level.

Then Fei Fei stretched out three fingers and counted down for three seconds. When the last finger was closed, the three of them burst into the door.

The "Holy Light Technique" was directly lit up by the light magic sealing ring that was not used very frequently by the extraordinary.

The room was not big, with only an earthen stone bed. When the door was kicked open, the two people inside had already woken up and grabbed weapons to face the three extraordinary people.

The Holy Light Technique in front of them confused the two of them, and they subconsciously covered their eyes with the hand that was not holding the weapon.

Of course, the three people who were prepared would not miss such a good opportunity. The two people who were sneaking directly activated their skills to knock them over. Fei Fei held the formation at the door to avoid any accidents.

There was no surprise. With extraordinary perception, the people in the opposite room seemed to wake up when they heard the movement.

When the extraordinary three came to the room where Anthony was trapped, the three of them couldn't help but shudder.

Anthony, who held his head high, saw that it was Feifan, and a smile appeared on his lips. If it weren't for the blood on his face, the handsome Anthony with blond hair would only make Feifan feel like yesterday.

A large cross stood in the center of the room, and Anthony's hands and feet were nailed to the wood with four-foot-long steel nails.

The knee joints and elbow joints were even twisted like twists.

The black dress was already in disgrace, and the coat and shirt were mixed with blood and flesh.

There were three bleeding holes on his stomach. The first one was scabbed, and the second and third ones were everted. Without the diaphragm, Fei Fei felt that his intestines would be drooped all over the place.

With his one unswollen eye open, Anthony laughed.

"Extraordinary? I didn't expect to see you here! What a surprise. If you came here by accident or were deceived, please leave immediately."

Feifan, whose eyes were red, was also free and easy. Instead of immediately stepping forward to rescue him, he walked up to Anthony, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into Anthony's mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough, this is the best treatment I have received in these days!"

From the extraordinary firm eyes, Anthony knew that he did not need to persuade him. If this was the last time of his life, it would not be a relief to have a disciple whom he recognized by his side.

Seeing that Fei Fei was still in Literary Arts, Gu Lie and Fatty quickly put Anthony down. With four "pops", four steel nails fell to the ground.

"Nah, it's still a magic nail. Lord Anthony is treated to a high standard. A nail costs at least 500 gold coins!"

The fat man's joke was a bit cold, but no one present blamed him.

Two consecutive streams of "soft water" washed away Anthony's damaged body. Feifan also took out the earth magic crystal to restore Anthony's magic power.

"Fortunately, I gave you the magic gold sword early, otherwise it would have been easier for these idiots!"

Anthony, who was able to stand up, moved his limbs and complained to Feifan.

Fei Fei didn't know how he should treat his mentor and friend, but he was very happy to see Anthony regain his ability to move.

"Internal crushing? Betrayal by companions?"

Faced with the extraordinary inquiry, Anthony did not answer, but just waved his hand, as if it was not worth mentioning.


Just as Fei Fei was waiting for further questioning, there was a sudden loud sound above his head.

"This is Dosta's signal. Leave here first."

When they reached the ground, before they even showed their heads, Dosta stopped their movements.

"Sir, don't come out, there is a high-level magic archer!"

Through the dual perception of magic detection and the eye of true seeing, Fei Fei has determined the location of the troll. Dosta was pierced through the chest by an arrow. Fortunately, his life was not in danger.

"Feifan, let me go out first. By the way, lend me the magic gold sword!"

Anthony, who would fall down if he breathed, still wanted to fight. Feifan was speechless, but he still handed over the big sword.

Sure enough, Anthony rushed out of the hole first, and an arrow shining with the "Light Spirit" magic skill went straight to Anthony's chest.

The magic gold sword hit the ground, and the magic arrows hit the broad blade and turned into dots of starlight.

Anthony, who was holding a big sword, made no other moves until a quarter of an hour later, when he signaled the enemies to go away and come out to show off.

After Feifan had taken care of Dosta's injury, Anthony came to say goodbye.

I still want to say a few words, at least to recover from my injuries before leaving. If a calm and stable life in York is the main color of an extraordinary life. Then traveling around the mainland like Anthony is the real yearning in the extraordinary heart.

"Papa pa pa"

Six straight beams of light shot down from the sky, and the bright light enveloped Fei Fei and others.

No special reminder is needed, Gu Lie and Fatty sneaked automatically, Fei Fei pulled up Dosta and teleported to the darkness.

Only Anthony could not run away. He just looked up at the sky guard in the sky, smiled softly, and waved in the extraordinary direction.

Four spaceships followed Anthony, and the remaining two spaceships, with their long searchlights, were still searching for the three extraordinary people.

Feifan, who was hiding behind the courtyard wall, was about to teleport away with Dosta when he heard the familiar sound of wind chimes not far away.

Under the magic perception, a large carriage stopped at the entrance of the alley. The driver cocked his head and looked at the place where the air guard was focused, showing impatience.

But if it’s not Master Baixi, who will come?

Using teleportation and stealth, when the four extraordinary people got on Bai Xi's carriage and left, Fatty showed his gratitude to Bai Xi.

Gulie and the serious-minded Dosta also nodded and bowed their thanks. Everyone knew that Percy was chatting with Feifan in the garden.

"Tsk, tsk, this is the courage of an heir to a great family. It takes less than an hour for such a big carriage to go from Rubble to Dona."

Although there is no curfew now, with such a large carriage driving on the road, the chance of being stopped by the city guard for inspection is very high.

"Feifan, how about it? Worry about your friends' needs and save your friends from difficulties. My friend is still qualified!"

"Hold your reins!" Feifan said as he pushed Percy out, who had turned his head and reached into the car.

"Thank you very much. There is a carriage that is more comfortable than teleportation. Only a fool would choose to run away in the dark!"

Percy pulled the reins fiercely, and almost all the people in the car squeezed into the driver's seat.

"My God, my God, can you still teleport?"

"I'm an insurance company! Is this weird?"

"Isn't teleportation a skill that only high-level insurance agents possess?"

The so-called good friends are those who see things through but don’t tell them.

Faced with Percy's aggressive questioning, Fei Fei fell asleep and leaned firmly on Dosta.

The journey was uneventful. After Percy showed off the golden badge of the Berman Chamber of Commerce, the carriage returned to the extraordinary residence in the rubble area smoothly.

Unusually, Percy didn't want to sneak into the house to mix coffee. He just threw the carriage in the extraordinary yard and jumped over the wall on the ladder.

"This child refuses to leave the door and only climbs the wall? He had an unhappy childhood!"

Regardless of whether Percy's childhood was happy or not, he didn't bother to wake up the two high-level guards as he rushed all the way back to the bedroom.

Sitting on a chair in front of the window, Percy unfolded a piece of letter paper, took out a quill from the ink tank, and wrote word by word what he had seen and heard these days to report to the old man.

"Something extraordinary happened today, and it seemed to involve an extraordinary friend. Judging from his attitude towards his friends when they were in trouble, I used to think that making friends with him was just a task given to me by my grandfather, but now I feel that I can have a friend Proud to have such a great friend.”

"His friend named Anthony has disappeared after I arrived. He may have left first. This can be seen from the face of Fatty Francis. Their rescue operation tonight was very good."

"Believe me, my grandpa. After Fei Fei received the letter from Tail Feather Arrow, he directly pushed me out of the door without considering the gains and losses, and said that he wanted me to go to bed early."

"Don't you think he is a gentle person? I have wanted to have an older brother since I was a child, and I seem to have found him in York City!"

"So, if I think about the next thing from the perspective of a friend and damage Berman's interests, I hope I can get Grandpa's forgiveness!"

"After all, you said that you have so much money that I won't be able to spend it all even if I squander it in my lifetime! This is recorded in the memory crystal. It is in my safe room at home in the imperial capital. You cannot deny it!"

It was a long and eloquent letter. Percy knew that in less than three hours, this letter would appear on his grandfather's desk.

I have a friend. When his friend is in trouble, he will always come to his aid!

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