Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 135 The Disaster of York

"Bang bang bang"

"Boom boom boom"

Fireworks from the sky lit up the night sky across York City.

Wearing a new Sir Cordo Extraordinary silk bowler hat, holding a gentleman's cane in one hand, and straightening the tie around his neck in front of the mirror with the other hand.

A white linen cotton shirt with a noble family crest on the cuffs: a knight's gun crossed with a magic wand in both hands, and the background pattern is a scale. On the left and right trays of the balance are simple symbols symbolizing natural elements. Below is a row of semicircular arc-shaped sun bouquets, and the shield-shaped emblem has a circle of fine gears on the side.

This is the emblem of the Cordo family that was thought out by extraordinary efforts. Even if you are not a noble, it is just a little interest of extraordinary people.

"Ring ring ring"

A series of car bells sounded outside the door. This kind of car bell was not a cheap handbell like Eddie Hubert's, but a high-end product with gears and springs.

No need to ask, this is Master Percy's luxurious carriage waiting outside the door.

Sure enough, when they came to the door, the purple car that symbolized nobility was nowhere to be seen in the whole of Yorkshire.

The waiter on the side opened the car door made of Cannia special steel, and Fei Fei saw Percy holding a glass of red wine, raising his glass and nodding in salute.

He took off his hat and lowered his head to get into the carriage. Out of the corner of his eye, Fatty Gulie and Dosta also got into Hubert's carriage and followed him.

Before he could sit still, a backpack made of horned cow head leather appeared in front of Fei Fei's face.

"This is an extraordinary gift for you. I hope you like it!"

"What gift do you want to give me?"

Percy scratched his head and asked sideways, "Don't friends give each other gifts?"

He is too big, you are going to go all the way to the dark side on the road of making friends.

Not noticing how dark his face was, Percy said to himself:

"This is a good thing, 'Wind Wings' knows that, right?"

"'Wings of Wind'? The kind that children play with?"

"Wings of Wind" sounds like a high-end name, but in fact, in the Brave Continent, this is a dangerous toy that every child will have in their childhood.

Very common yet very special.

The "wind wings" of children's toys are usually made of coarse cloth soaked in tung oil, dried in the sun and then cut.

Use bamboo strips or hard plant branches as the keel, fix it on the back like two big wings, and use two arms to adjust the direction.

This kind of big toy can only be played with in the wind and moon in autumn.

Said to be special, "Wings of Wind" is the favorite of assassins and thieves. The keel made of special steel and the wings made of monster wings are the best equipment for sneak attacks and escapes.

Gu Lie is a little paranoid about improving his own quality. He believes that the combat power improved by external things is not his after all, and he lacks interest in this aspect.

As for the fat man, fat is just one word, let alone him.

Of course Feifan knew about the "Wings of Wind", and calling it a toy was just to tease young Master Bai Xi.

"Toys? Are you kidding! These are made of the wing membranes of the high-level Warcraft 'Light-Chasing Harrier'. These two pieces are also one of today's auctions. Now they are kept by me as gifts between friends. I don't think the old man will angry!"

"You're a cheater. You want it for yourself. Take me with you! You've tarnished our friendship!"


"Then, give you both?"

Not yet depraved to the point of trying to trick children into using toys, Fei Fei ignored Bai Xi, then opened the cowhide bag and took out a pair of folded "Wings of Wind".

It has not been unfolded, but just by imagining it, I know that the equipment will be amazing and the scenery will be endless.

It was slightly cold when I started, and a faint magical element lingered on the "Wings of Wind". Fei Fei knew that the seventh-level monster like "Light-Chasing Harrier" itself has the talent of light and wind magic.

The speed is top-notch and the self-feeding is unlimited. It is really difficult to catch the live ones and remove their feathers and membranes.

"Thank you, my friend! I'll give you a little gadget in return."

A large fluorescent green gemstone ring was thrown to Percy. The young master caught it in a hurry and almost threw it out of the car window.

"Do you think I should lack this jewel of decoration? My friend!"

As expected, the arrogant character was rooted in Percy's bones. He felt that the gift he gave was more precious, which made him look down on the ring given by Fei Fei.

But can a ring given by an extraordinary person be ordinary?

"Release your thoughts and sink your mind into the ring in front of you, and you will find a new sky!"

Are you the evil puppet master? Before these words came out of Bai Xi's mouth, the young man had truly discovered a new world.

"This is a space ring? Praise the God of Order, am I blinded by the devil? This space, this space is too big."

Look at your inexperienced look?

After being promoted to a senior insurance specialist, Feifan has improved his skills in engraving space equipment.

The maximum space of the space rings made in the past was no more than the size of a large wardrobe, but now the rings made by Feifan, if they are made of high-quality acrylic stones, can have a space as large as the backyard garden of Feifan's home.

It was such a ring that was given to Percy.

I didn't expect it, I never expected that I was too superficial. I thought I was giving away a slightly precious treasure, so I was a bit cocky.

What is a magical outfit? It is like this if you don't pretend to be extraordinary. If you pretend to be, you will fly to the sky.

No, I can't come up with a gift in return, so I should worship the eldest brother. My identity should be worthy of the extraordinary eldest brother.

I don’t know if it’s suitable. If not, why don’t I ask first?

"Well, this gift is too expensive. It's at least worth a Burman Tower in the main city. I can't have it, Brother Extraordinary!"

He said no, but the ring in his hand was tightly grasped.

"Oh, no, then give it back to me!"

It turns out I’m not worthy, no, are you trying to trick me?

Looking up at Fei Fei, the latter touched the "Wings of Wind" and marveled, as if he was having a sweet dream.

"It turns out it was a dream, haha!"

"So much nonsense? Why don't you hurry up and take it with you? If someone comes to you with an empty akashi, can you beat it? To the outside world, just say it's emerald, emerald or something like that. It's up to you, but don't say I gave it to you!"

"I understand, I understand, Brother Extraordinary, I understand everything!"

One of them caressed his lover's smooth back, and the other hurriedly took the ring and put it on his hand, and at the same time moved the contents of the space ring on the other hand.

Fortunately, Fei Fei was still appreciating treasures and didn't pay attention to the various treasures flashing in Bai Xi's hands. Otherwise, the drama of killing people and seizing treasures might not have happened.

"Ring ring ring"

Burmanta has arrived.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two walked towards the moving stairs. Berman employees passing by stood on both sides of the stairs with their hands on their chests and bowed in salute.

These evil capitalists should all be exiled to the Devil's Abyss. Why do I still yearn for it so much?

Percy gradually adapted to the role of his younger brother. Every time he reached an intersection, he would extend his hand to signal Fei Fei to go ahead.

Young man, you have a bright future, and your road will definitely get wider and wider in the future.

Arriving at the top-floor auction house, Bai Xi wanted to host the auction and left first, but he also left behind two high-strength guards brought from the imperial capital to follow Fei Fei.

"Nima, judging from the escort force brought by this boy Baixi, the Berman Chamber of Commerce must also have got some information, which is probably only a lot more than the Grand Duke's Palace knows."

"There are still two high-level combat guards left. It seems that the ring was not given away in vain."

If he didn't have a clear understanding of Bai Xi's character, Fei Fei would have just taken out the first-generation space ring and dismissed him.

"Sir, let's go. The Grand Duke is absent from this auction due to poor health. So Master Percy has arranged for us the leftmost box on the third floor."

After looking around, Gu Lie whispered in Fei Fei's ear again.

"Sir, no one from the top management of the city hall has been seen. The three-story private rooms that were fully booked last month are almost vacated."

Fatty and Dosta, who followed later, looked at the two guards in front of them and walked among the four without saying anything.

Arriving at the box, Feifei placed two guards at the door to watch. The four of them came to the panoramic window in front of the box and looked at the boiling heads below.

There were very few celebrities, nobles, gentlemen and wealthy businessmen on the third and second floors of this auction, but the seats on the bottom floor were packed.

Bossi came to the high platform in the center of the auction house, surrounded by Berman senior executives, and waved to the surrounding stands.

The isolation zone between the high platform and the venue was filled with fireworks by Berman employees. Several high-level fire magicians were also in the isolation zone, holding staffs and preparing to release magical fireworks in the middle of the auction room.

The magical fireworks before the opening speech made everyone present full of expectations.

Finally, Master Percy, who was standing on the high platform, waved his hand, and then fireballs of various colors slowly rose towards the dome of the auction house.

The fireball reached its highest point and a thunder exploded, signaling the official start of the auction.

"Boom, boom!"

There was a shaking under everyone's feet, and then huge waves of sound erupted.

"Is this the 'shock wave' released by a high-level earth magician? It's so real. I thought the Burman Tower was going to collapse just now!"

"You coward, the Berman Chamber of Commerce is really generous. It is more shocking than the magical fireworks feast of the Summer Festival!"

Before the discussion subsided, a huge shock wave struck again. With the experience last time, people did not panic this time, and the cheers were even louder.

"Huh? No, this sound is the sound of an explosion. Damn it, has this started?"

He rushed out of the room, ignored the two guards who asked, and went straight to the corridor. At the end of the corridor was the glass exterior wall of Burman Tower, from which he could have a bird's eye view of the entire Queens.

This time, Fei Fei saw clearly that a huge ball of light first expanded and then exploded with a "pop". After a few seconds, the sound of "rumbling" reached Fei Fei's ears.

Gu Lie stepped forward and pointed at the huge fireworks and said, "Sir, that location should be the gas manufacturing plant!"

No need to ask, this should be the method of the Brotherhood.

Within a minute, the gas lamps on the outer wall of the lower floor of the Burman Tower were extinguished layer by layer. In addition to the always-on light stone, it also emitted a dim light. The entire Central Queens District seemed to be swallowed by a huge dark beast.

Tonight is a disaster for York City.

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