Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 172 Goddess Melody

Corner of Rubble District and Queens.

It was past curfew time, and in a corner where the moonlight was not visible, a man in black clothes glanced at the pocket watch in his hand from time to time, looking a little anxious.

"What took you so long? I wonder if Lord Casper will come in person!"

He and another companion followed Feifan to the villa here. They looked at the door of the villa and saw that Cordo Feifei did not appear for a long time after entering. The man in the dress assigned his companion to report back.

The man in the suit touched the pipe in his pocket, wondering whether he should take a puff.

"ring bell"

A black carriage with wind chimes stopped in front of the corner where he was.

The coachman stopped the carriage, jumped out quickly, and opened the door.

Who else could appear in front of the man in the tuxedo but Casper Rodney?

"Lord Casper"

The man in the dress quickly took off his hat and bowed.

"You haven't left the villa door?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Okay, now you get in the car and go back!"

"Yes, sir!"

The carriages bearing the Casper family crest after curfew were not afraid of inspections by the city guards, but in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Rodney decided to monitor them himself.

Feifan, who had passed out in the basement, didn't know that there was a good friend waiting for him outside the door.


A basin of water was poured on Fei Fei's face, and he woke up with a start.

"Bah bah"

"Cough cough cough"

"I, I mean, brother, I've lost my ability to fight and you're still here? You want to kill me!"

Watching Fei Fei reach out to evaporate the water on his robe, the magic power has not been exhausted, so he has lost his fighting power.


"What are you listening to? Why do you have ground thorns to assist every attack? Except for the blessing of magic detection, you really can't feel the activity of the earth magic element."

The extraordinary complaints were ignored.

Pulling up a chair, Anthony sat down to rest, leaning on his sword.

To be honest, his consumption was really huge. He spent all the magic power of Fei Fei, a high-level magician, and his own magic power almost bottomed out.

The coma was not long, but Fei Fei had recovered the magic power to steam dry clothes, which he couldn't do.

"You know, a magic swordsman is not a combination of a pure swordsman and a magician. Someone who has a big sword in one hand and throws magic balls with the other is not called a magic swordsman."

"The unique skill of the earth magic swordsman is the 'ground stab combo'. As long as my physical strength can keep up, every attack will be assisted by ground stabs."

This is an extraordinary understanding. When he resists Anthony's magic sword, he must be careful of the thorns that emerge from the ground at any time.

In the same way, when Fei Fei only focused on attacking with the ground stabs under his feet, Anthony's big sword would strike unexpectedly.

"After releasing the Magic Swordsman skill, your Swordsman skill and Magician skill can still be used. This is why the Ground Thorn also appeared when I released the 'Charge' skill just now."

After listening to Anthony's words, Feifan realized that he had viewed the Demon Swordsman as a bit simple before.

If it were just ordinary magic and martial arts cultivation, it would not reflect the power of the magic swordsman profession.

"Um, brother Anthony, you almost died last time, but I didn't see you using this trick?"

"You think I don't want to use it? The magic gold sword is not inlaid with earth magic crystal. I'll use wool!"

Indeed, during the sparring session with Anthony, the magic sword in the opponent's hand was obviously a newly forged weapon, and the ornaments on the handle showed no signs of wear and tear.


Feifan, who was thinking with his head down, raised his hand subconsciously, and he grabbed a skill book.

"This is?"

Looking down at the skill book in his hand, the seal's fire paint has the patterns of the seven elements.

It's just that the seven elements don't look very orderly. They all drag tail flames, as if they are dancing in the air.

An ordinary magic skill book has never been seen before. The fire paint shield is engraved with the magic element emblem.

For example, in fire magic, the shield mark on the fire paint is the symbol of a flame.

The water type is in the shape of water droplets, the wind type is in the shape of a tornado, and the thunder type is in the shape of lightning.

This skill book is engraved with seven series of magic elements, and you can smell its power.

"This, this, is this a forbidden spell level skill?"

Let me go, are the benefits of having a cheap brother so great?

After calming down, Fei Fei asked cautiously:

"This is a forbidden spell level. I can't learn it at my current level, brother!"

Raising his hand to his forehead, Anthony almost fell off the chair.

"I call you big brother, look at the material of the skill book!"

"Eh? Animal skin? I don't feel the magic element. Is this a basic skill book?"

"Melody of the Goddess of Nature"

Anthony sat up straight and said seriously.


"Ha, are you a magician?" Anthony then held his forehead and smiled bitterly.

This is no wonder Feifan, first of all, almost all of his magician skills are self-taught, and there is no powerful magician priest to lead the way.

Secondly, in the Brave Continent, popular knowledge is that the longer the name of the skill book, the higher the level.

This is the first time I have seen a high-end product with seven characters like this.

"Hurry up and learn! If you can't master it, don't be a magician!"

I can't bear this anymore, I am a high-level magician after all.

He didn't say anything, just slapped him on the forehead, and learned to slap him in the face directly.

"Hey Hey"

The extraordinary sense of accomplishment is overwhelming as you close your eyes and giggle!

Once you learn it once, of course you won’t learn it and the skill book will still be there, Feifan cannot guarantee that.

But if he is gone, Anthony promises to kill him.

"Very good!" Anthony praised expressionlessly.

"Next, hold the staff with both hands and release the water bomb technique first!"

"Water Bomb Technique" is instantaneous.

"Oh my God, my God!"

The water polo suddenly appeared and rotated with "The Sun Never Sets" as the center of the circle amid the extraordinary sound of surprise.

"Attention!" Anthony yelled.

Immediately following the roar came a sword shadow.

Before Feifan could react, the slowly floating water bomb directly hit the broad sword that fell.

"This is the power of the Magic Swordsman's skill, Dance of Elements!"

"Isn't it the melody of the goddess of nature?"

"Well, it's called Melody when released, and when combined with your elemental magic skills, it's called 'Elemental Dance'"

"Gah, wow!"

It was already midnight, and the entire villa was immersed in darkness.

A figure climbed over two walls and entered the backyard. After a long search, no result was found.

"No one is in the villa, and the basement is not found. The backyard can be seen at a glance. Has Fei Fei disappeared?"

But when Casper Rodney approached the wall, an inconspicuous small iron door appeared.

Open the small iron door, and outside is the alley behind the villa.

"These two idiots don't even know there is a backdoor? Throw them to Rhode Island tomorrow!"

He was extremely confident in his search results. Since there were no results, Casper left quietly.

"Next, the fireball technique will be followed by a big fireball!"

When the fireball the size of Dosta's head lingered around Feifan, Feifan still seemed to be in a dream.

No wonder the "Goddess Melody", which is just a basic skill, dares to be named after a goddess. It is really strong.

When the waterspout spun with a dragon roar, the magic crystals in Feifan's hand that replenished the magic power fell to the ground.

Thinking of Trunks, a water magic swordsman with the same potential as himself, Feifan drooled and asked Anthony.

"Brother, do you still have this skill? One more volume, and let me tell you, I found a genius!"


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