Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 191 Son of God

It was night, and the children of the employees in the entire extraordinary manor went to bed early.

In the training ground next to Lord Extraordinary's villa, the screams of the children continued for a long time.

The next day, a trial report was placed on the extraordinary dining table.

Fatty Francis didn't bother Feifan and walked straight to the other end of the long dining table, picked up the barbecue steak on the plate and started eating it with jam.

Although Francis occasionally has a bad mouth, is not very good at fighting, and loves to drink and eat meat, Feifei knows that Francis is not very smart, but he is not stupid either.

In the report, Francis spoke highly of Anael and Trunks.

However, Charles' performance was still ranked behind the Keane brothers in Francis' report.

I won’t mention Gerald and Emily.

Their only comment was, "Keep howling!".

"I'm talking about Francis, Charles' performance is remarkable in the academy. How come he is even ranked among the top three in your eyes?"

Seeing Fei Fei's inquiry, the fat man put down the food in his hands, wiped his hands and said:

"Sir, I think there is something wrong with this boy Charles!"

"Oh? What did you find?"

Fei Fei is still very confident in his ability to observe words and emotions.

"I can't tell you! But every time this kid gets beaten, my heart will throb for a moment!"

This is the sixth sense, known as the "underworld sense" in the Brave Continent.

The thief who walks in the dark is one of the professions with the strongest sense of darkness among all combat professions.

As a life and death partner, Francis takes his words very seriously.

"Usually, this kid has a arrogant face that needs to be beaten. If he really has some conspiracy to sneak into the magic academy, I will take care of him!"

In his extraordinary subconscious mind, he thought that Charles might have some unknown little secret. He said this just to reassure the fat man.

After breakfast, Feifan and Francis came to the training ground.


As the gears clenched, the sun shone through the glass skylight of the training ground and shone on the face of the young man lying in a heap.

There were no signs of a violent struggle.

What a joke, if Francis, a newly promoted high-level thief, looked like a drunkard in a tavern, he would probably not be able to show his face to anyone.

"Master Extraordinary, do you want to wake them up?" A guard behind him stepped forward and asked.

"Ahem, this is my apprentice, not an enemy! Don't be so brutal!"

I don't come to the manor often to see what the guards under my command have done to Gulie and Dosta.

Unconsciously, Feifan has assumed the role of his own priest.

"It's better for me to wake them up!"

After muttering a few words silently, everyone around him saw thousands of blue water lines pouring down from the glass roof of the training ground.

"Holy Water Rain Technique" high-level water recovery magic!

"Soft water flow" can heal trauma, bone injuries, including internal organ displacement.

The high-level "Holy Water Rain Technique" not only has the effect of "soft water flow", but can also slowly restore mental power, physical strength and vitality.

Unless compared with the light magic "Praise of Life", it is only weak.

The apprentices' rapid breathing slowly became steady and they rubbed their eyes. Trunks was the first to wake up.

They are indeed the seeds of Demon Swordsmen that Extraordinary has favored, a group with strong physical fitness.

"Brother Feifan, why are you here?" Trunks looked around blankly.

After a few seconds, he realized his situation and quickly covered his mouth with both hands.

"Boom" a blow hit Trunks' head.

"I'll give you a long memory, kid!" Feifan said in a vicious manner.

In the corner where no one was paying attention, the corner of Charles's mouth curved in an arc.

The guards slapped the apprentices awake one by one under extraordinary signals.

"Each of you go get a loaf of rye bread from the basket and I'll take you up the mountain for some fun today!"

"Humph!" Emily, with tears in her eyes, was the first to walk towards the basket containing bread.

This surprised Fei Fei. The first person in the report who shouted to go home to find her mother seemed to be Miss Griffin Emily.

Surprisingly, no one doubted why he had been beaten all night long. Not only did he not have any bruises on his body, he also felt comfortable all over and had endless strength.

Yesterday's magic bombing was not the Extraordinary original intention.

The trial at that time was just running, but the magic power in Feifan's body made him very uncomfortable.

The combination of ideas leads to extraordinary improvisation.

This is not the first time this has happened. Fei Fei felt it as early as the night of the riot.

After the riot, he tried to compress the magic power that was about to overflow in his body.

Dean Leslie and several old deputy deans were making insinuations.

In particular, the huge collection of magic knowledge books in the Library Tower gave him great inspiration.

After succeeding once, the magic power in the body was compressed and tempered by Fei Fei over and over again.

In the end, the elemental attributes of the magic power were wiped away.

Regarding this magical element that is very similar to the power of space, Fei Fei searched through the books in the Library Tower but could not find any information.

He defined this magical element as "virtual element".

The advantage is that when Feifan releases magic skills, he does not need to deliberately use fire magic or water and wind magic. As long as he condenses the virtual elements, the magic of each system will come together.

"grown ups!"

"The apprentices have gone a long way up the mountain!" Francis reminded softly.

"Oh, let's go!"

Regarding magic, Dean Leslie said that there are many questions at the mainland level, and his questions are not problems at all.

Shaking his head, Feifan pulled Francis over and landed at the end of the group of apprentices going up the mountain with a "teleport".

Regarding the level of combat power of the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce President, rumors are spreading throughout York County.

The most outrageous rumor: Feifan is either the illegitimate son of a high-ranking member of the Magicians Guild, or the biological son of a high-ranking member of the Underwriters Association of Saint Valeran in the imperial capital!

Of course, these will not cause trouble to Feifan. At this moment, he is being taken advantage of by the enthusiastic female picking workers.

Some hold hands, some touch faces, some kiss the uppers of shoes, and some cry loudly.

"Annal, do you think the Extraordinary Priest is a good person? I have never seen a slave be so enthusiastic towards his slave owner!"

The apprentices had long stopped on the side of the road to watch the extraordinary fool of the busy caster.

Charles's seemingly casual question was just that he looked at Anael's overly excited expression, which comforted the beauty.

"Hmph, can an extraordinary great demon be so kind?" Emily said angrily.

“Do you know how much dinars the ‘Extraordinary Coffee’ from other counties costs?”

"Emily, shut up!" Annal shouted angrily.

Not only Emily was stunned, but all the friends were stunned.

Who wouldn't be surprised to see the usually soft-spoken Anal angry for the first time?

"Have you not seen what those slaves are wearing? Have you seen slaves wearing a few pieces of coarse cloth, have you seen slaves wearing linen?"

"Look at their skin! What kind of slave is raised to have a glowing face?"

"And the babies in the slave women's swaddles are clean and healthy! I think the life of the slaves here is better than that of the civilians in the outer city!" Gerald added.

As the son of a senior member of the Green Chamber of Commerce, he has seen more than the other teenagers.

"They are indeed slaves, you can tell by the marks on their foreheads!"

"Yes, they are slaves, but there is hope in their eyes!"

Brother Keen's words made several teenagers suddenly feel that there was a backlight behind their heads.

"He is a child of God!"

Anal looked at it dreamily and murmured to herself.

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