Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 230 The magic circle that condenses magic power

The rescue center is on the third underground floor. The space here is very small compared to the two floors above, and there is not a single injured person.

A small stone platform paved with bright jade depicts a four-pointed star magic array. A priest is sitting cross-legged in the center of the array meditating.

The old pastor who pulled Fei Fei explained to Fei Fei:

"This is a four-ray magic array that gathers magic power. Due to limited materials, it can only help light, water and wind magicians accelerate the magic power concentration,"

"For example, a manic fire and thunder magician cannot use it. If you use the earth type, you will not recover as fast as if you bury yourself in the earth!"

As the old man explained, Fei Fei searched his memory for some information on magic circles that could condense magic power.

There is only one word difference between bright jade and bright stone, but their values ​​are vastly different.

Like black stone, which has high magic resistance, bright jade is a kind of magic mineral material. Compared with black stone's property of increasing magic resistance, bright jade is a magic-guiding material that conducts magic power.

While waiting for the priest in the magic gathering circle to finish his meditation, the old man looked at Feifan very curiously from time to time.

"Old man, what do you mean when you keep staring at me?"

Although appearance is justice, Feifei doesn't think that he is already handsome enough to make hundreds of people jealous.

"Extraordinary, this, Earl! Are you still an insurance company?"

"If it's fake, it's guaranteed to be replaced!"

"High-end insurance company?"

It hurt a little. Could it be that you are already so famous? The old man in front of me is an old pastor who lives in the church!

In addition to singing and praising the God of Light every day, the most he does is shine the holy light on some gentlemen, nobles and wealthy businessmen, and pray for blessings.

"I say, uncle, if you want to ask anything, ask directly, don't be so subtle!"

The hundred-year-old man was a little embarrassed, smoothed his white beard, and took out a book with a very bright cover from the sleeves of his robe.

The color scheme of red and green is not the key. When Fei Fei saw the title of the book, he almost twitched.

"The Autobiography of Count Cordo Extraordinaire"

What a coquettish title, I took the book and opened a few pages at random, and the content inside was even more horrific.

"After I graduated from public school at the age of fifteen, I met the two girls I love most in my heart. This is also my original intention of vowing to become the guardian knight of the Sissel sisters."

"The adventure with Ms. Lan Ling'er in the Dragon Valley allowed me to break through the level of the great magician. From now on, at the age of twenty, I can be proud of the entire York County, plus the entire three counties and two islands in the south!"

"Warren Griffiths holds a high position as the president of the York City Underwriters Association, and he had doubts about being a senior underwriter. I had no choice but to write to the King City General Association, Warren Griffiths. Fitz could only leave the scene in despair!"

This is a trick, Feifan found that he was in big trouble now!

The things in the autobiography are both true and false, which makes people believe it even more.

Moreover, the author should really yearn for love and have a gentle heart. He has expressed his love for almost all the women who appear in his autobiography.

If any unfamiliar readers read the entire book, they will definitely spit out a lot of phlegm.

"Bah, you scumbag! Why isn't I the protagonist in it?"

"This, uncle! Where did you buy this autobiography?"

Feifei asked nervously, if it didn't spread widely, he would buy it all even if he bought it in bookstores one by one.

"Oh, where did you buy your own autobiography?"

The uncle's answer caused a dark line to appear on Feifan's face.

"Haha, it's well written! Very interesting! But by the way, which girl is your favorite?"

Another black line was added.

Just before Fei Fei was completely embarrassed, we finally got the news that it was available in major bookstores in York City.

The most important thing is that in just a few days, it has become a bestseller in Yorkshire.

This should have happened after he became an earl, right? Does anyone want to take advantage of the popularity?

For illegal gains?

But looking at the whole book, apart from the signature of Cordo Feifan, there is no other name of the editor, not even the organizer.

Not to mention a publisher that can be traced back to the source.


With a pleasant exhalation, the priest in the magic gathering circle stood up.

Okay, let’s put the autobiography aside for now, there are more important things to do.

"Extraordinary boy, wait a minute! Sign your name for me before you go up!"

Uncle, I won’t sign! I do not deserve!

Pretending not to hear the call from behind, Fei Fei sat cross-legged in the center of the circle and entered a meditative state the next second.

"Tsk, tsk, he is indeed a magic genius. The speed at which he enters meditation is unmatched by ordinary people!"

"Sir! Who is this person? There are not many people in York who can be called a boy by you!"

The priest who finished his meditation did not leave in a hurry. He looked at Fei Fei, who was wearing black foam, and asked curiously.

The old pastor didn't say anything. He raised the autobiography in his hand and mouthed it to Fei Fei.

"Count Cordo Extraordinary? This, is this the water magician who defeated the Great Swordsman Lulan with a single water bullet?"

Look, if Fei Fei hears it, he will probably feel better. Sometimes, outrageous rumors are believed and can have a huge impact.

Just like the two priests under the magic gathering circle, one is thinking about getting an extraordinary signature, and the other has a look of reverence on his face, and he is out of control.

However, what no one noticed was that the magic crystal grooves at the end of the four-pointed star of the magic gathering array were all high-level light stones.

Cordo Feifan is about to be busted.

If you are immersed in the water element, you will feel like you are walking in the galaxy in the universe. The bright blue light spots all over your body are like smart water elves.

But now in the extraordinary state of meditation, I just feel that my whole body is lying in snow-white soft clouds, and above the clouds is the huge sun, with golden rays and thousands of rays.

The golden light shone on Feifan Chiguoguo's skin, which was a little hot and a little stinging.

However, being wrapped in soft clouds made Fei Fei feel a little lazy, and the burning and stinging sensations were not strong.

As time went by, some cracks appeared in the four high-level light stones.

It is estimated that the ultra-high-level light stone in the center of the formation under Fei Fei's butt will suffer the same fate.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and after everything was done, Feifan had been in the magic-gathering array for no less than an hour.

Because the old man's status was not low, the other priests who were waiting to use the magic gathering circle to restore their magic power had to wait quietly outside the door.

Where's the old pastor?

"Tsk tsk, absolutely! Absolutely! It turns out that the conflict between the extraordinary boy and Sir Lu Lan started in the goblin slave farm! The two of them fought over a beautiful elf girl! A thousand slaves died in the slave farm because of this reason !”

"Don't bully young people just because they are young, ignorant, and weak! The potential of young people is unpredictable by the old men!"

"Praise the God of Light, Rabbimos! Your wisdom shines like the goddess of wisdom!"

Comparing the God of Light and the Goddess of Wisdom, the old man was unconsciously blasphemous, but he didn't know it.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah. Pah!"

Five continuous sounds of popping beans echoed in the small basement.

The rich light element is like an inflated balloon, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Seeing the apologetic ignorant boy standing on the magic gathering array and slapping his butt, the old man really wanted to add another kick.

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