Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 257 Justice Judgment

Back in the afternoon of that day, Rodney and the mysterious visitor from the royal capital sat face to face in Henry's Tavern in the Rubble District.

The same style of hooded robe, but slightly different from the official robe with a job.

There is no precious metal thread piping on the collar of the magician's robe, nor is it the sharp contrasting colors of pure white and pure black of the Church of Light and the Church of Darkness.

Even when drinking in a tavern, little Henry saw many customers who would cover their heads with hoods, leaving only their noses and mouths exposed.

However, as soon as he entered the tavern, little Henry recognized one of his fellow priests who frequented the tavern.

Caspar Rodney, the first heir of a duke, was at odds with the entire ducal palace.

Little Henry has his own information channel, but there are some things that even Fei Fei doesn't know.

Information must be exchanged for gold coins. As the best place to inquire about information on the entire continent, the tavern has an unparalleled advantage.

Who on the mainland knows the news everywhere?

The answer is mercenaries traveling from south to north, and the places mercenaries like to go most are not high-end restaurants and cafes, but taverns with different religions and streams, filled with the stench of wine and sweat.

Little Henry's tavern in the rubble area is different from the taverns in outer cities and small towns and villages. Little Henry is a tavern owner with a mysophobia.

Swirling the whiskey on the rocks in his hand, Rodney waited for the mysterious man opposite to speak.

The mysterious man also sipped the wine in his glass, showing no desire to talk.

"It's time for you to go!" Rodney said calmly.

"Where to go?"

"You know what I mean, leave York, where can you go?"

"Haha" Mysterious sneered, "Our missions do not conflict. You retrieve Da Forman's lost 'coffee', and I will also find something that Lord Jin is interested in!"

The mysterious man's nonchalant attitude made Rodney a little angry.

"You are responsible for what happened in Cordo Manor, right? Enough is enough, otherwise it will be too late when you want to leave!"

"Ha, thank you for reminding me! However, two fat and thin high-level thieves were seriously injured by me. Even the one named Tarot was seriously injured! But he was already injured when I fought with him. I am confident that he will be there within a quarter of an hour next time he sees me. Get rid of him!"

Haha, do you think you should only pay attention to the three high-level thieves? The most dangerous thing there is not the thief, but the insurance man! It's a magician!

It's Cordo Fantastic himself!

However, Rodney and his extraordinary friendship prevailed, and he would not expose his extraordinary strength for a strange companion from the royal city.

I've persuaded you to leave, but you won't leave on your own! You deserve to die!

Rodney was not technically a fraternity member.

Rodney had always stayed away from this kind of subversive organization in various countries on the mainland.

Becoming Da Forman's disciple was also the result of his utilitarianism taking over when he first came to York.

He wants revenge, gets back what belongs to him, needs power, and needs gold coins, but his mother, the Duchess Casper, who died young, taught him how to keep the kindness in his heart since he was a child.

Whenever he collapsed in his dream in the dead of night, it was this little softness in his heart that kept him going.

Even before coming to the tavern to meet, he had prepared a bottle of high-level "magic burning" potion.

The guardian knight who followed his mother was now loyal to him, but Rodney was a little naive when he asked the knight to track a big thief.

The mysterious thief should have contacted the secret line of Priest Daforman in York City, which allowed the mysterious man to come and go freely in the city.

The next morning came. Rodney, who had been tossing and turning all night, found himself in a dilemma before he had walked far from the Magic Academy.

At the crossroads ahead, to the left is the direction of the bistro, and to the right is Fei Fei's home in the inner city.

The merchants and passers-by who got up early on the road saw the scene in front of them. A handsome young man with an aristocratic temperament was standing at the intersection, looking to the left and then to the right, like a fool waiting anxiously for his lover.

Gritting his teeth, Rodney cursed secretly and stepped out with his right leg.

The sun was rising, and the morning rays shone on the red iron door with hollow patterns.

He raised his hand, and as soon as his palm touched the doorbell's pull cord, the roar of a locomotive came from behind him.


The motorcycle stopped next to Rodney, and the figure he had thought about all night suddenly appeared in front of Rodney.

"Eh? Are you here so early to have a meal? Xiao Luo!"

You are extraordinary!

"You can call me Ronnie, but please don't call me Ronaldinho! Extraordinary Earl!"

The two were fighting, and Fei Fei then put the motorcycle into the space ring, took out a copper key under a bluestone brick, and opened the iron door.

Such a big motorcycle was put away, but a small key was thrown in a place where any thief would try it immediately.

The two entered the room and sat down in order.

Opening the kettle on the table, unscrewing the lid, Fei Fei squeezed one eye and looked inside.

The erected silver kettle swung twice in Fei Fei's hand, and Rodney heard the sound of water rushing inside.

"Excuse me!"

The kettle was thrown in front of Rodney's face by Fei Fei. The young Huofa looked disgusted, but he still stretched out his hand to hold the bottom of the pot.

"Dang Dang Dang"

With three taps of the extraordinary fingers on the table, a pot of water boiled.

It is possible to heat a kettle, but who wants to have a free fire method around?

After a while of prodding, Fei Fei threw two round black balls into two cups and poured boiling water over them.

"Come and try the extraordinary coffee travel outfit!"

Rodney, who was slightly annoyed, was speechless. You didn't even ask me why I came here so early in the morning?

He was here for a showdown. Yes, in order that his friendship would not only exist in his own memory, he was prepared to let Fei Fei be careful these two days.

It's best to have a few high-level guards around you, or hide in the magic academy and don't come out.

Faced with a warning from a good friend, Fei Fei will inevitably ask why.

A lie requires countless lies to complete, and sometimes Rodney even thought that being a magic priest would be a good idea.

But his mother's revenge has not been avenged, and what belongs to him has not been taken back, so he is unwilling to accept it.

This contradiction made him unable to wait for a moment, so as soon as dawn came, he rushed to his residence in the extraordinary rubble area without stopping.

"Extraordinary, actually I."

"Ronnie, actually I."

"I'll say it first"

"I'll say it first"

The two people, who had such a tacit understanding, instantly became blushing.

"Well, Ronnie, actually sometimes you will find the beauty around you that belongs to you! Well, beauty refers to the girl with fair skin and long hairy legs!"

"Well, beautiful lady!"

"Ahem, Feifan, what do you want to say?"

"What I actually like is women, girls, older leftovers, etc. It doesn't matter! The most important thing is women!"

I said it so directly, Rodney should understand, right?

Watching Rodney's face change from red to white, and then from white to black, Fei Fei sighed softly in his heart.

I hurt someone I love again! What a sin!

"Yesterday morning, an extraordinary fire elemental riot suddenly broke out in a house located on the central street of the rubble area! Then, the house was hit by a meteorite falling from the sky! Two nearby houses were damaged to varying degrees. It is reported that two senior officials It was caused by a private fight between high-level magicians in the city! Currently, the two magicians have been handed over to the Magicians Guild by the Public Security Department!"

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

——The above is from "Magician Gazette"

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