Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 324 Discussing Plans

At dawn, Fei Fei and Rodney, who had been up all night, said goodbye to each other.

After a night of persuasion, Rodney finally accepted the extraordinary advice.

First go back and disband the manpower you gathered to reduce the risk of being discovered, and send away the five mercenaries hired at a high price.

A few people gathered in Dosta's room and looked at the map of the Duke's Palace left by Rodney. Gulie and Annal studied the action plan in detail.

In extraordinary terms, this is preferential treatment given to smart people.

Francis raised his hands in agreement, came to the rocking chair in front of the fireplace with a bottle of whiskey in his arms, and blew on the bottle directly.

Fei Fei, who couldn't stand it anymore, walked directly to the fat man, pulled out half of the stack of papers in his arms, and threw it on the fat man's belly wearing leather armor.

"Don't be lazy, Francis, analyze the people here and pick out the people who may be a threat!"

The two of them drank hard liquor and the other sipped coffee, and carefully studied the information left by Rodney.

Dosta was the only one left in the room. Fortunately, everyone knew about the troll. Only Anna raised her head and took a few glances.

When he walked to the fireplace, Dosta took out a handful of wood ashes from the still warm ashes beside him.

Coming to the balcony, Dostal used the wood ash in his hand to spread out a wood ash pattern on the floor that resembled his own head.

After scattering the wood ash, a small troll skull appeared in his hand, with two round bone rings hanging on the two fangs. The bone rings were covered with two silk ribbons made of hair, and underneath was a fluorescent The spine is straight and has only seven or eight sections.

"The totem pole of the Orcs?" Anna exclaimed, accidentally knocking over the water cup at hand, and the brown coffee wet half of the map.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Anna, realizing she had made a mistake, quickly picked up her handkerchief, dipped the coffee on the map and sucked it clean.

Following the direction of Anna's eyes, Gu Lie knew what was going on, and smiled and said it didn't matter.

Today should be the night of the full moon, and Dosta's morning prayer should be to communicate with the shamans in the tribe.

Fei Fei also saw Anna's surprise and couldn't help but think of the first full moon night when he met Dosta.

Dosta, who had just been bought by Fei Fei, ran directly to Fei Fei and said that he would go out for a few days. Fei Fei agreed without saying a word.

As a result, Dosta, who returned to Fei Fei, took out a totem pole from a cloth pocket on the morning of the full moon night, scaring Fei Fei almost to death.

After all, what is drawn in the book and what is actually seen are two different concepts.

Dosta on the balcony gently tossed the totem pole in his hand, and the totem pole floated on the wood ash.

Dosta was kneeling on the floor, mumbling a troll language that no one could understand, and his low and fast prayers attracted the attention of several people in the room.

Since they couldn't work peacefully, the four of them stared wide-eyed as Dosta completed his consciousness.

When Dosta stopped praying, Anna discovered that a strange symbol she didn't recognize appeared on the ashes on the floor.

The troll who put away the totem pole turned around and saw several people doing their own things as if nothing had happened. Only Anna blinked and looked at him.

With a puzzled expression, Dosta came to Fei Fei and sat directly on the floor.

"Is it over? Dosta, judging from your appearance, is everything okay in the tribe?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Feifan! Everything is safe!"

After praying every month, Dosta would talk to Fei Fei so seriously, but she would recover within half a day.

"Well, okay! Just be safe!"

If the troll tribe suffers a predicted disaster, the great shaman in the tribe will predict it in advance. Once the news is received, Fei Fei will take Dosta directly to the far north ice field.

Without leaving York City, Fei Fei felt like he had nothing to do all day long.

After leaving, Fei Fei suddenly found that he had a lot to do.

On the first day he came to Il City, Feifei wrote a letter to Priest Ladonna about what he had learned in the Underwriters Association.

I believe that the Il City Underwriters Association will be able to truly operate in the near future.

Before noon, Rodney left and returned.

Fei Fei was relieved to hear that Rodney accepted his suggestion, dismissed the mercenaries and let his men lurk.

Several people were eating lunch in Dosta's room, Rodney wore a black face and said nothing.

"Rodney, is the bread in your City of Ill taste terrible?"

Facing the extraordinary joke, Rodney smiled bitterly and stuffed the bread in his hand into his mouth.

"When I entered the city just now, I saw the food-purchasing convoy led by Druk!"

Seeing Rodney's defeated expression, Fei Fei took the coffee pot and filled it up for Rodney and listened quietly.

"The rye in York City costs 10 dinars per pound, but Druk's collar sells it to 2 dinars per pound! How can the farmers in the territory make a living?"

"But unfortunately, it is the knights and city guards of Il City who force farmers to sell grain in Caspar Territory!"

"Have you seen it all the way east? There are more and more wastelands in Casper's territory. This is all caused by Druk, this evil neighbor!"

The excited Rodney slapped his hand on the table and almost spilled the scalding coffee.

"What I learned in York was that thieves and crazy monsters were rampant in Casper's territory. I didn't expect this to be the reason!"

Gu Lie calmly said to Fei Fei that in two years, Fei Fei knew very little about the changes around him.

"Yes, boss, we have walked hundreds of kilometers along the way, not to mention the thieves group, not even a few monsters have arrived!"

Listening to the discussion of several people, Anna took out her notebook and made another note.

Now that the problem of the Duke's Palace has been solved, the problem of the Duchy of Duruk has arisen again.

Seeing his friend's concern, Rodney slapped his forehead, pulled Fei Fei and said:

"By the way, Feifan, my informant in York City has received news that someone seems to be inquiring about you!"

Rodney's words made Gu Lie and others instantly nervous, but Feifan remained calm.

"Haha, I guess he has appeared in York City too many times! He must have been accidentally seen by someone! But I have my face covered, so even if I saw it, I can only guess!"

"Yes, if the other party confirms the news of the extraordinary priest's return, I'm afraid that Lord Gulie and others will be stared at when they leave York City!"

What a few people didn't know was that after a while, the anomalies that occurred in Xiaopo Town were noticed by those who were interested.

"Yes! Get to Saint Trite as soon as possible. Once there, we can at least get strong help!"

Feifan looked around and realized that only by solving Rodney's problem could they get rid of the enemy's sight.

Caspar Territory is still too close to Yorkshire.

"Then, the problem we face now is to secretly kidnap Edfulin, or cause chaos in the Duke's Mansion, and take advantage of the chaos to send the Duchess to the abyss!"

Gu Lie raised his finger and posed the question.


Dosta threw a piece of firewood into the fireplace, looked up at everyone, and said:

"In a few days, it will be the Advent Anniversary! I wonder if Ill City will be as lively as York City!"

Druk's grain-purchasing convoy, the anniversary of the arrival of the gods, a grand celebration.

The group picture popped up in front of Fei Fei's eyes, and he knew that as long as he connected a few things together, he might be able to find the safest and most reasonable way.

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