Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 401 Unblocking One-third

The next morning, after breakfast, Fei Fei was preparing to go out. Gulie and Francis appeared out of nowhere and followed him.

Well, this is because I am afraid that I will run away!

But today we were just doing a small thing, so Feifei didn't feel compelled to let the two of us follow him.

"Gulie, aren't you too busy to keep your feet off the ground? What are you doing with me? The same goes for Francis. Who said you had to sleep in today after drinking too much last night?"

The two people who were exposed did not defend themselves. The fat man yawned and muttered: "Sir, we will go wherever you go! Who gave you the habit of cheating on your family!"

Gu Lie helped: "When we rescued old Jones last time, the adults said they would return in three to five days, but we have been waiting for more than a month!"

Feeling two unyielding resentments, Feifan smiled and said that he would never do it this time.

He told the two of them his purpose of visiting the master of magic sealing in Semir, and after repeated assurances, he was released from the house.

Master Semir is not far away from the extraordinary castle in a straight line. If it is a magic crystal spaceship, it will be there in a few minutes.

However, the spaceship was stolen by pirates. Although it had been repainted, Feifan himself would not be able to tell if he met someone who was familiar with the spaceship.

Each of the magic crystal spaceships that cannot be mass-produced is made by hand. There are many similar ones, but it is rare to see one with exactly the same hull.

He took out the steam locomotive and sat directly on it.

Rather than wasting time on carriages, it is better to drive steam locomotives directly. The number of locomotives in Freeport has arrived from York City in the past two years. No less than a thousand units. Although they are eye-catching, they will not make people go to great lengths to inquire about the details of each owner. .

There are also suspension bridges connecting Shizhu Mountain. Driving on it gives Feifan the feeling of flying in the clouds.

Just going up and down the stone pillars is dizzying, and the spiral mountain road almost bends to the end.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Fei Fei appeared outside Master Semel's residence.

"ring bell"

Pulling off the bell rope beside the door, after a while, the heavy door opened from the inside.

Coincidentally, the person who opened the door was Master Semir's protégé, Chassia, whom Fei Fei was looking for.

Seeing that it was Fei Fei who called the door, a trace of panic flashed in Chasia's eyes, but she immediately regained her proud expression.

"Seal Master Chasia, I'm sorry. Last time I said it was seven days, but something happened at home and I missed the agreed time!"

The expression of the extraordinary apology is in place, the attitude is sincere, and the high-level magician badge shining brightly on the chest is nothing.

The smiling Chasia led Fei Fei to the door, and the two sat down in the living room filled with magic materials.

"Your Excellency Feifan, I also want to apologize for my arrogance at the time. Only one-third of the seal on the memory crystal was released, and it was only opened with the help of Priest Semel!"

"Oh, wait a moment!"

Chasia, who got up to leave, found an extraordinary crystal ball on a wooden-framed glass shelf and placed it on the table in front of the two of them.


Chasia sighed: "Based on my experience, this memory crystal can only be placed by a magician-level sealer at most, but even Priest Semel cannot break the seal. This may be a magician or even a great magician." It was placed by the seal master."

"For this memory crystal of yours, Master Samir even used his own treasured 'Devil Breaking Scroll' and only opened the first seal."

Listening to Chasia's words, this small memory crystal was actually blessed with three high-level seals.

Thinking of this, Fei Fei quickly opened the wooden box in front of him and grabbed the memory crystal in his hand.

As soon as the magic power in the body surged out, some pictures appeared on the crystal ball.

Chasia stood up and left her seat with a wink, and along the way, placed a magic barrier around Feifan.

"Wow wow."

First, a baby's cry was heard, and the scene popped up, showing a person leaving the bedroom.

Just looking at the layout of the bedrooms, it is not difficult to tell that this is a hotel, and the conditions are very poor.

The scene turned, and a woman appeared beside the bed in the bedroom. When Fei Fei saw the woman's face clearly, he burst into tears.

It was his mother, Jacqueline, who was holding a baby and breastfeeding.

Is that your childhood self?

Jacqueline, who exudes the brilliance of motherhood and has a girlish appearance, is staring at the front of the screen with a savage look on her face.

Unexpectedly, my mother already showed the grace of a grown-up woman when she was young.

Then, the corner of her mother Jacqueline's mouth moved slightly, but no sound came from the screen.

This is the disadvantage of the seal not being completely lifted.

"Woah, woah"

Two babies' cries interrupted Fei Fei's abdominal disapproval. In the picture, he was still lying in his mother's arms.

I can cry even while feeding. Was I such a naughty child when I was a child?

Touching his chin, Feifan smiled happily.

Jacqueline in the picture turned her head toward the inside of the bed, and the picture moved from far to near, zooming in on the bed.

On the small hardwood bed, there was another swaddled baby with eyes squeezed and howling, but Fei Fei was dumbfounded!

Are these twins? One of the two babies was definitely him.

The scene then changed to several environments, but mostly in hotel bedrooms, and once in the wild.

What is the parents hiding from? This is what Fei Fei knows now.

A powerful enemy? Or is it one of the few organizations on the mainland?

Fei Fei felt guilty towards the owner of his original body.

Could it be that after the parents gave birth to themselves, they got a child from somewhere else, in order to numb the enemy, raise the child to adulthood, and finally find their own biological flesh and blood, and live a happy life from then on? And he is the unlucky child?

My parents have passed away and there has been no news for three years. This is very logical!

However, the love in the eyes of parents in the crystal ball is not fake! Besides, I have lived in Xissel Territory for eighteen years, and I am happily waiting for my coming-of-age ceremony. Although I am a little regretful that my parents have left, Feifan will not feel that I am unhappy.

Recalling the scene when his father cried secretly while looking at the memory crystal in the basement when he was a child, Fei Fei immediately understood.

I have a twin brother or sister. Thinking of my father's sadness, it is possible that this brother or sister is no longer there.

The scene stopped abruptly, and Fei Fei's clenched fist hit the table in front of him.

Seeing the documents scattered on the ground, Chasia could only smile bitterly.

Now he rushes over to lift the barrier. If he sees something he shouldn't see, he doesn't think he, a seal master, can beat Feifan.

If the great magician Leo was here, he would definitely laugh at Chasia. With the same level of combat power, sealers and magic circle masters can have many more methods than simple magicians.

With a "pop" sound, the magic barrier fell down.

Seeing this hand, Chasia's admiration for the extraordinary rose to another level.

Fei Fei, who could not see the joy or sorrow, said lightly: "Although it is only one-third relieved, I still thank Sir Chasia for your help!"

A bag of gold coins was placed on the table by Fei Fei.

According to the industry rules, no reward will be collected for unfinished tasks, but even high-end goods such as the "Devil Breaking Scroll" have been used and have not been unlocked. Fei Fei will not let Chasia lose money.

Show a little more kindness, and maybe sometimes you will get an extra friend.

Looking at Fei Fei's retreating back, Chasia hurriedly came to the table and opened the money bag.

A bag full of gold coins from the Lomon Empire. The gold is pure and pure.

Worried, Chasia took out a gold coin, put it straight into his mouth, and bit it gently.

"It is indeed sweet. It tastes like gold! This is a good man!"

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