Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 490 One Year’s Income

No blade screamed at the "charge".

At such a close distance, the seventh-level ocean knight can definitely deliver a fatal blow to the seventh-level magician.

"Great God of Light, Rabbimos, please forgive your humble believer for his greed and his intention to harm a young man! Please accept your servant's heartfelt repentance!"

A large piece of bright confessional poetry came out of Lieutenant General Andre's mouth, and the smooth back of his neck was exposed in front of Feifan. With just a shake of Feifan's little hand, the sharp magic gold sword could cut off the good man's head in front of him.

In the past few years since arriving in the Brave Continent, many unexplainable disasters have appeared around Feifan.

For example, some people were blinded by the morning sun, some were burned to ashes by the flames in their own stoves, and some drowned themselves by drinking water in the Freeport.

These are called "divine punishments".

Gods are everywhere and nowhere to be found.

There are no less than a million temples all over the world, and only the temple altars of the six main gods are known and have been properly maintained and repaired.

There is also an altar to the main god, the altar of Chronos, the god of order, of which only legends remain.

The former God of Order has now become the God of Oaths, and the word order was mentioned by five people.

A quarter of an hour later, Lieutenant General Andrei finished his confessional poem, stood up, straightened his clothes, and bowed to Feifan.

Opening the knot in his heart, the gloom between Andre's eyes dissipated.

Instructing Fei Fei to sit down, Andre pointed sideways at the room full of fire magic crystals, his eyes glowing and said:

"Your Excellency Count Cordo, I want all these magic crystals! In exchange, I can make the decision to let you take away the Bicrates' earnings for a year!"

The two entered business negotiation mode.

Feifan shook his fingers and stretched out two.

"That won't work. You really don't know how much the Bicrates earns in a year. I can tell you responsibly that it thinks it's worth these magic crystals!"

The Golden Fleet, including the ocean-going fleets from the north and the south, does not rely on Saint Trite to survive. On the contrary, the fleets they send back every year bring a large amount of considerable income to Freeport.

There are countless treasures in the ocean.

Relics left over from various eras, spices and ores scattered all over the uninhabited island.

There are also magic materials like "Sea Dragon Fish" whose value needs to be measured in amethyst coins.

The large amount of water-based magic crystal mines mined every year alone number in the hundreds of thousands.

Of course, most of them are primary and middle-level crystals, with a small amount of high-level ones, and crystal marrow-level ones are rare.

Unless there is an undersea volcanic eruption that erupts the crystal minerals out of the sea.

Of course, the Navy Guard soldiers will not be lenient when encountering an island occupied by the Hai tribe.

Killing a Sea Clan member with a freedman badge in St. Trite is punishable by hanging.

But what you encounter in the endless sea is a gift from Poseidon.

"Your Majesty General, what if I say these crystals are only half?" Feifan blew out smoke rings and said slowly and logically.

"Also, there are 20 of the latest small steam engines on my spaceship, whose performance is comparable to the parameters of giant steam engines! Do you want to consider buying it? I dare not say anything else. It can increase the speed of Bicrates by 20%. question!"

Andre is a qualified naval general, but he is no match for a chamber of commerce president, even if the president is not worthy of his name.

A space ring was thrown by Fei Fei and wandered around on the long table between the two.

The size inside the space ring is comparable to the size of Andre's war room suite. The boxes of coded magic crystals inside are only a lot more than those in the house.

"Deal! I'll take you to the warehouse on the ground floor!"

Lieutenant General Andre, who was striding like a meteor, now felt like he was running like a spring breeze, even if it was freezing cold outside.

With this batch of fire magic crystals, two-thirds of the magic crystal cannons can output normally, and the battleship does not need to slow down to the minimum in order to save crystals.

Many spaceships can only be used as decorations in the cabin of the spacecraft, and now they have a place to be used.

It's the same lift that we took when we came here, but this time we didn't stop after reaching the deck level, but continued to descend.


The sound of gears biting sounded, and the lifting platform was stunned.

Open the chain door, facing the lift platform is a nearly ten-meter steel door.

The flower pattern engraved on the door is very vivid and delicate. Above the door, two guardian gargoyles, one on the left and one on the right, have sharp-winged fangs and spit out scarlet tongues.

This was different from the Gate Guardian Gargoyle that Fei Fei had seen before. Its ruby-like eyes had a hint of life.

Just as he was about to find out what was going on, he was unexpectedly pulled by General Andre behind him.

The lieutenant general crossed Feifan and came to the door.

Fei Fei blinked and rubbed his eyes vigorously in disbelief.

He must have seen two gargoyles glance at Andre, their calmness revealing bloodlust.

"Okay! Let's go!"

As the Lieutenant General finished speaking, the thick steel doors slowly moved to both sides with a "click" sound.

Sure enough, when he came to the door, Fei Fei immediately felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

Entering the corridor in the warehouse, this sense of oppression gradually disappeared.

"That's the guardian gargoyle. Only the fleet commander can enter. Otherwise, you can experience the combat power of a ninth-level monster!"

With such a guardian puppet, Fei Fei didn't understand that the Bicrates would be beaten to such a degree.

As if he saw what Fei Fei was thinking, Andre said helplessly: "The guardian puppets are only responsible for guarding. The ancestors who made them only gave them this order!"

Gargoyles are magical puppets that can live almost forever as long as they feed on endless magic crystals.

Listening to the footsteps echoing in the corridor, Fei Fei couldn't help but think of the two from the Underwriters Association in Sissel.

There is also the York City Academy of Magic, but most of the gargoyles outside the buildings are carved from stone and are just decorations.

It was extremely cold in the warehouse, but Fei Fei and Andre paid it no mind and chatted while walking.

After a while, after passing through a hall connecting four passages, Feifan's eyes suddenly opened up.

In a huge space, the lowest shelf made of black stone is ten meters high.

There are all kinds of marine treasures in front of you, making it overwhelming for you to take advantage of.

Fist-sized pearls and all kinds of bright gems, these are just some common objects, but they have a fatal attraction for the free city-states and big shots from all over the world.

"Good boy, it's no coincidence that you reached the seventh level at such a young age! This character is much stronger than that of your own son!"

Andrei observed the extraordinary while walking. At that time, he took Yerevan to the warehouse to look for an item. It took Yerevan three days to get out of the shadow of greed.

Involuntarily, Andre's affection for Feifan rose to another level.

The two walked through dozens of elevated highways and came to the depths of the warehouse. Another small door blocked the way. Andre took a simple-looking key from his neck and opened the iron door.

What was inside surprised Fei Fei, but he was just surprised.

Many people who walked around the volcanic island had never seen magic crystal before.

The room is almost a blue ocean, and it feels like returning to your mother's arms.

Because it was blocked by the black stone wall, the water element escaping in the room almost accumulated to a terrifying limit.

"General Andre, didn't your magic advisor warn you? If you don't arrange the spar storage points of the magic gathering array, don't you know the hidden dangers?"

Don't think that magic crystals stored naturally will not explode. Magic crystals will also be saturated by absorbing free elements in the space.

The saturated magic crystal will dissipate the magic elements. When the dissipated magic elements do not have a good outlet, they will only make a "boom" sound.

The reason why volcanoes erupt and earthquakes occur deep under the sea is because the magic elements have been accumulated too much.

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