Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 563 Falling into an illusion

"Sir, wake up! Golden Island, we have arrived at Golden Island!"

In a daze, Fei Fei was shaken awake by Gu Lie.

Looking at Gu Lie with an excited face, Feifei wanted to tell him that you are now synonymous with maturity and stability, and don't show your emotions or anger.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Fei Fei came to the top deck, which had become a sea of ​​joy.

iCarly, Kerrina and Hefra were dancing an extraordinary mermaid dance that had never been seen before.

The soft waist, combined with the fish tail swaying from side to side, has an indescribable wild beauty.

Momir and Maggie hold hands. Are they still the same cold assassins? The extent of the pretense is beyond the reach of Fei Fei.

Dosta was beating the tambourine carried by the orcs, and Francis pulled Godric, one fat and one thin, dancing like butterflies in the crowd.

Hehru was still normal. He held up a monocular and looked at a golden light spot in the distance. The drool left at the corner of his mouth dripped onto the deck.

Fei Fei walked to the side of the ship, and Hehru handed over the binoculars very knowingly.

In the field of vision, a small island made of gold sparkled in the sun.

Fei Fei pulled the telescope to its longest position and exclaimed.

"Father, mother!"

On the golden beach of the island, Cordo Cosé and Jacqueline stood hugging each other, waving fiercely in the direction of Feifan.

The Black Pearl, which was moving at full speed, immediately moved forward at a high speed.

Hot tears fell down from Fei Fei's cheeks, and all the members on the Black Pearl applauded to celebrate Fei Fei's reunion with his parents.

The Golden Island is very large, and in the center of the island is a palace built of gold.

The main hall, temple, and altar are all there.

On the Golden Island, there is only one color, the luster of gold.

Everyone came to the main hall and dispersed to enjoy the scenery of Golden Island, leaving space for the three members of the family who reunited after a long absence.

"Father, mother, how did you come to Golden Island?"

Kesai looked like a loving father as always, and said after hearing this: "Haha, before you were born, your mother and I had the dream of traveling to the mainland. Someone just happened to find Sissel's home. As a last resort, your mother and I had no choice but to travel to the mainland. Stay away again!”

"Yeah, we left Yorkshire and went straight to St. Treat, and then decided to go to sea!"

"Then there was a natural disaster-level shipwreck, and we were washed up on the Golden Island! Without a boat, even if I were a great water magician, I wouldn't dare to cross the sea rashly! It would be too dangerous!"


After hearing his mother Jacqueline's explanation, Fei Fei was confused.

When did the mother in my memory ever fear danger?

In the palace of Baron Sissel, he beat the knight captain of Baron Sissel as the gardener's wife.

When I was a child, I was teased by unscrupulous mercenaries. My mother held my father captive and scolded me all morning at the gate of the mercenary union.

Above the main hall of Golden Island, there is a golden magic crystal spaceship with boundless aura. The parents have space rings in their hands. This is something that Feifan only realized in hindsight. How can he run around in the sea.

"Now that I have found you, come back to the mainland with me. I now own a big chamber of commerce. Even if our family's enemies come to visit, I am not afraid!"

Jacqueline patted Fei Fei's head dotingly and said with a smile:

"Why did you leave? This place is far away from the mainland and is the best place to hide from enemies? Are you reluctant to leave those friends behind you? I see there are three beautiful girls inside, wouldn't it be good to keep them all?"

"Who is our enemy? You must be so cautious compared to ordinary people on the mainland!"

"Haha, don't worry about it. Stay with us on Golden Island. When your mother and I reach the Holy Level, we will fight back to the mainland! Kill all our enemies!"

His father, Kosai, was as heroic as ever, but Fei Fei felt that his father was perfunctory.

"Can you tell me about the memory crystal?"

"Memory crystal? What memory crystal?"

"Do you know this thing?"

Feifei started to have a headache. The more he doubted his parents' original intention, the more severe the headache became.

Jacqueline picked up what was in Extraordinary's hands.

"Isn't this an hourglass? The style is a bit weird, and it's black! It can't be a demonic item, right? Feifan, you are still young, so don't go astray! Mother will keep this hourglass for you!"

Without any explanation, Jacqueline grabbed the "time hourglass" in Fei Fei's hand and pulled it hard.

Feeling the strength in his hands, Feifan didn't realize that something was very wrong.

"Mother, should I keep it myself, or do you mean you don't believe me?"

Jacqueline let go and said, "I believe you are our only child. If your father and I don't believe it, who do you believe?"

Fei Fei suppressed the malice in his heart and the headache symptoms were slightly relieved.

After leaving the Golden Hall, Feifei felt no joy in meeting his parents again, but instead felt worried.

Everyone in the team had a great time on the Golden Island.

Dosta and Gulie grabbed a lot of gold coins and gems and floated them in the water. Momir and Maggie sat on the top of the altar. Ikari and the two mermaid guards took colorful crowns and gave them to them. The two women tried them on one by one.

Hehru and Francis were covered in all kinds of gold jewelry without realizing it, and they continued to crazily stuff their pockets filled with gold coins.

Godric wielded a golden scimitar studded with magic crystals and slashed at the seaside.

"Kill, I am the master of Golden Island, the king of all races!"

It's all chaos, everything is chaos!

Feifei remembered it very clearly. The moment he saw Feifan through the telescope, the overwhelming surprise in his heart was awakened by a shout in his mind.

It looks like a bird but not a bird, and its cry is ethereal.

The whole body of the red algae is blood red, and the circular algae pieces less than the size of a grain of rice are rich in fire magic.

The original strain of red algae is the favorite magic material of fire magicians, and is also the favorite magic plant of the few sea beasts in the sea who advance by accumulating fire magic.

Of course, for most sea fish, it is a gluttonous feast.

If a sea fish swallows some kind of food rich in magic power, it has a chance of transforming into a sea beast. The flying fish in the Extraordinary Sea Palace space is proof of this.

Obviously, some kind of extraordinary and unknown mutation has occurred in the red algae here, and this mutation can affect the brains of living things.

No wonder there are so many red algae and not even a single sea fish. This is not a red algae sea. This is clearly a silent murderous sea.

Pulling out the "Never-Set Sun" from the void, the water crystal essence at the top has been replaced by the obtained heart of the ocean.

"The rising tide of the phantom sea"

Feifan knew that he must have been deeply trapped in some kind of illusion, and the "Rising Tide of the Illusion Sea", which is known for its spiritual and soul power, was just right.

Fantasy versus fantasy!

Sure enough, Feifan, who had been on the verge of depression and collapse, suddenly felt his mind relax, and the long-lost sense of reality returned.

The Red Sea is still the same Red Sea, and the ship is still the same ship.

On the Black Pearl parked in the red ocean, everyone was dancing crazily.

iCarly and her two bodyguard captains circled around the Black Pearl quickly without getting tired.

Damn, it’s been a whole day of partying.

Feifan did not dare to wake everyone up rashly. Sudden awakening in an extreme state of destrength and sudden death was a high probability event.

Putting "The Sun Never Sets" on the deck, the extraordinary condensed magic power began to sing.

Although "Rising Fantasy Sea" can be cast instantly, the magic skills released through chanting are even more powerful.

"You are all tired. You have been dancing all day. Look, it's getting dark! It's time to rest."

The environment was superimposed, and everyone stared blankly at the full moon in the sky.

"Go back to your cabin and have a good sleep. Tomorrow will be another beautiful day!"

One after another, everyone walked towards the rest cabin with dull eyes.

Aguit was awakened from the golden space, and with a simple explanation, he came to the side of the ship.

He wanted to go into the bottom of the sea to see what kind of mystery there was.

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