Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 347 The Power of the Soul-Rebel II

"The wind scrolls and even the blades have no effect?!"

Xiu Yin knew that it was an advanced wind spell, but it had no effect on Odo's magic barrier.

Xiu Yin and Dulav's attacks were instantly neutralized, and Odo looked a little proud.

"Humph, it doesn't matter what the struggle is. Some people always like to live for a few more seconds. In fact, life is a long road. What difference does it make if it's earlier or later..."

Odo rarely had the enthusiasm to speak out some great truths. When a strong person stands in front of a weak person, he will always feel that he has to put on a dignified appearance, otherwise he will appear to be losing his status.

As a strong man, he should have such qualifications.

Either why he joined the Hall of Hidden Souls, or why he gave up his life in the sun, or why he couldn't make a name for himself on the mainland. With his strength, he should be a vice president even in the mage union. Although the mage The glory of the world is no longer there, but as a person who still longs for the mage in his heart, Otto does not feel that he was born at the wrong time, but that the era of the mage should be ended.

Fortunately, he became a soul rebel.

There were some gains and losses, but Odo still had some regrets. But when he saw Dulav, the prime minister of the Kingdom of Freidham, Odo suddenly felt sorry for him. The prime minister of a kingdom unexpectedly turned out to be a magician who was so powerful that he was in a state of ashes. But this is also how he becomes the prime minister of a small country.

Odo began to wonder if this was more unfortunate than he was.

Such a strong man, even the Mage Guild who went to Stoke City, has the strength to rival the president.

Otto shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity that in this world, strength is still seen. Pure power is the truth. This is true for humans, and it is the same for gods..."

"It's not that you are not strong enough, it's just that your faith is not enough..."

As if praying, Odo murmured. He raised the sword in his hand and stabbed Irwin, "It's over..."

Odo thought that he only needed to repeat this action three times. The execution of the plan this night was a bit too long, and the Kingdom of Friedham was not an interesting place.

Just when the sword was about to pierce Irwin's chest, Irwin's originally blurred eyes became brighter at this moment.

When Odo noticed something was wrong, it was too late and the distance between the two was very close - Irwin raised his left arm slightly.


It was the faint sound of the machine button being pulled.

It is also the song before death.

When a small hole was opened in the cuff of Irwin's left arm by a ray of light, Odo began to regret a little.

There are always many things in the world that need to be regretted, but most of them are often too late.

Otto thought so. Just a moment ago, he was teasing others with a strong attitude.

In the face of death, everyone is equal.

The feeling of being penetrated through the body is painful.

If the distance could be farther, if his reaction could be faster, if...

It's a pity that there is no such thing as the mage's body is very thin. Even after being strengthened by the Soul Hiding Palace, he still looks thin compared to a warrior.

What's more, it is a product that the dwarf Malphite is proud of. In the words of the dwarf Malphite, "That is the second generation improved crossbow, with a 30% increase in attack power compared to the previous one!"

Malphite was right. The power that penetrated Odo's chest even Irwin was a little stunned.

Blood began to gush out from the blood hole penetrated by the crossbow arrow, and it also splashed on Irwin's body. Irwin looked at Odo, whose eyes were beginning to be blank, and shook his head slightly.

Otto's chest was penetrated and he could no longer speak, and his life came to the last moment.

Irwin seemed to understand what Odo meant from his eyes. There was something wrong with Odo, and Irwin could guess that he was under an illusion. How could he get out of the illusion?

Warriors practice physical strength and increase physical abilities, while mages mainly study the development of mental strength.

To get rid of illusions, in addition to relying on external help, the most important thing is the strength of mental power. The spiritual world is a strange world, and mental power is the most important factor in building the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. The mage can use all kinds of natural magic. It is precisely because of the power of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness that by imagining the appearance of a fireball in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, he can inject his own spiritual power into the elemental power and materialize it into a physical state. Magical arcana.

The warrior's spiritual consciousness, countless warriors may never feel what their spiritual consciousness is like in their entire lives.

"Then why can you get out of the illusion so quickly? Even some magicians can't get rid of the illusion so quickly..." In Odo's eyes, Irwin could see his last doubt.

Irwin is an open-minded person. Even if he is a heinous opponent, Irwin will respect them. Irwin will not let Odo die in peace.

"Because your illusion is so similar, I miss my wife and children very much. I am very willing to stay in that illusion forever..."

There was some regret and nostalgia in Irwin's words. The scene just now may make Irwin unforgettable for the rest of his life, as if it was a real life.

"It's so real, so real that my wife and children won't let me stay with them forever..."

Irwin grinned, with a smile that made Odo envious, "Oh, I was kicked out by them..."

Otto's pupils shrank, and a self-deprecating look formed on his face until his entire expression was completely stiff...


Otto's body fell down. At the last moment, he figured out that the dream he had given people all along was actually the true happiness of those countless people he killed...

"Hey, hey hey!"

Irvine's left and right hands hit Zach and Rebby respectively.

"No, let me drink more..." Zach even flicked Irwin's hand away. It wasn't until Irwin stretched out his kick to kick Zach to the ground that Zach suddenly jumped up. .

"What are you doing?! Where's my wine!" When Zach saw clearly that Irwin and Xiu Yin were running towards them, he suddenly remembered that they were fighting just now.

"This...that guy died like this?"

When Zack and Rebby saw the bodies on the ground and listened to Irwin's brief description of what had just happened, they couldn't help but feel a little sad that the powerful Sky Knight fell down like this.

They respect the strong.

Cough cough... cough cough cough...

When the tense heartstrings began to relax, Prime Minister Durav covered his mouth and coughed violently.

"Master Prime Minister!?"

The guards seemed to have woken up from a dream, and the personal guard who had been a spectator hurried to help the prime minister.

Durav looked at Xiuyin with some tenderness and kindness in his eyes. He knew that his body had reached its limit...

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