Although everyone was wondering, the confrontation between the two sides did not affect the rhythm of the game at all. Chen Xing changed his rhythm and style as before, and was constantly in the midst of dealing with Han Wenqing. Although he was not completely overwhelmed, his weakness was obvious.

If this kind of situation happened to other great gods, maybe everyone would just think that it was an occasional bad state, but for Chen Xing, it made people think it was very strange.

This guy has always been full of firepower, how come he can't do it when he meets Han Wenqing this time?

It must be too full of words before the game!

He deserved to pretend to be struck by lightning!

The Tyranny fans off the field didn't think much about it, but their mood had already improved. It was always the situation of the game that affected their emotions, and the current scene was very clear at a glance.

If it wasn't for the fact that this map wasn't a ring arena, he would still be able to make snake skin moves if he insisted on going his own way, otherwise he would have been rubbed against the ground by Da Mo Gu Yan.

Even now, it is only a matter of time before being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

The blood volume of the stubborn one is constantly declining, and the desert guyan takes advantage of the victory to pursue it. At this time, the blood volume of the two sides is 62% and 87% respectively.

Although one is a new star and the other is a veteran, this match is definitely one of the few high-level duels in Glory. With such a gap widened, will Chen Xing be able to come back?

The Berserker is a rather wild profession, but because of the existence of the signature skill Blood Energy Awakening, the Berserker's unique way of selling blood has been created.

In online games, single-player PK Berserker players in the arena are quite unrestrained when selling blood, but in a professional field where masters gather, how to generate more effective output according to blood volume, Berserkers need more than ordinary professions. Do more thinking.

While the mad swordsman is selling blood, he will actually suppress the opponent's bloodline to a similar level. If you see a Berserker with very little HP and the opponent is full of HP, don't think that the Berserker is selling blood and preparing to explode. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the Berserker is about to be killed... (Original text)

Based on the level of this competition, even if Chen Xing is a Berserker, the 25% difference in blood volume is already quite large. In the past few head-to-head confrontations between top masters, the average blood volume difference will not be higher than 10%.

What was impressive was the match between Sun Xiang and Han Wenqing in the All-Star Season 8. The two sides fought for a full ten minutes, almost at the same time, before the final decision was made.

With the current fast-paced battle, Chen Xing has been suppressed, and it is possible that even the residual blood cannot cause effective output.

At that time, so what if it is said that "you can't play without blood"?

There is no chance to attack effectively, that is the rhythm of being taken away by a wave.

"It seems that ginger is still old and spicy!"

When Pan Lin said these words, he didn't need to say which side the balance in his heart was tilting towards.

And because this match was far from the feeling that Sun Xiang and Han Wenqing were evenly matched, many people had begun to silently compare the two's strengths in their hearts.

Li Yibo watched the game, as if it had been slipping to one side from the very beginning... Because it was so smooth, he intuitively felt something was wrong.

But he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Did Han Wenqing realize anything?

However, based on his understanding of Han Wenqing, even if he knew that his opponent was deliberately playing some tricks, it would not be within the scope of his concern, he would only see the tricks.

Still can only watch it.


Kick forward! Fist! Double tiger palms!

The desert guyan's offensive has not weakened in any way, and the game has only lasted for a minute so far, and he will soon be forced to the corner if he insists on going his own way.

Chen Xing stuck to the rhythm and swung the cross cut. Under the condition that Han Wenqing turned on the reinforced iron frame, he failed to stop the offensive of Desert Guyan.

The blood volumes of the two sides are being exchanged, and it can be seen that Han Wenqing doesn't mind. It is precisely in this exchange that he will insist on going his own way.

However, everyone can also see that Yiyi seems to be stable, and the exchange of blood volume is completely different from before. However, the gap still exists. As far as Han Wenqing is concerned, even if the gap is gradually made up in the later stage, he still has Be sure to kill Yixing before the blood volume equalizes.

For the top masters, the 25% gap is so big that it can be done easily.


He punched out, and as a result, he didn't dodge this time, his body shook, and he forcibly resisted the move.

And Da Mo Gu Yan had already raised his leg, and kicked him with a high kick.

Yiyixing jumped back, Damo Guyan paused, jumped up, and kicked down at the same time, aiming at Yiyixing in mid-air, as if he wanted to kick Yiyixing to the ground directly in mid-air!

Eagle tread!

This eagle step is like a stroke of magic, not to mention that the opponent is still in the air, and the angle of Da Mo Gu Yan looks so precise, the audience cheers.

However, at this moment, the stubbornness suddenly accelerated and fell towards the ground, and the silver light fell to the blade!

Silver Falling Blade is a common skill of the swordsmen. He insists on going his own way and lands early, but the situation is not safe, because the attack angle of Damo Guyan is an oblique angle, and the position where he lands is still within the attack range.

Then, everyone saw that at the moment when Damo Guyan stepped forward, Yiyixing actually jumped forward obliquely, and then twisted back in the middle of the air, and the epee slashed directly at Damo Guyan.

Falling against the mountain!

The willful attack came from behind, although it failed to control the opponent, it restrained Da Mo Guyan's counterattack.

More importantly, at this moment, the positions of the two sides were reversed, and the one who was forced into the corner turned out to be the lonely smoke in the desert?

The sudden twisting scene caught everyone off guard.

More importantly, without giving Damo Guyan a chance to shift his perspective, he took advantage of the moment when the Bengshan strike hit, and started his impenetrable combo.

Even Han Wenqing couldn't find a gap in this series of intensive attacks. His hand speed operation was not at the peak level after all. When Da Mo Gu Yan's body turned back, the skill time of steel and iron bones expired, and his body was constantly being attacked. The attack cannot be controlled.

But Han Wenqing never gave up breaking free.

Finally, when a gap was found, Desert Guyan jumped up with a whirlwind kick!

The body twisted in the air, and at the same time, he spun out his foot, as if with a strong momentum, he threw it towards Yiyixing.

However, insisting on going his own way has already activated the overlord skill, fighting bloodthirstyly.

It was another blow. After everyone thought that Chen Xing was stable, he took two attacks in succession. Fortunately, it was not a big move, but in the continuous exchange of blood volume, the blood volume of Yixing had already dropped to 35%.

But Desert Guyan's HP is still as high as 58%.

"Looks like it should be my turn." Chen Xing's voice appeared on the channel at the same time.

Li Yibo's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but ask, "Did he sell blood just now?"

However, this is too abnormal. Generally, Berserkers selling blood is a bold and fierce attack. While actively engaging in confrontation with their opponents, they will try their best to take away the opponent's life before bursting out while their blood volume drops.

So in many cases, even a professional commentator can hardly guess whether an attacking mad swordsman is selling blood, or if he is simply being suppressed and beaten.

However, regarding Chen Xing, Li Yibo felt as if he had guessed the truth!

The situation on the field is still tense.

Damo Guyan's whirlwind legs were still in the process of retrieving, and he raised his hand in a determined manner, and he had already summoned a blood-colored enchantment, which surrounded Damo Guyan's whole body.

Soul Eater Bloody Hand!

Da Mo Gu Yan couldn't move, and the next second the epee touched his palm...

The sword of blood!

Then, everyone saw intuitively that the damage of this skill was frighteningly high!

Yi Yi Xing Xing's blood volume is 34%, and Desert Dust's blood volume is 48%.

The bloodthirsty battle that Chen Xing started was an anti-addiction, and the blood volume of the one-sidedness continued to decline, even though the gap between the two sides was still a bit large.

Immediately afterwards, dash and stab!

Resolutely and forcefully approaching, sprint!

Desert Dust could no longer be avoided.

Immediately after the upward pick, Desert Dust is like a steel frame.

Not being floated in the air doesn't mean that Desert Guyan's situation is getting better, Yiyi has already drawn his sword and then hit Whirlwind!

Da Mo Guyan couldn't dodge in time, so he also stubbornly took the attack.

Then, rushed towards Yidu.

The blood volume of both sides dropped faster and more shocking.

The two sides fought together again.

After a while, the blood volume of the two sides was tied, 29%!

The bloody light of Yin Wu's heavy sword bearing shadow and the flames of Da Mo Gu Yan Lie Yan's red fist intersected. With the blood volume of both sides still declining, it made people's heart rise to their throats.

The tempo was so fast that Pan Lin couldn't stop talking.

"... Yiyixing's blood volume surpassed that of Da Mo Guyan, the two sides were 25% and 23% respectively! Yiyixing hit again! Damo Guyan's blood volume plummeted to 17%. The weapon damage is so high!"

Pan Lin was still feeling emotional. At this moment, Yi Yi went his own way and swung his heavy sword, and with a shattering slash, he sent Da Mo Gu Yan away effortlessly!


The whole place was silent.

Everyone was still a little unresponsive. The whole battle process was too fast. It can be said that the whole match took less than three minutes to end the battle.

And two and a half minutes, all wasted in the process of dealing with Yiyi.

After that, 58% of Damo Guyan's HP was consumed in less than 30 seconds.

As for how Chen Xing won the fight, they could see clearly, Tyranny's fans were quite angry, this guy, he was deliberately acting to sell his blood!

The problem is that absolutely no one expected this to be the case.

For a moment, Tyranny's fans became even more angry.

Moreover, when he was about to quit, Chen Xing actually sent a smiling expression, and then said: "End the battle early, let you rest for a while."

It was so ironic that when Chen Xing walked out of the game room, the scene was even a little uncontrollable.

Li Yibo on the other side was still reviewing the unusual reaction of going his own way at the beginning, but at this moment Pan Lin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Although this is Tyranny's home court, I still can't help but say that the bloody The Berserker is truly terrifying."

In the end, there is still 20% of the blood volume of the stubborn.

Li Yibo didn't speak the whole time. He couldn't sort out the myriad of things in his mind. When he thought of the weapon that Pan Lin was emotional about before, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, but he immediately turned on the playback, and cut out a self-willed perspective on the big screen.

Afterwards, Li Yibo discovered that there seemed to be a total of four weapons placed in the item column of Insistence...

When Li Yibo saw the four weapons in the inventory, he was completely speechless in astonishment.

But the big screen can also be seen by all players and spectators. Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

This scene can only make them think of a weapon.

Cutting edge.

Level 65 orange weapon, Zhanfeng, the most special additional attribute of this epee is that the character's attack power is related to the character's item shortcut bar. Every time a weapon is placed in the shortcut bar, the attack power of the character will increase by 10%.

In Glory, there are a total of 12 items in the fast bar, that is to say, if all weapons are placed, the attack power of the character will be increased by 120%.

Theoretically speaking, "Slashing Front" is the limit of attack power in Glory.

Now the level cap has been raised to level 75, but Zhan Feng at level 65 is still not eliminated, because no one has produced this special effect.

As a result, it was researched by Excellent Era now?

Li Yibo felt a little burst.

In fact, he felt that something was wrong at the beginning, but because the situation was too tense, he forgot some things about the data for a while.

When he heard Pan Lin feel hurt, he thought, maybe Chen Xing had just changed his equipment a lot and hadn't adapted yet, which caused some confusion in the rhythm.

However, seeing this weapon now, he can only say, this guy must have been selling blood on purpose just now, and it was all a faux pas!

And the mentality of the players is almost the same.

This time, the equipment that insisted on going its own way was indeed changed from a shotgun to a cannon, and even produced such a top-quality silver weapon.

This can increase the damage by a full 40%. Such a silver weapon, the damage is too terrible. With a mad swordsman with residual blood, who can withstand it?

Li Yibo also expressed his emotion almost immediately, and then, he glanced at the statistics of the various aspects of the insistence again. When the two sides entered the match, they didn't look at the statistics carefully. At this time, they were finally able to take a good look. .

The defensive attributes brought to the whole character by the equipment that insists on going its own way are lower than those of ordinary Berserker characters.

More importantly, is the weight of the character.

Li Yibo calculated silently in his heart, and then said in disbelief: "This... may be the lightest set of heavy armor in the entire Glory circle."

Berserkers are proficient in heavy armor, and the weight of different equipment is also different, and it will also be reflected in the weight of the character, which will ultimately affect the speed. Although Berserkers have status skills such as berserk, which can effectively increase speed, but Generally speaking, the Berserker is still a cumbersome class.

Otherwise, the players wouldn't be so surprised to see Chen Xing playing the Berserker so flexibly.

Now, with four weapons attached to his body, the weight of the entire character does not appear to be too high. If it is reversed, it can only show that it is a problem with the equipment on his body.

A set of equipment created in this way reduces the load and sacrifices part of the defense, but it provides more output for the stubborn.

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