Full-time master: return is still a teenager

Chapter 44 The long-lost taste, departure.

next morning.

Mu Qiu woke up early, but when she went out, she heard movement in the direction of the kitchen.

Walking over with doubts, I saw Su Mucheng standing in front of the stove and cooking.

"Huh?" Su Mucheng also heard Mu Qiu's approaching voice, and turned her head, "Brother, you didn't spend the night with Ye Xiu in the Internet cafe last night, did you?"

"No, I'm going to City B today, so I came back after playing for a while." Mu Qiu said.

"City B?" Su Mucheng tilted her head, thinking that Misty Rain was playing Tiny Herb away tonight, and her eyes lit up immediately, "You and Xiuxiu?"

"Yeah." Mu Qiu nodded, "What happened last night."

"Hehe, congratulations." Su Mucheng smiled, "Who confessed?"

"Her." Mu Qiu shrugged, "By the way, why did you come so early in the morning? And where did you buy the ingredients?"

At this point, the supermarket and vegetable market should not be open yet.

"I got it from the back kitchen of Excellent Era's canteen." Su Mucheng said, "I thought you two would be hungry if you stayed up all night, so I came to help you make something to eat."

Su Mucheng saw it last night. The kitchen here is quite clean, and there are all kinds of pots and pans, and there are even automatic dishwashers and disinfection cabinets. Mu Qiu said that when Mu Yao lives here, he occasionally I also cook by myself.

The siblings chatted for a few more words, and Mu Qiu went to wash up.

When they came out, Ye Xiu, who was off work, also came back. Seeing Su Mucheng coming out of the kitchen with tomato and egg fried rice, he also asked the same questions as Mu Qiu.

"Try it quickly." After Su Mucheng explained again, she put down the fried rice and said, "I haven't cooked for several years and my hands are raw. Come and taste it, has the taste deteriorated?"

Mu Qiu sat down and took a sip, smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Well, it still tastes the same."

He really hasn't tasted his sister's cooking for a long time.

Back then, the three of them were in that small rental house, and it was like this. Mu Qiu and Ye Xiu were working in an Internet cafe, and Mucheng delivered the meal after cooking, and a steaming tomato and egg fried rice was waiting for him when he came back from get off work. them.

Although life is hard, but very warm.

Although the identities of the three are different now, the warmth is the same as before.

"By the way, how was the income last night?" Mu Qiu asked Ye Xiu while eating breakfast.

"It's okay, the Goblin Merchant has also been refreshed, and I got it for Tyrannical Ambition." Ye Xiu said, "But there is a troublesome thing."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Mu Qiu asked.

"The dungeon record of the Frost Forest has reached a limit, breaking the one we created back then." Ye Xiu said.

"Which guild? This is the work of a professional player." Mu Qiu said.

"Excellent Dynasty." Ye Xiu said, "I don't know who it is. Yedu Hantan is inquiring about the personnel and equipment."

"Liu Hao, it must be him!" Su Mucheng exclaimed angrily, "I'll complain to Brother Tao!"

"Not sure yet, and there is no evidence." Mu Qiu said, "Don't worry, and this record is not the limit, we still have a chance to break it, Xiaoye, what's your plan?"

"Of course it is broken, otherwise we will lose the highest control over the record, and business will not be easy at that time." Ye Xiu said, "Mucheng, you open a small account to reach level 25 as soon as possible. In addition, I also found a small account Tang and Baozi, although they are newcomers, they have no problem with their hand speed and operation, we will come back after reaching level 25."

"Okay." Su Mucheng nodded.

"Then I'll take my notebook and practice leveling on the way." Mu Qiu said.

"You can deal with Yunxiu first, and then we can talk about it. It doesn't matter if you are here or not." Ye Xiu rolled his eyes at him.

Mu Qiu...

At this moment, Mu Qiu's cell phone rang again.

"It's early in the morning to check the post again." Ye Xiu laughed.

Su Mucheng covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Mu Qiubai glanced at the two of them, took out his phone, and it was indeed Chu Yunxiu's video call.


"You're already up?" Chu Yunxiu was still lying on the bed in her pajamas.

"Aren't you sorry? Aren't you training today?" Mu Qiu asked.

"No, I'll go directly to City B in a while." Chu Yunxiu said, "On the day when there is a game, the team will not train in order to maintain their state."

"Oh." Mu Qiu nodded.

"What about you? Have you bought the ticket?" Chu Yunxiu asked.

"Ticket...uh..." Mu Qiu was taken aback, he seemed to have forgotten to buy a ticket.

Chu Yunxiu had a "really so" expression on her face, "I know you forgot, I bought it for you, the high-speed rail ticket at ten o'clock, you can just take your ID card to pick up the ticket when the time comes."

Mu Qiu is airsick, so he never takes a plane.

"Hey..." Mu Qiu smiled awkwardly.

"Hi~ Xiuxiu." At this moment, Su Mucheng came to Mu Qiu's side and greeted Chu Yunxiu.

"Mucheng, are you here?" Chu Yunxiu said.

"I'll make them some breakfast." Su Mucheng said.

Mu Qiu handed the phone to Su Mucheng, and let them chat with their girlfriends.

And he began to give Ye Xiu instructions, and handed the key to Ye Xiu, "I will come back tomorrow, when you wake up, take Panda outside and let it run for an hour to consume energy, or you will be exhausted when I get home." It was dismantled."

"Okay." Ye Xiu nodded.

This is the only thing that needs to be paid attention to. After giving instructions, Mu Qiu went back to the room to pack his things.

While packing up, Su Mucheng opened the door and came in.

"Brother, here's your phone."

"Oh." Mu Qiu took the phone.

"Is everything ready?" Su Mucheng asked.

"It's almost there." Mu Qiu said, "The mobile phone, wallet, ID card and account card are all put away, as well as the power bank car key, notebook and earphones are also put in the bag, and the change of clothes is at home."

"Data cable and lander?" Su Mucheng asked.

"Uh..." I didn't bring this one.

"You, you can't get rid of your forgetfulness." Su Mucheng shook her head.

It was because I forgot to bring my ID card that I...

"But it's okay, Xiuxiu is careful, she will take care of you."

"Yeah." Mu Qiu sneered twice, and packed everything up.

The ten o'clock bus, of course, had to be there in advance to wait for the bus. When the two of them left, Ye Xiu had already gone back to his room to sleep.

When they came downstairs, Su Mucheng said goodbye and went back to Excellent Era, while Mu Qiu went to the underground garage and drove Mu Yao's SUV to the station.

After all, I will be back the next day, so I can just put the car in the garage of the station first.

Collect tickets, enter the station, wait for the train, get on the train...

Not long after getting in the car, Mu Qiu received a call from his elder sister.

"Okay, it's quick enough." Mu Yao's teasing voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Uh..." Why is this description a bit weird?

"Miss, how do you know?"

"What do you think?" Mu Yao asked back.

Mu Qiu...

This girl is more agile!

Don't think about it, Su Mucheng must have told her.

"Since you want to go back, remember to tell your family." Mu Yao reminded, "Although parents and Mu Yang should have been mentally prepared for this, after all, this is not the first time you have brought Yunxiu back."

"Well, I'm about to call my mother." Mu Qiu said.

"Also, although you are already familiar with each other, this is the first time you have met after changing your relationship. Don't forget to prepare a gift for Yunxiu." Mu Yao continued.

"Ah... where am I going to go?"

"Let Mu Yang buy it for you, or ask Mom to pick you a piece of jewelry suitable for Yunxiu from the company." Mu Yao said, "Isn't it easy for you to find a gift for our business?"

"Yes." Mu Qiu nodded.

Mu Qiu's mother is in the jewelry business. Although the group also has other businesses, jewelry is the main business.

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