Full-time master: return is still a teenager

Chapter 48 Kiss in front of you?

Flame impact, blizzard, thunder and fire!

Chu Yunxiu's appearance of Fengcheng Misty Rain didn't give Deng Fusheng a chance to get close. The precise blast of flames was blown away, followed by the blizzard suppression, and finally the big move of Heavenly Thunder and Fire, killing him in only 20 seconds!

At the end of the game, Deng Fusheng was a little skeptical about life, why did Chu Yunxiu suddenly become so violent?

And the fans of Misty Rain, who only accounted for a small number, were naturally enthusiastic, cheering and applauding almost desperately shouting and clapping.

But Tiny Herb's players weren't disappointed either, because they knew that Tiny Herb's real ace, the captain Wang Jiexi who was known as a magician, hadn't played yet. Let's see how the king team will deal with her!

However, although Wang Jiexi, who played on the stage, could see that Chu Yunxiu was different today from Deng Fusheng's defeat, he was prepared to unblock the magician style of play from the very beginning.

But after all, the magician has been covered in dust for several years. Even if the seal is to be unsealed, it cannot be unsealed instantly, but needs to be washed away a little bit. This time may not take too long, ten seconds or so is enough.

But Chu Yunxiu's style of play today was so tough that he couldn't imagine it. He didn't even give him a chance to take off with a broom between his hands. It was an instant thunder doom with the help of his full concentration.

The Glory physics engine is excellent, but anything with the ice attribute will have a deceleration effect even if it doesn't freeze, and anything with lightning will basically freeze.

As an elemental mage's skill, Thunder Doom is second only to Heavenly Thunder and Earth Fire. It directly blasted down a thunderbolt with a thick arm and knocked Wang Buliuxing out of a stiff state. It was repaired, the little cooldown skill blew him up, even though he managed to drag Wang Buliuxing who had lost a bar of blood and successfully took off, but he ran into him before his hand speed increased. The line of ice buried by Chu Yunxiu.

Although the ice line skill is a level 40 skill of an elemental mage, it is not a big move, but this skill is as perverted as the priest's holy fire. The holy fire is a three-second skill seal, while the ice line is a hit It will freeze you for four seconds. The most frightening thing is that this skill cannot be predicted. When it is cast, it can be drawn with a wave of the staff. It will form a magic barrier in 1 second, and it will last for 12 seconds. The cannon is Wang Buliuxing, the big frigate bird, or the priest's angel wings. All the methods known so far can't cross the ice line.

So the frigatebird that hit the ice line froze into lumps of ice on the spot, and Chu Yunxiu took the opportunity to sing the Frost Snowball and followed closely behind, blowing Wang Buliuxing's face.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Wang Buliuxing being frozen, a shot of magic imprisoned Wang Buliuxing precisely.

Magic imprisonment, dark spells, interrupt all spell chants and the opponent cannot use any spells within four seconds.

This also means that magicians who are also legal professions will lose all their skills just like being hit by the holy fire!

Next, Lightning Purgatory!

It was another high-level lightning spell that pierced through the magician who had just recovered from the freeze!

The speed of lightning falling is only one-thousandth of a second. Although it is not so abnormal in Glory, for Wang Buliuxing who has just recovered from the frozen state and has not yet escaped the deceleration state, this kind of lightning-type skill has no chance to dodge at all. , even if they really dodged it, it would be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, even if Ye Xiu came.

What's even more frightening is that the chanting time of this skill is extremely short. Unless the opponent is a sharpshooter like Mu Qiu who is very good at interrupting the chanting power-up skill, there is little hope of even interrupting it.

And, not just one, but six!

Although the interval between each attack is quite long, as long as one is hit, there will be an enchantment to lock the character immediately, and the rest are tracking attacks.

After the Lightning Purgatory, Fengcheng Yanyu shot out a laser-like thunder from Jiefeng Staff in Fengcheng Yanyu's hand, piercing through Wang Buliuxing who was still stiff, and at the same time, shot off Wang Buliuxing's last blood volume.

Thunder and Lightning Penetrates, this skill sings very fast, and the shooting speed is faster than the Lightning Purgatory, although there is only one shot, it is very difficult to dodge.

It is also difficult to aim.

But now Chu Yunxiu is hitting a fixed target. Of course, she, the first elemental mage, can't make mistakes. She can hit whatever she wants.

One minute, magician Wang Jiexi lost!

Wang Jiexi was still in a daze, Chu Yunxiu's performance today was too strong, too counter-routine, and too self-indulgent.

As soon as he came up, he handed in the big move, and then he was not given a chance. Even the take-off at that time was an opportunity he deliberately sold his blood and carried the flame bomb to get out of trouble, but he ran into his opponent who had already buried him. Good ice line.

Was that slight chance a flaw that Chu Yunxiu deliberately sold to him? !

Powerful, violent, flamboyant without concealing murderous intent, leaving no room for loss, is this still the Chu Yunxiu who is famous in the circle for losing the chain at critical moments, weak in style of play, not strong enough in character, and even has no desire to win?

Your good sister Su Mucheng, the most violent chief gunner in the Glory 24 profession is not as violent as you!

He was confused, and so were the others.

The commentator was dumbfounded, the audience was dumbfounded, Tiny Herb's team members were also dumbfounded, and the audience was completely silent.

"I just said that Chu Yunxiu is not normal today, right?" Deng Fusheng wanted to cry but had no tears. It's really not because he didn't work hard enough to make people lose half a tube of blood without injury with three skills. It's because this woman is not right today! Are you addicted to drugs?

Although e-sports competitions are also sports competitions, it seems that there is really no saying that drug use is not allowed...

Those who supported Misty Rain, Misty Rain's team members, and even Mu Qiu were stunned.

Most of Misty Rain's fans supported Chu Yunxiu because of her beauty, and a few because of her strength didn't believe that she could beat Wang Jiexi when she didn't have an advantage in her profession. The psychological preparation for the final defeat was fully suppressed, but it was the magician Wang Jiexi who was completely suppressed!

It was also the first time for the Yanyu team members to see such a crazy captain, and they were all stunned.

Mu Qiu was stunned for a moment, and he had already come to his senses by the end of the match. He vaguely guessed the reason for his girlfriend's drastic change in style.

After a brief silence, there was cheers and applause like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Although the proportion of Misty Rain's fans is very small, the momentum at this time is not weak at all.

Wang Jiexi didn't recover until he stepped off the stage and returned to the team.

On the other hand, Chu Yunxiu was in high spirits, walking with wind when she stepped down from the stage.

After high-fiving the team members with a smile all the way, Chu Yunxiu finally came to Mu Qiu who also stood up, and turned into a female hooligan on the spot and hugged his neck.


"Handsome or not?" Chu Yunxiu asked.

"Handsome." Mu Qiu gave a thumbs up somewhat dumbfounded.

From the very beginning, the director put the camera on Chu Yunxiu, the showy winner, so the above shots were clearly reflected on the electronic screen at the scene, the commercial broadcast screen outside, and behind the scenes. In front of countless viewers and friends in front of the TV.

Wang Jiexi stared wide-eyed.

Co-author Chu Yunxiu You suddenly became as perverted as chicken blood because your boyfriend came?

Suddenly, the scene fell into an eerie silence again.

The director was used to seeing big scenes, so not only was he not frightened, but he also watched the excitement and replayed the scene where Chu Yunxiu took the initiative to offer a kiss, and played it repeatedly!

"That... Yunxiu." Mu Qiu broke into a sweat, "You seem to be making a big fuss."

Chu Yunxiu's hard power is no less than that of a titled Great God, so it is normal for Wang Dayan to fight to death head-on.

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