Full-time master: return is still a teenager

Chapter 8 Smoking is not allowed in Internet cafes?

"Xiaoye, I called a few teammates from Yanyu Building." Mu Qiu said, "Do you want to compete again?"

"What do you want to compare?" Ye Xiu asked.

"First kill." Mu Qiu said, "Green Forest's first kill is gone now, but Green Forest's hidden boss, the Night Cat Demon, hasn't been released yet. If it's tonight, we can probably kill above level 15, that is, Saying that all the first kills in Xinshou Village will be out tonight, are we going to compete to see who can get the most first kills?"

"Are you trying to save face? I have a wild team on my side, and you have an elite club guild team. Is it comparable?" Ye Xiu was speechless.

"The first kill depends on luck, not strength." Mu Qiu shrugged, "Besides, the textbook of your glory, is the first person in the alliance afraid of this?"

"Hehe." Ye Xiu smiled.

"Are you coming?" Mu Qiu asked.

"I'm hiding here." Ye Xiu said.

"Oh? Good luck." Mu Qiu smiled when he heard this, "Then it seems that I have to upgrade quickly to grab the spider cave."

"Come on." Ye Xiu smiled.

Soon, on Mu Qiu's side, the four contestants from Yanyu Building arrived, and Mu Qiu's side immediately began the intensive journey of brushing the books.

"Here we come." Ye Xiu, who was silent for a long time while brushing on one side, suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qiu turned to look at him.

"Night cat demon." Ye Xiu said.

There will be a system prompt shortly after the start of the book to hide, and this is the time when the night cat demon appears.

"Oh." Mu Qiu responded, and continued to operate without paying attention to him.

If he can't even beat a dark night cat demon, he won't take this glory textbook.

"Huh?" Ye Xiu suddenly uttered another sound after a while.

"what happened again?"

"An interesting thing happened." Ye Xiu smiled, turned off the voice, took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette.

"Since when did you start smoking?"

"Cough, cough, what, after that incident, the funeral, taking care of Mucheng, and Excellent Era, there are too many things." Ye Xiu said, "To be honest, I haven't calmed down yet, you This is actually quite unreal.”

"Yes." Mu Qiu also shrugged, "Sometimes I feel miraculous."

"Anyway, you're still here. This is the best result." Ye Xiu smiled, "Speaking of which, when do you plan to see Mucheng?"

"Let's talk about it." Mu Qiu said, "You can accept this result, can Mucheng accept it?"

"Have some confidence in your sister." Ye Xiu said, "Why don't I call her over some other day?"

"Let's talk." Mu Qiu shook his head.

"This is not like you." Ye Xiu said.

"Try it for you?"


The two of them who started to focus on the operation after chatting for a few words didn't notice that the eyelashes of Chen Guo, who was leaning on the seat next to Ye Xiu, moved imperceptibly.

Time passed little by little.

In fact, Chen Guo didn't have the habit of staying up all night. She just watched the excitement when the new district was opened today. After watching this, she soon started to feel sleepy, and became confused when she leaned back in her chair.

In this case, the quality of sleep is of course not high, Chen Guo just doesn't want to struggle to get up.

Half asleep, half awake, Chen Guo felt as if she had heard some strange conversation, about death, life, ending, etc. It seemed that Su Mucheng was mentioned...

Then the sound stopped, and only the sound of keyboards and mouse clicking remained in her ears. As the owner of an Internet cafe, Chen Guo was naturally very familiar with this.

But how would this sound weird?

Chen Guo woke up suddenly, gathered herself together, listened carefully and found that it was really not a dream, the voice was coming from the side.

Chen Guo sat up and wanted to see it. She pulled off the coat she was covering and quickly reached out to grab it.

Taking a closer look, Chen Guo recognized Ye Xiu's coat.

It can't be seen that this person is quite careful.

Chen Guo thought secretly, then frowned, a little disgusted.

How long has this coat been washed? It's all a bit rotten.

Picking up her coat and sitting up, Chen Guo was about to talk to Ye Xiu when she noticed Ye Xiu's hand and was stunned.

Ye Xiu's hands looked slender and slender, with very thin fingertips and neatly manicured nails. It didn't look like it was a man's hand at all. It was a mess, and it seriously didn't match this guy's slovenly appearance.

Originally, Chen Guo's opponents didn't pay much attention to her opponents, but then a girl with beautiful hands came to the Internet cafe, and she started to pay attention under her influence, but now she was startled by Ye Xiu's hands.

The hands are quite good, and the sound of typing on the keyboard is also at a glance with the music, but this operation...

But seeing Ye Xiu's left hand beating on the keyboard, Chen Guo only had one feeling: the hand speed is so slow...

Hand speed is the number of operations per unit time, usually calculated in minutes, referred to as APM.

Glory is not the kind of multiplayer strategy game. The player only controls one unit, but the skills are relatively complex, and the precision of the action operation is also very high, so the requirement for hand speed is very high.

A hand speed of 200 is recognized in Glory as the watershed between professional players and ordinary players. Ordinary players who want to mark above 00 are basically messing around. Even professional players need some special combat environments to achieve this level of hand speed. At least the opponent cannot be too weak, and needs a hand speed of more than 200 to deal with it.

And among professional players, there are probably several watersheds. The operation of more than 300 can be regarded as a first-line player, and the operation of more than 400 belongs to the level of hand speed madman. Most star players are at this level.

And more than 500, that is a proper master-level operation, but glory is not a game that can be won only by hand speed, it also needs skilled play, clever tactics, hand speed is only one of the links, to become a master As for the players, these points must be the best among them. There are only a small number of such players among the people recognized by fans.

As for ordinary players, 70% of them have a hand speed ranging from 80 to 120, 25% are handicapped without even 80, and 5% can exceed 120 and constantly hit 200. They are considered masters among ordinary players. It's not that there are no professional players who can reach the professional level of 200 hand speed, but there are very few of them. Glory represents that one of the 24 All-Star players who represent the highest level of competition has reached one of the 24 players by relying on 200 hand speed. Ruthless role.

Chen Guo's hand speed is basically around 120, but most of the time 120 is a fraction, Chen Guo firmly believes that she belongs to that 5%.

But at this moment, Ye Xiu didn't have to be suspicious in Chen Guo's eyes. He was definitely a handicapped man with less than 80 hands.

However, when Chen Guo's attention shifted from the hands to the screen, she was taken aback.

"Dark Night Cat Demon?!" Chen Guo widened her glasses and screamed.

When he said this, the night cat demon had already flew from the sky to the ground, and threw something on the ground.

At the same time, Chen Guo saw an eye-catching announcement flashed in the information area of ​​the screen: Congratulations to player Jun Moxiao for completing the first kill of the night cat demon in the tenth district!

"Damn!" After confirming that she read it correctly, Chen Guo slapped Ye Xiu on the shoulder: "There's something wrong!"

Ye Xiuxiu wanted to take a look at what was missing, but Chen Guo slapped him so badly that he almost ate the cigarette butts on his mouth, only to see a string of silver-white cigarette ash falling neatly onto the keyboard.

And Mu Qiu next to him suddenly remembered something at this time, before Chen Guo could speak, Chen Guo had already roared: "Who told you to smoke here?"


Before Ye Xiu figured out the situation, Chen Guo had already looked at Mu Qiu, "Xiao Qiu, don't you remind him?"

"Uh... forgot..." Mu Qiu scratched his head in embarrassment, he just remembered.

"Are you kidding me? Internet cafes don't allow smoking?" Ye Xiu was a little surprised when he realized it.

Chen Guo pointed to the sign hanging on the wall next to it, and then pointed to another corner, "You have to smoke in the smoking area over there, and this is the non-smoking area."

"Then shall we go there?" Ye Xiu asked.

"No, the smell of smoke gives me a headache." Chen Guo said.

Ye Xiu was a little perplexed, "Then what should I do?"

"Can you die if you smoke one less?"

"No, but it will cause a headache." Ye Xiu said.

Chen Guo...

"Mu Qiu and I will go to the smoking area. Boss, go to sleep." Ye Xiu said.

"I won't go." Mu Qiu shook his head, "The smell of smoke will affect the judgment of the mind, which is a taboo in our profession. It's okay to have less, and forget about the smoking area." (I'm not a chess player after all)

Ye Xiu...

"Then I'll go, let's chat on QQ, the number is still the same, remember?" Ye Xiu said.

"Remember." Mu Qiu said.

"But what happened to your first kill?" Chen Guo asked curiously, "Isn't hiding only in a team? How come you are the only one in the first kill?"

Still having a fever, in a daze, it’s still an update today, I understand…

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