Full-time master: return is still a teenager

Chapter 83 Domineering Ms. Lin (Part 1)

That night, in the 21st round of the Glory regular season, Team Samsara played against Team Misty Rain at home. The final score was 4:6, and Misty Rain narrowly won.

"You're not qualified as a stimulant." After the post-match interview, the two people who changed their outfits walked on the road, and Chu Yunxiu looked at the replay on the screen in the square and joked.

"Are you still relying on me? Are you relying on it? It's obviously the fault of you insisting on 'warming up before the match', so this affects your state?" Mu Qiu, who was watching from the sidelines of Misty Rain's player stand the whole time, looked very helpless.

Of course, stimulants, warm-ups, etc. can only be regarded as ridicules, but there are still tactical problems.

Yanyu only scored one point in the individual competition, and suffered disastrous losses in the other two matches and the group arena.

Facing Team Samsara, a team led by gun king Zhou Zekai, it stands to reason that as Misty Rain's trump card, whether it is Chu Yunxiu or Li Hua, they should avoid their edge and compete for points in the individual competition instead of going to the group arena.

Mu Qiu said before that a sharpshooter playing singing is a bully to death, and it is unreasonable for Chu Yunxiu to beat Zhou Zekai.

Although Li Hua's ninja is a fast-moving and explosive assassination class, in the face of Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer, no matter the strength of the character, the strength of the equipment, and the strength of the players are all stabilized, and the biggest characteristic of the assassination class is Crispy skin.

In this way, in the group arena, Misty Rain's two aces would basically have to be completely suppressed against the spear king Zhou Zekai.

The situation of this battle is actually similar to the one against Tiny Herb. In terms of player strength, there is not much difference between Zhou Zekai and Wang Jiexi. In the end, Misty Rain's starting player was defeated. Although Li Hua played one and two to regain the situation, he had consumed more than half of his blood and blue bars, and finally fell under Zhou Zekai's gun, and Chu Yunxiu's elemental mage only had A portion that was fully suppressed.

If Chu Yunxiu hadn't broken out and won the team competition in the end, Misty Rain might only have scored 1 point in this match.

That would be a fiasco.

Mu Qiu also knew that this was Misty Rain's internal problem and not Chu Yunxiu's, so there was nothing he could do about it.

He can't interfere with the internal problems of other teams.

But some people don't think so.

City B, Lin Group's building, the president's office, Lin Jing's computer screen showed the match between Team Misty Rain and Team Samsara.

"Sister Jing, this match is not quite right." Lin Jing's secretary Leng Yue said suddenly while looking at it.

"How to say?" In fact, Lin Jing also saw it, but she wanted to hear the opinions of professionals. Although Leng Yue had never played Glory, but was born in the army, she had a better vision for such things than her, and I heard that Leng Yue's daughter also played this game, and often watched the game with her, and knew some tricks.

"They have this lineup." Leng Yue said, "The elemental mage of Yunxiu's child is a chanting profession, and he is at a disadvantage against that handsome guy in Samsara, as is the kid named Li Hua, so the correct choice should be these two. Let the child go to the individual competition and give up the score in the group arena, so that if he wins the team competition, it will be an 8-point victory, and even if he loses in the team competition, he can still get 3 points, so he won't lose too badly."

"But attacking the other's strengths with one's own weaknesses like now is a big taboo for military strategists. Although it is a normal process to compete for the ace in the group arena, as the leader of the first team, that kid Yunxiu shouldn't make such a basic mistake."

Her girl is also an elemental mage, and she usually communicates a lot, so Leng Yue also knows this.

It's like being in charge of throwing a grenade in the army to face a sniper, and he will be shot in seconds, no matter how accurate you throw it, it's useless.

"In your opinion, why did this situation happen?" Lin Jing asked.

"I thought it was a fake match at first, but Misty Rain won the team match, so it shouldn't be." Leng Yue said, "As for why it happened... that's right!"

"What's wrong?"

"I remember hearing from our girl that Team Misty Rain is well-known in their circle for the fact that outsiders command experts." Leng Yue said.

"A layman commanding an expert?" Lin Jing asked.

"Yes, it seems that Team Misty Rain decides the order of playing, not the captain, but their team leader." Leng Yue said, "As the captain, Yunxiu can only make tactical ideas based on the prescribed order of personnel."

Lin Jing frowned.

"Sister Jing, although Yunxiu's child will be wronged in this matter, we don't seem to be too good at interfering in other people's club affairs." Seeing her frown, Leng Yue said cautiously.

"I don't care if it's good or not, why should my Lin Jing's daughter-in-law be wronged?" Lin Jing snorted coldly, "I remember that the branch in Suzhou is Misty Rain's sponsor, right?"

"Yes, but even if we threaten in the name of withdrawing the sponsorship, I'm afraid it won't have any effect." Leng Yue said, "And maybe it will make Yunxiu in the middle of it. Xiaoqiu should be thinking about this when he didn't do anything, right?"

"That child doesn't like relying on family influence to oppress others." Lin Jing shook her head.

"That's true." Leng Yue nodded.

"But I don't have such scruples." Lin Jing said, "Go to Suzhou to ask for the contact information of Boss Yanyu, and I will call myself."


City S, a sea fishing company.

Mu Qiu and Chu Yunxiu were eating supper when suddenly Mu Qiu's cell phone rang.

"Mom?" Mu Qiu answered the phone, "It's so late and you haven't rested yet?"

"I watched Yunxiu's game today." Lin Jing said, "Your Aunt Leng said..."

Lin Jing told her son about Leng Yue's analysis, "Is this the case?"

"Well, almost." Mu Qiu said.

"Aren't you going to take care of it?" Lin Jing asked.

"I can't do anything about it." Mu Qiu sighed.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yunxiu leaned over to ask, but Mu Qiu conveniently picked up a sesame ball for dessert from the plate and stuffed it into her mouth to block her mouth.

"I know that our family is the sponsor of Misty Rain, but this is an internal matter. Even my relationship with Yunxiu is not easy to interfere. Originally, I wanted to turn around and pull Yunxiu into the team I wanted to build, but Yunxiu's career and level are the same as Mucheng's, and she can only play as a substitute, and Yunxiu doesn't want to leave Misty Rain, so I want to respect her choice."

Listening to Mu Qiu's words, Chu Yunxiu, who was biting a sesame ball in her mouth, blinked and asked what was going on.

Lin Jing was silent for a while.

"You child, what can I say about you?" After a long while, Lin Jing reprimanded him somewhat dumbfounded.

"Mom, do you want to take care of this?" Mu Qiu asked.

"Otherwise? Why should my daughter-in-law be wronged by them?" Lin Jing said, "Don't worry, I will handle this matter and won't embarrass Yunxiu."

"...Okay, then I will thank you on her behalf." Mu Qiu smiled, he still knew his mother's tricks.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Qiu turned his head and glanced at Miss Yu, who was still frozen in place as if she had been hit by a hold spell, with only two big eyes rolling around, and took the sesame ball out of her mouth and stuffed it into her mouth , vaguely said, "Okay, we can talk now."

"What did Auntie say?" Sitting next to him, Chu Yunxiu leaned her small head on his shoulder and asked.

"Why is her daughter-in-law being angry with Misty Rain?" Mu Qiu said, "She and Aunt Leng saw from the competition that you don't have the command power in Misty Rain, and want to fight for you."


"Don't worry, your future mother-in-law won't mess around." Mu Qiu chuckled, "I can probably guess what she's going to do."

"How to do it?"

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