Full-time master: return is still a teenager

Chapter 93 The ammunition expert who jumped out of Tiny Herb's team

When Mu Qiu was talking with Chu Yunxiu, Wang Jiexi had already realized the problem.

"Everyone, let's go together!" Wang Jiexi said.

"Huh? Together? Captain, won't it be disgraceful for so many of us?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as we win," Wang Jiexi said.

"Eh?" Mu Qiu let out a light sigh when he heard the words.

"Hey, is this okay?" Ye Xiu smiled, "If the group is wiped out, the blow will be even greater."

"Damn it!" Tiny Herb's team members were furious on the spot, even if you were Ye Qiu, you wouldn't be so arrogant, would you?

"Thank you, what you said is really timely." Wang Jiexi chuckled, "Go!"

"Then give it a try." Ye Xiu put the Thousand Chance Umbrella that had turned into a spear on Lord Grim's shoulder, looked at Tiny Herb's team that was rushing over, and smiled faintly.

"I'll go! Such a big battle? Lord Grim of Team Tiny Herb's set fire!" Plantago Seed, who was secretly watching, was stunned. What surprised him the most was Lord Grim. This guy dared to confront him? Too kind? ! !

Then, Lord Grim turned around and ran away.

"Chase!" Wang Jiexi shouted.

Soon, a train was running towards the distance, Cheqianzi sat on the broom and followed far away, Chu Yunxiu also controlled Yuluofanchen to follow.

"What happened to you just now? What are you wondering about?" Chu Yunxiu asked while controlling the character.

"Wang Jiexi." Mu Qiu said, "He is an excellent captain."

"How to say?"

"It's good to win." Mu Qiu said, "It would make him look despicable to say so, but he said it without hesitation. Could it be that he really doesn't care about his reputation? Or is he just despicable?"

"No, it's for these players. From this point of view, he is much better than you, the captain who pushed such an excellent player like me out."

"Hmph!" Chu Yunxiu glared at him, wrinkled her nose, "Isn't it because of you?"


Jun Moxiao ran in front, and Liang Fang, the Tiny Herb team member who had died and hadn't come back, chased after him. Although he was chased and beaten by ten people, Jun Moxiao was coquettish, with shadow clones and flying guns. The displacement operation method is frequently used, but it has not suffered any damage.

"It's almost there." Mu Qiu looked at where Lord Grim ran and smiled.

Lord Grim has reached a dead end at this time.

On the other side of the wall, listening to the sound of the battle on the other side, a warlock grinned.

Seeing that he was about to hit the wall, Ye Xiu suddenly controlled Lord Grim to brake.

"Stop!" Wang Jiexi realized something was wrong, and quickly shouted.

Tiny Herb's team members quickly stopped operating, and a group of people blocked Lord Grim in a dead end.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Liu Xiaobie asked.

"It might be a fraud." Wang Jiexi didn't say anything, and Deng Fusheng also realized that something was wrong.

Running to a dead end and stopping suddenly, if it is not courting death or having strong confidence in oneself, then it can only be an ambush.

With two sounds, two ice walls popped up from the front and back of Tiny Herb's ten members, and together with the surrounding walls on the left and right, they were firmly trapped. He stepped forward with a shield, but he could only resist the ice edge in one direction, but the other side could only be eaten by the team members.

This change was too sudden, although Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie, two magicians, were able to fly, but they couldn't make it in time, and also suffered the damage of this AOE.

Immediately afterwards, Plantago was blasted into the ten members of Tiny Herb by a blow from Falling Flower Palm. Tiny Herb's team members were already in a mess, even the captain Wang Jiexi was surprised.

At this moment, an ice-blue magic circle suddenly opened in the sky.

"Ice wall and blizzard?! Ice elemental mage, could it be Chu Yunxiu!"

He realized that it was impossible to continue like this, and he was about to fly up to look for Chu Yunxiu while driving the broomstick.

Not far behind the crowd, Chu Yunxiu was standing there chanting.

Just as Wang Jiexi was about to release a magic bullet to interrupt his attack, there was a "poof" in his ear, and the magician in mid-air suddenly froze, and then fell back freely. Immediately afterwards, in the chaotic team, Several explosions filled a cloud of smoke that enveloped all ten people.

"Where is the ammunition expert coming out?!" Deng Fusheng exclaimed.

In the sky, hailstones fell.

On the ground, thunder exploded, a hundred flowers bloomed, there was no gunfire, but Tiny Herb's team members and Plantago Seeds were shot one after another.

After the hailstorm, all Tiny Herb's staff fell into a deceleration state, and the two unlucky cloth armor sharpshooters even fell into a frozen state.

The only one in the crowd who was not slowed down was Mu Qiu who quickly formed a team with Chu Yunxiu as soon as he landed. At this time, under the cover of smoke in the crowd, the ammunition expert appeared like a ghost. After a few shots, they disappeared again, and then reappeared from the other side, with bullets and grenades coming out, interspersed with some physical skills from time to time, hitting Tiny Herb's team members in a panic.

Who else could this ammunition expert be Suqiu Rumu if he wasn't Mu Qiu?

As for why they suddenly jumped out of Tiny Herb's team, it could only be considered that Wang Jiexi and the others were unlucky and chose the wrong position.

Suqiu Rumu's online point was chosen by Ye Xiu before sending it out yesterday. Ye Xiu ran away to lead them here. Coincidentally, the ten places where they stopped were exactly Suqiu Rumu's. What's more, they were attracted by the hailstorm and didn't even notice when this guy appeared...

"Captain! Heaven!"

Suddenly, a team member who was hit into the air screamed. When everyone heard the words, they all raised their eyes, and they were all about to burst into tears!

A gray vortex appeared in the sky at some point, and as Tiny Herb's team members raised their heads, black raindrops dripped down.

"Rain of Chaos!!!"

Except for Deng Fusheng and Wang Jiexi, Tiny Herb's team members were almost crying, why the fuck is there a Warlock?

However, luck never comes without double, and misfortune never comes singly. When Tiny Herb's team members fell into chaos, Jun Moxiao also brandished his spear and rushed into the crowd...

What's even more frightening is that this product has more than one professional skill.

Smoke throws a trap here, throws a shuriken over there, and suddenly a black ball, a cursed arrow, flies out of the crowd.

Chu Yunxiu and Wei Chen had already taken the opportunity to climb up the walls on both sides. Without any interference, the warlock controlled the field, the elemental output, and the two teammates below who cooperated tacitly. For a while, the four of them suppressed the Tiny Herb team. A total of eleven people were violent before getting on the train!

"Li Ji! Liu Fei! Take down those two on the wall!" Deng Fusheng shouted after getting out of the chaos.

"Do you think we don't exist?" Ye Xiu unceremoniously sent him into the air with a sky strike, and Mu Qiu's two grenades directly interrupted the operations of the two sharpshooters.

Wang Jiexi wanted to fly up with Gao Yingjie to deal with the above two, but Mu Qiu and Ye Xiu turned around and shot each. With two frosty snowballs, one person was directly blasted in the face.

Taking advantage of the slowing down of the two, Mu Qiu sent a bullet and knocked down the two large frigate birds.

Looking at the character who was frozen again, Wang Jiexi was a little dazed.

What Mu Qiu hit him was stiff.

But why is there no sound?

Recalling Mu Qiu's pistol that he saw in the battle just now, the pistol was pitch black, the barrel seemed a bit long, with an extra section.


Wang Jiexi narrowed his eyes, as if realizing something.

I haven't seen that thing in Glory, but it is very common in reality.

This little bastard's gun is not an ordinary automatic pistol at all, he has a silencer on him!

No, why is there such a thing in Glory? ! ! !

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