Full-time Monster Hunter

Chapter 399: Lazy frog legs × monsters with missing parts

Dali took the man to catch pigs in a desperate manner.

Lu Li accompanied Menqi and Buhaspur to prepare for cooking lazy frog legs.

Lu Li is not stingy. As a celestial man who has traveled through, he also has high expectations for food.

Therefore, after seeing the two food hunters, Men Qi and Buhaspur, he felt a little bit happy in his heart. Now that Men Qi is willing to cook by himself, he naturally fully supports them.

So one by one the small bottles filled with spices were handed over to Men Qi's hands from him.

Men Qi looked at each of the small bottles, from the shock of seeing the second one at first, to the numbness later, the whole person looked at Lu Li like a monster, and then devoted all her energy to cooking. on.

Lu Li couldn't help, so he could only watch Men Qi alone with Buhaspur, who was also unable to help.

Men Qi's cooking skills are very skillful. Lu Li always thinks of Fan Bai unknowingly when he looks at his movements. He doesn't know who is better at cooking.

As for Buhaspur, this guy is better at eating and doesn't have much interest in cooking.

But it was precisely because of this that Lu Li could talk more with Buhaspur.

After all, he is also good at eating, and he has eaten a lot of good things, although these things do not exist in this world.

Dali and their return are extremely fast.

Their goal is to hunt a pig that is not a threat to them. If it weren't for the existence of the herd and the approximate number of pigs, they might return faster.

As for the roast pig, Dali has no ideas in this regard.

So in line with the principle of not wasting, Buhaspur took the pig and started cooking seriously.

Dali wanted to keep asking about sushi.

But he just uttered a word, and he was stunned by Men Qi's eyes.

This allowed him to ask the team members about how to make sushi.

Fortunately, there is really one person in the team who has eaten sushi, so Dali reluctantly wrote the sushi making method on the paper. When the smell of frog legs under Menqi's frog legs made the population spit crazily, they blew the whistles. In exchange for the eagle.

Originally, following the procedure, after investigating Dali here, the next step was to lead the team to the third test site.

However, the scent of the frog's legs has already made everyone indulged in it. Although they will not forget the business, they also have the idea of ​​delay.

Lu Li is also happy to see the result. His goal is to meet the protagonists. If he leaves early every time, then he guesses that he wants to meet the contestants and can only wait for the last two tests.

After all, one is a long battle, and one is a frontal PK for the association.

The smoked frog legs are full of fragrance. When Men Qi took it out, everyone's eyes were on its thin brown meringue with a little red.

Although Lu Li watched the whole process, he still didn't understand how Men Qi used the smoking method to make the skin on the duck legs into a soft fried effect.

Taking out the chopsticks from the backpack, Lu Li, at the sign of each issue, carefully picked up a bite of duck leg and put it in his mouth.

The fresh and juicy feeling exploded in his mouth instantly, allowing Lu Li to close his eyes comfortably.

Although he knew everyone was looking at him, Lu Li didn't feel like he wanted to open his eyes quickly.

Because he doesn't know what vocabulary is more appropriate to describe the fragrance in this mouth.

The people who couldn't wait, picked up the chopsticks and tasted it when Men Qi took the lead in picking up the second chopsticks.

It's just that there is no sound of emotion or much chewing. The quiet but enjoyable atmosphere suddenly appeared in this small place.

The chopsticks stretched out uncontrollably for a second time, and the torn off the frog's legs flowed golden juice, like a dream.

But looking at the piece of digging meat on the chopsticks, which was known to be very delicious, no one put it in the mouth quickly, but frowned tightly.

What should I do if I can’t eat such a delicious thing anymore?

Suddenly this thought filled everyone's hearts.

But the long scent prompted them to tear the frog meat into their mouths again.

It's delicious, it's so delicious, what if you can't eat it later!

The moment Lu Li ate the second bite of frog meat, he really understood the feeling of pain and happiness in his heart. At the same time, he even more agreed with Buhaspur's view that this frog leg was simply not enough.

Half an hour later, Daliyi left the second test site with a tangled face and went straight to the airship that had already docked.

The test location of the third level is the trap tower, which is not close to the city of Qiao Ba.

The atmosphere of the team on the road this time has obviously improved, and Lu Li is surrounded by a woman, the only beauty in the team.

No one can resist the temptation of delicacy. She has a very old-fashioned vision and loves to eat very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Went around the mountains and Lu Liwei is the bottles and cans left in Luli's backpack.

It's just that Lu Li is unfamiliar with her, and she doesn't have many ideas that she wants to be familiar with, so she doesn't have the slightest enthusiasm for the various trading conditions proposed by the beauty.

It seems that she has also seen Lu Li's attitude. The beauty's attitude has slightly changed. She is no longer particularly active but has no plan to give up.

But this is just right for Lu Li.

The airship needed more than ten hours to fly, and Lu Li was not sleeping well. After yawning and saying hello to Dali, he got into the bedroom prepared for him a long time ago.

When he was full and ready to fall asleep, Sats also brought people to the edge of Damien Marsh.

Xiaojie, Qiya, Kurapika, Leoli, and even Hisoso, Ilmi, and Dongba, who have remained unchanged forever, are among the crowd.

After introducing the basic situation and test content of the wetland to everyone, Sa Ci, who led the team, ran out in the first place.

Everyone couldn't help but follow behind him and started the marathon mode again.

And as they continued to deepen into the wetland, they also found violent monsters constantly appearing on the road.

These monsters are just like what Sats said, very cunning and good at sneak attacks.

It’s just that there is something different from what Sats said, that is, there are always some particularly radical existences among them. They don’t hide themselves, and are extremely hostile to any human beings they find. Will launch an attack, as if having rabies.

However, as they got in touch, the hunters slowly discovered that these radical guys seemed to be missing some parts.

And looking at the smoothness and freshness of the incision, it seems that it has only recently appeared.


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