Full-time Monster Hunter

Chapter 423: Cross dress × split action

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Lan Xing's body fell on Lu Li's body, and Lu Li fell backward.


The solid ground made Luli feel a little pain in his back after falling to the ground, but he was more happy in his heart.

Because this is the ground, not the special "blood" belonging to Blue Star.

Otherwise, he really worried that when he was in a negative state, he would melt some parts in the yellow blood of Blue Star's corrosive attributes.

He didn't worry about death, because Da Hei had rushed out when he found out that he was in danger.

But even if the flesh on his buttocks was corroded, Lu Li would feel very uncomfortable, not to mention the burning pain of corrosion in his calves and feet.

Lan Xing's body is a bit soft, but the blood with warmth has completely spewed out from the opening of her heart as her body fell and the deflection of the dagger in Lu Li's hand.

In just a short time, Lu Li's body was already stained red with blood.

At this time, he finally pushed away Lan Xing's body and stood up from the ground.

The blood-stained appearance combined with the hunting outfit gave Lu Li a sense of mystery and power, making Lu Li look terrifying like a demon crawling out of hell.

Looking at everything that happened in front of the small hotel, the lady boss had already raised Lu Li's danger level to a very high level.

At this time, watching Lu Li look at him, he couldn't help but shudder.

"The matter has been temporarily resolved, and I will leave it to you first. Of course, I have never done it for free. As for the secret about the prince, I have recorded it in writing and left it on the desk in my room. If you have any questions, just call me at any time.

Or you can contact me when you have business needs in the future, as long as the price is right, I can slaughter you. "

Before the lady boss could understand, Lu Li had turned and walked towards the direction of the airship field outside the small hotel.

At this time, the guy at the small hotel had run out of the hotel in a panic.

Only after seeing the **** back of the mess and Lu Li on the ground, he swallowed a sip of water, and he didn't dare to talk to the boss's wife for the first time.

Because he found that the boss lady didn't pay attention to him at all, but looked at Lu Li's back with a solemn and ugly look.

"Huh, nasty smart guy." The lady boss stomped her foot, and then turned her attention to the man, to be more precise, on an encrypted notebook he was holding.

Da Hei greeted Lu Li not far away, and at the same time gave Lu Li some potions.

Although there are all these things in the backpack, it is obviously still a little worried.

Lu Li didn’t say anything. After taking the medicine and the food made into balls, he stuffed it into his mouth: “The disguise changes a bit. Let’s go directly to the airship yard, get rid of all the people belonging to the prince, and leave by airship this country."

"Meow." Da Hei nodded, but was also a little unhappy.

Lu Li smiled comfortingly: "I did this for a reason, but I will rely on you next."

Lu Li didn't explain much either, but handed over to Da Hei the next thing about the person who guarded the airship field under the prince.

Although this task is not difficult, it makes Da Hei full of energy in an instant.

Lu Li couldn't help laughing as he looked at it full of vitality.

Da Hei hasn't expressed these emotions for a long time. In the world of strange hunting, he is more like the elder of a big family, always maintaining this serious and serious look. Shucang

Only when they were with Lu Li, would they show the way they were hunting together when they first met.

Although Dahei does not like fighting and hunting like Sanhua, it has never been afraid of fighting.

After all, as an enhanced system, it is a natural fighter.

"By the way, did you bring everything?" Lu Li glanced at Sanhua and didn't see the money he had collected from the small hotel.

"Meow (take it, don't worry. Sanhua said and pointed to a locust tree not far away.

Lu Li looked around and saw some boxes randomly placed under the locust tree. He smiled bitterly: "Da Hei, they are all materials that can be exchanged for money, is it really good to just pile them up like this!"

"Meow~ (It's okay, isn't this not lost? Da Hei scratched his head embarrassedly.

It is quite good at fighting and equipping it early, but it has no talent at all in cleaning up and handling all kinds of finances and food.

More importantly, it has a very convincing reason.

"I have left these trivial matters to Fen Bai since I was young. Isn't it normal if I don't understand? After all, I just need to protect Fen Bai."

That bite of dog food didn't choke Lu Li at the time.

So now, after hearing what Da Hei said, Lu Li just calmly gave Da Hei a pair of white eyes.

Bringing the property from the robbery, Lu Li and Da Hei speeded up the pace to the airship field.

At the same time, Luli also quickly began to change clothes in the middle of the run.

Blood-stained hunting suits and clothing under hunting suits cannot be worn, and some of the shoes that have been corroded need to be thrown away.

However, Lu Li was prepared for this, so the things that Da Hei brought out included the clothes he was going to change next.

A self-cultivation suit, bright leather shoes, and an exquisite tie and watch instantly made Lu Li from a samurai into a celebrity.

Of course, as a handsome and successful person, hairstyle is naturally indispensable.

The styling gel was paired with a comb, allowing Lu Li to make his hair look like his back, and this hairstyle also made him look a lot more mature than the original sunny and handsome look.

If it weren't for an acquaintance from the first glance, he would never recognize that this young master who looks like a rich man would be the hunter Luli who thinks about hunting and monsters all day.

As for Da Hei on the side, he doesn't need any change.

Because after getting close to the airship field, it will act separately from Luli.

Lu Li's purpose was to purchase airship tickets ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Da Hei took advantage of this time to kill all the princes who were in charge of monitoring in the airship field.

One person and one cat with a clear division of labor were completely separated after the plan was determined again.

Lu Li was carrying a chest containing treasures in his hands, and Da Hei slammed into the airship field.

The security personnel looked at Lu Li twice. This was not what she had discovered, but she was simply attracted by Lu Li's temperament and appearance.

"Stupid face control." Lu Li pouted silently in his heart, and entered the airship field without allowing the security check service personnel to search too much.

As for his identity, he had already asked the wife of the second prince to help him with this thing.

In the identity of the other party, it is really not too easy to create a fake identity.

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