Full-time Monster Hunter

Chapter 459: Horned Dragon debut

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Luli found some broken eggshells at the traces of the fight.

Obviously, after the Ellu cats left the camp, they should have encountered birds that often went back and forth to steal eggs.

After a big battle between the two sides, there should be no reason for it.

After all, apart from the broken pieces, there were only some feathers torn off, and there were not even a few drops of blood.

Without stopping, he walked forward along the path in the gorge. After walking a certain distance, Lu Li saw a downward passage entrance.

The passage is so long that you can't see the end at all if you use a normal flashlight to shine it.

However, Lu Li knew that it looked roughly like the lower part of the big ant mound wasteland.

Although there are not many places suitable for monsters to inhabit, there is a special nest in the other direction, where there will always be powerful monsters.

The female fire dragon in the game often chooses to die there in the end.

The footprints left by the Ailu cat did not lead down, but continued to fly toward the front.

Lu Li wiped the sweat from his forehead under the scorching sun, and when he continued to walk out of the canyon, Lu Li saw a huge wasteland.

There have been a large number of rattle pterodactyls flying in the sky of the wasteland.

These annoying guys will also scream from time to time, even if they are far away, they can be faintly heard.

It is conceivable that if the distance is very close, it will definitely make people feel dizzy.

In addition to these unpleasant pterodactyls, there are many huge flying insects over one meter long in the low altitude.

These insects are giant peaks with long spikes on their tails. When they are close to people, they will accelerate their wings to instigate and launch rapid attacks on people.

Lu Li hacked one to death while walking, but he also collected some good materials.

However, standing on the wasteland like a mountain bag, Lu Li saw from a distance an earth sand dragon approaching.

But this is not his goal. The guide insects are pulling eastward, and there is the passage to the lower space on the wasteland.

Seeing these Ellu cats, they really came to look for horned dragons.

Behind them, there was a louder sound of pterosaurs, and it seemed that the intruding earth sand dragons disturbed them.

The earth sand dragon also fought back unwillingly.

He remembered the appearance of the Horned Dragon in the game expansion. During the call between the two groups, he accelerated the pace a bit. He didn't want to get involved in the Horned Dragon hunting the Earth Sand Dragon.

And just like responding to Lu Li's memory, when he speeded up his pace and saw that he was about to see the passage below, the ground began to vibrate violently.

The rattle pterosaurs in the sky yelled louder, and even began to yell in groups.

The earth sand dragon standing on the sand dunes below looked around tightly, but found no accident.

It also made a deafening cry when it was furious.

Just as it screamed, the sand dunes under his feet shook suddenly.

The earth sand dragon's center of gravity was a bit unstable, and at the same time, seeing the state of the sand dunes under its feet, it finally panicked.

But it was too late to make any adjustments and actions. With the collapse and roaring sound, the sand dunes under its feet burst instantly, and a monster of the same color as the desert suddenly jumped from the feet of the earth sand dragon, and its sharp big horns were even more direct. Pierced the belly of the earth sand dragon!

boom! Long!

In the loud sound of landing, the horned dragon hit the ground heavily with the body of the earth sand dragon, and the ground that had been torn apart by him also fell downward. If you look down from above the hole, you can see The hidden world under the sand dunes.

Lu Li had already stopped, he didn't expect that he could still experience the expansion.

However, in a quick glance, he also understood the opponent's general strength through his eyes covered with thoughts.

That huge life energy coupled with a huge body length of more than 20 meters really gave people an unparalleled destructive impact.

At least from the analysis of life energy, this thing is no worse than the black wolf bird and the Xunlong.

Although its wings have lost their proper flight ability like Xunlong, they also provide it with powerful other attributes.

Just as Xunlong is better at climbing trees, so is Horned Dragon is better at digging ground.

The previous way it came out was directly from the sand.

After the horned dragon left, the rattlesaurus in the sky gradually became quiet.

Had it not been for a broken hole in the sand dune that continuously dropped sand down, who would have thought that I had just experienced a hunt here.

Lu Li retracted his gaze, and Guide Worm had pointed him towards the wide road towards the cave below.

There are a lot of huge claw marks on this road, and I don’t know if it’s a horned dragon.

Because he also saw extremely long and narrow slash marks in these paw prints, and Lu Li knew that he had seen these marks.

Where the Dragon Slashing Dragon walked, there would be such a slashing trace left, which was caused by its unintentional flick of its tail.

But normally speaking, the survival area of ​​the sulphur slashing dragon is no longer here.

Calculated like this, it is very likely that there is a real existence of Slashing Dragon in the cave below.

The way to make this judgment can't help being more cautious.

But he didn't come alone. There were members of the squad beside him. Under Otani's induction, there were no large monsters except for the ceratops who might be eating at least within a kilometer.

The way to confirm this was the existence of some rags under the guidance of the guide insect.

At the same time, as he moved forward, he gradually saw some familiar footprints on the sand.

Those are the footprints of the beaver!

But at this time the footprints are quite pale, and I have been thinking about it for a while.

It can be kept, probably because there are no monsters passing by around here.

But Lu Li didn't see the **** beaver and Ai Lu cat when he looked around, which made him have a bad premonition in his heart.

A buzzing sound rang behind Lu Li, and when he turned his head, Lu Li saw two yellow and black giant peaks flying towards his location~www.wuxiaspot.com~ apparently taking him as an attack target.

This kind of mindless but extremely irritable thing Luli didn't like at all.

He raised his arm and placed it on the handle of the sword, and suddenly drew the sword as the giant peak approached. The wings of the giant peak that approached instantly were directly cut by the sharp blade.

Of course there is a part of the body together.

The yellow and green sap sprayed all over the ground, and the broken body of Jufeng also fell directly on the ground.

But that's it, his body was still convulsing and did not die immediately.

In addition, Jufeng, who had been witnessing the whole process, had no plans to leave, only a little distance away, and still circled around him, looking for opportunities to attack.

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