Full-time Monster Hunter

Chapter 478: New news × Peel Lev

When returning to the room with Da Hei, Lu Li saw Hisoso waiting for him again after a long time.

"Hey, shouldn't busy people wait to eat your dessert." Lu Li said jokingly.

Although the game between Hisou and Xiaojie has not been decided yet, both sides have made an agreement.

But from Lu Li's point of view, it was just a cutscene to check if Xiaojie met his expectations.

In the last match between Xiaojie and Ji Dou, Lu Li had seen his speechless Yan Yi.

"The strength is good." Hisuo did not answer Lu Li's words, but looked at Da Hei.

Lu Li felt a headache. He didn't want Da Hei to be watched by Hisuo. He wasn't afraid He would expose Da Hei's identity, but he didn't think there was any need to make that trouble.

And he felt that Hisoso would not want to compare with a cat.

So he opened the door under Hisuo's gaze, and sent Da Hei into the room, while he closed the door and looked at Hisuo.

The meaning is obvious. Just say if you have something to do, don't want to enter this house today.

Hisuo didn't care either, he just retracted his gaze with a pity: "The plan has changed, the brigade has a mission, and it will gather at Youkexin on August 31."

Lu Li frowned slightly. He thought that Hisuo's arrangement would initiate "changes" to the brigade before the brigade took off. He didn't expect to wait for such news in the end.

This couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because in this case, the month he stayed in the arena was a bit wasted.

"Aren't you curious?" Hisoso couldn't help asking, seeing Lu Li's expression without surprise.

In fact, he had already noticed this in many contacts. It seems that Lu Li had already known many things in his mind. Every time he said it, Lu Li's surprise was more like a disguise.

Just like the last time he told Lu Li that his goal was to fight with the brigade leader, Lu Li accepted it too quickly!

No doubt even!

This is a bit unreasonable. Even if he analyzes his character, when he hears that the target of his action is the leader of the Phantom Brigade, he should have some expressions of doubt and surprise.

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Hisuo to say this suddenly.

"The gathering of the thieves is nothing more than one thing, robbery!" Lu Li looked at Hisoso and explained unclearly: "And the Youkexin auction will be on September 1, so you can imagine the Phantom Brigade What is the purpose this time?

And judging from the strength of the brigade members, although I have not been in contact with them, you can use you as a reference target, and the possibility that the brigade will fail should be zero! "

"Well, you are right." Hisuo's answer was very perfunctory.

Lu Li shrugged: "Does that mean you are studying the plan in September?"

"Almost, the group leader is not in the base recently, even if he wants to implement the plan, he has no way to start." Hisuo was also quite helpless.

"Why, did you step on it?" Lu Li was a little surprised.

"Maybe." Hisuo didn't talk much about this topic: "If you are in a hurry, I can provide you with a goal. Recently, he will have time to act alone."


"Peel Lev." Hisuo said softly, while also watching Lu Li.

"It's the guy with the bandage?" Lu Li thought for a while and said.

The rewards for the members of the Phantom Brigade are available in the Hunter Association. When the seats are matched, it is easy to recognize most of the members of the group.

Just want to check the information of brigade members, but it is not free.

Such high-end intelligence naturally requires a large sum of money. Since Lu Li is targeting the brigade, he naturally made certain investigations in advance.

The record about Lev peeling off is not counted.

The most important thing is that Lev Lev is a descendant of the Judundu tribe.

This is a minority nationality that admires natural music, and their people have made many holes in their bodies since they were three years old.

These holes started out as pinholes, then they were replaced with wooden sticks, and finally they were hollow bamboo or wood and stone.

After adulthood, these holes will form wind pockets of special size under the fixation of the filler. When the wind blows through the holes, it will make a beautiful music.

They think that the better the sound, the higher the level of the spirit that comes.

Although the fairy was said to be illusory, but after the Judundo people used this wonderful voice in battle, they also got the title of "the most beautiful fighting clan".

It's a pity that this beauty is just the beauty of music, not that they are also very beautiful.

Contrary to the sound, because of the holes and wind caves on their bodies, the people of Judundu made them look very scary, more like living mummies.

Lev's ability to peel off had a huge relationship with the holes in his body.

In the comic Ant King, Lev Lev in battle will continue to punch and attack like a boxer.

The only difference from a boxer is that after taking off the bandage that resembles a mummy shroud, the holes in his body will make a graceful sound with his attack.

But the sound is actually only second. Lev's true ability is "battle dance music~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To put it bluntly, it is to cooperate with his voice to realize the combat uniforms and weapons that belong to their family to attack the opponent.

This is quite similar to Lu Li's ability, but the routes taken by both sides are different!

"It's him, the Judundu are a group of people who were expelled from their residence, but after they came to Meteor Street, they were not without the heart to make a comeback." Xisuo explained: "Every two years, the Judundu will Dispatch is a powerful warrior, also a fighter they call Bapp, to go to the original place to start the war, and today is the time for the war to start again."

"It's April now, and the brigade will be assembled at the end of August, which means that their so-called war will only last for a few months?" Lu Li felt full of incredible.

"In the early days, the fighting might be to take home the garden, but now." Hisoso shook his head: "It's just a means to reduce the burden on the population!"

Lu Li couldn't answer anything.

"As for stripping Lev, he is just a supervisor. After all, he is the most powerful fighter of their family, even if he joins the Phantom Brigade." Hiso's words were slightly ironic.

"When and where." Lu Li thought for a while and asked the most critical question.

"Waiting for notice." Hisuo still said consistently.

It's just that I don't know why these words. I heard that I wanted to slap Xisuo in Luli today.

"Okay, then you can send it to my mailbox when the time comes. If I have time, I will pass." As a counterattack, Lu Li simply opened the door and flashed in after he finished speaking. Before closing the door, he still confronted Hisuo. Shook the phone.

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