Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1032: Talk about the Clear Sky Hammer?

"Well...it's actually very simple, Lao Ye, are you going to continue playing for a few years?" Tao Xuan Tang Rou asked Ye Xiu.

"Me? Of course I hope to keep going." Ye Xiu said with a shrug.

"Um... We all know that this is impossible, so after you retired, does Happy have any plans for this? I remember that the team was united because of Lao Ye at the beginning, and what about after he retires. ?" Tao Xuan said.

This is what Tao Xuan worries about. Every team has its original intention to establish it, and it is also because this original intention finally brings everyone together, the most important of which is centripetal force. As far as the current league is concerned, the fundamental existence of every club is profit. Therefore, the team bosses continue to develop their club in order to obtain more interests. But what about Happy?

Although Xingxin also had treatment, Chen Guo didn't pay as much attention to benefits as they thought. It's not that Chen Guo is so noble and other bosses are so secular. It's just a question of attitude, and it doesn't explain much.

And after Ye Xiu's backbone retires, can Chen Guo, the boss, support this club? Are there any ideas for the future development of the club?

Moreover, the current Team Happy mainly relied on Tang Yin and Ye Xiu to maintain them. Even if they were in the team, they were more useful than the boss of Chen Guo, and even her boss listened to them. So if Ye Xiu retires later, what about Tang Yin's transfer?

But after they leave, will other outstanding players continue to stay in Xingxin?

"I'm not in the future Team Happy? You ask Tang Yin about the team, and the club is about to ask the boss!" Ye Xiu said of course, knowing Tao Xuan's concerns.

"Did you forget that Xiaoyin is also a shareholder of Xingxin, do you think he will transfer? And as long as Xiaoyin is in the team, even if Zhang Jiale and I have retired, there won't be a big problem."

At this time, Chen Guo also realized what Tao Xuan meant when asking these questions. This was to make her clarify the future goals and development of her club.

Regardless of whether Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, or everyone present will retire in the future, only her boss is the only constant, and she is the true core of this club, so Chen Guo's own beliefs are especially important.

Chen Guo, who was aware of this problem, also knew that it was time for her to make up her mind.

Chen Guo took a deep breath and said, "Whether it is Teye Xiu or Tang Yin, even if they are gone, Happy will keep going. As for Ye Xiu and others, if Ye Xiu has intentions, they can serve as team coaches or technical advisers. . Or maybe we’re about to open a department dedicated to serving team retired personnel.”

This department that serves the team's retired personnel is the department that transforms professional players into professional anchors. Tang Yin and Chen Guo have talked about this idea, and Chen Guo also thinks this idea is very good. According to Tang Yin's plan, as long as they achieve results in this session, they will be eligible to negotiate with major platforms if they have a reputation.

And Tang Rou's father is also organizing talents in this area. As said before, the world of live broadcasting has just emerged, and there is no short video platform like Douyin. And now Tang Rou's father is developing in this direction.

Both sides can settle in, depending on which side the players are suitable for. After all, eggs can't just be placed in one basket.

And to negotiate with these big guys, then they themselves need a very high popularity, and what is a better stepping stone than the glory of the championship?

"The others, even if Ye Xiu retired, have already grown up. With Xiaoyin leading the team, they can completely support this team." Chen Guo said on her own.

Tang Yin: "..." He wanted to say that I didn't want to be the captain, but it was not easy to dismantle Chen Guo's platform at this time... and seeing Tang Yin depressed and didn't say much, Chen Guo and Ye Xiu smiled slightly, with an expression of conspiracy success.

"Xiaoyin is a shareholder, but what about the others? In the current glorious environment, won't everyone leave?" Tao Xuan said, this question is also very real, just like An Wenyi said when he entered the team, if there were any The better the invitation, the team can't stop him. After all, the transfer itself is also part of the professional league, and it has something to do with character.

"I also know that everyone now must have received a lot of team invitations, and you also refused, but what happened afterwards? Now your identity is still just a glorious newcomer. If you have another year or two, if you have a chance to grow into perfection. Star-level players, or have won championships, by then your worth will be an unimaginable figure, and then facing those temptations again, facing that kind of money, status, and even some other things, Don't you really feel like it?" Tao Xuan asked.

To be honest, Tao Xuan's words are not something everyone is qualified to answer positively, but the last thing Happy is the exception, Tang Rou said decisively, "No."

Tao Xuan took a look and said, "Xiao Tang's self-confidence is a good thing, and I didn't deny that you and Xiaoyin are feeling emotional. Don't get me wrong, it's just..."

"Um... what about Brother Tao! There really is nothing to tempt Tang Rou. UU read www.uukanshu.com" Tang Yin said.


"My father-in-law is Tang Shusen. If you don't know, you can check Baidu." Tang Yin said and patted Tao Xuan on the shoulder.

The main thing Tao Xuan knew was only in his circle, Tang Shusen really didn't know. But watching everyone looking at him with a playful look, Tao Xuan also timidly picked up the phone and checked some.

Seeing the results on Baidu, Tao Xuan stopped talking. He coughed twice and said, "Ah~ I'm so hungry, Xiao Yin, how are you cooking today?"

Seeing Tao Xuan shifting the subject awkwardly, everyone in Happy didn't embarrass him. And now Tao Xuan also found out. He originally thought that Tang Yin was already very rich. He didn't expect that in front of Tang Rou, these guys who looked rich would be like ordinary players showing off their skills in front of Ye Xiu. Even after being the boss for so many years, Tao Xuan still felt a little bit of self-confidence.

Only now did he realize that there was such a big-blood-level existence beside him.

After all, it doesn’t make sense for everyone to leave this topic. After all, what if this eldest lady is not happy that day, and the thugs will buy the entire Glory League for a while? At that time, even the bonuses allocated to the various teams will be paid by others, and you still talk to her about the temptations in glory? Talk about the Clear Sky Hammer?


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