Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1167: growing gap

"What the **** are you doing?" In the face of Shen Jian who was on the court, He Ming couldn't help but say a few words, even if he was an old teammate. After the fight, Tang Rou lost about 20% of her health. This is no longer rubbish. He Ming really thinks it well. What can affect Shen Jian's state to this extent is not an exaggeration to say that it is completely different from usual.

You must know that for today's game, they have been preparing for a week, and this time is when the opponent is on the cusp. Usually, this situation is when the opponent's mentality fluctuates the most, but they still lost. .

Some rookies in their team will lose if they lose. After all, they are all just rookies, as long as they show their hard work and vigor, but you Shen Jian, as they are general guards, it is really unbearable to play such a result. eye.

And now Shen Jian doesn't know how to explain his current mood. He was the only one in the first game, but he found that he didn't have the mental ability to bear the heavy responsibility. matter.

You must know that in the magical team, he often prides himself on his predecessors. After all, he has created a tall image for so long, and no one wants to collapse so easily.

"There's nothing we can do now. We can't lose in the next team match, or we'll really be beaten by the opponent." Seeing that Shen Jian had been silent, He Ming didn't say anything more. Now Saying that doesn't make sense. The main person at the moment is to adjust the mood of the players and seriously deal with the team competition in the future.

In the original round, they were quite confident, but now their individual match was directly annihilated by the opponent. It's not just how easy it is to defeat them, it's all about losing their momentum and advantage at the start.

Especially those "e-sports era" publications they gave each other before the game. I originally hoped that it could play some role, but nothing worked, making He Ming and the others feel like clowns for a while.

"Don't be disheartened, we still have a chance. Team Happy's team battles are much worse than their individual strengths, because Ye Xiu's existence has led to problems with their running-in, and this is our last chance. ." He Ming said.

However, this issue is not a secret. The e-sports media have said it more than once, and now He Ming is just emphasizing it again, and it really does not have any effect.

I feel the sluggish atmosphere emanating from the teammates in the team. To be honest, even He Ming was beginning to feel a little confused. Don't say it's a teammate, even his captain's confidence is almost destroyed now, but because he is the captain, he keeps reminding himself that he can't show his vulnerable side.

"The captain is right! There's nothing to fear. The worst result is to lose. After all, we are just a rookie team. We should play more with a learning attitude this season!" When the team's atmosphere was sluggish, Guo Shao, the sunny guy, jumped out and said.

Even in an online situation, he is still in high spirits, and his eyes are full of expectations for the next game. To be reasonable, the sentence "the worst result is to lose" is not the captain of any team. It was said, but when Guo Shao said this sentence, the rookies of the magical team relaxed a lot, and Shen Jian felt relieved by this result. You must know that he is not in the scope of "newcomers".

"Come on!" Guo Shao saw that his teammates had adjusted a lot. He simply went to the stool and waved to encourage his teammates, and his actions also attracted the attention of the audience.

Soon the team competition began, and what Guo Shao said before was really useful. After all, with the premise of the song "The worst result is to lose", the miraculous people all let go of their hands and feet.

But there's also a problem with letting go, which is that these rookies let them go too far. Directly open, but a situation where they can't even accept it. You must know that they are also a new team, and they also have the problem of running in. Although He Ming, Shen Jian, and Wang Ze are all experienced players, in the final analysis they are not experienced core players, and their ability to control the field is not at all up to the team's rhythm.

And this is the biggest difference between them and Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Zhang Jiale, these absolute cores, because only they are the core, and the team's play style is built around this core. Once you let go, you can't control yourself.

Even the home map they carefully chose didn't give them any advantage. In the end, they lost to Happy in the team match, and they won the final 10-0.

On the same day, the matches in other places also ended one after another, but there was a very dramatic scene, that is, playing a miracle to Happy, not only the other four games were completed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com and they are all away!

Happy 10-0 away win is miraculous;

Blue Rain beat Yueyun 10-0 away;

Tyranny's 10-0 away win was a light referee;

Samsara beat Mingqing away 10-0;

Tiny Herb beat Linhai 10-0 away.

But aside from Happy and Xuanqi being two new teams, the other four games were all lineups with disparate strengths, but they still didn't get a single point despite their appearances, which surprised everyone.

For a while, comments on this aspect were everywhere, and many people believed that with the development of the league, the gap between the strengths of professional teams became more and more disparate.

Relying on the strength of the players, the giants have become more famous and developed more smoothly. You can get more resources and advantages than weaker teams, and the giants who get these resources and advantages will strengthen their teams again, and let this advantage continue to spread again.

Continuing this cycle, the strong teams in the league are getting stronger and the weaker teams are getting weaker. And without the support of the gold master, it is very difficult to even avoid relegation.

Yi Zhan was originally a team that everyone was very optimistic about. After all, he had his own financial master behind him, but the team's boss and shareholders played in person, which led to the person who was most expected by Yi Zhan, who had to wait for his boss and shareholders to not show up. It is possible to rise when you are interested.


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