Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1169: Happy is here!

The next two rounds of Xingxin's consecutive victories, first the tenth round at home against Huangfeng, was a 9-1 victory.

In the eleventh round, the away game against Linhai was the same this time. Happy won 10-0, and Tang Yin didn't even play in this round.

It can be said that the current Xingxin rookies have grown significantly, and this is the advantage of going all the way from the Challenger Tournament. Everyone's growth is a gradual process. And after all, it is not the first time to participate in the competition, and there will not be so many psychological problems as a normal first-time rookie.

And in these two rounds, Happy scored nineteen points, directly surpassing Team Misty Rain, which was in tenth place. It's only a few points away from the playoffs. And in front of Happy was Team Void.

In comparison, the two rounds of Team Misty Rain are a bit tragic. There is no way. After all, Team Misty Rain directly promoted two newcomers, and the problems of the newcomers also became prominent after the honeymoon period ended. how how. Misty Rain, who was originally fifth, fell directly to tenth place after going through the tenth and eleventh rounds. Sixty-six points.

Team Hundred Blossoms' performance in these rounds was still very stable. In the eleventh round, they even won the Blue Rain team 7-3 at home.

This also made Yu Feng proud. After all, since he left Blue Rain, Yu Feng has received a lot of controversy. Many Blue Rain and even some of his original fans feel that he is too greedy and think that Blue Rain is the third head of the family. Is his identity not worthy of him? In the face of a higher status invitation, you will directly get Longwangshu.

In this game, Yu Feng used his strength to prove that he was indeed qualified to pursue a higher status. Although it was said that in the ring match, his Berserker was still under the sword of the swordsman Huang Shaotian, but their Hundred Blossoms had a bad start at that time. He had already lost 3% of the fight against Huang Shaotian. ten blood. So this game can't be positive.

However, in the team competition that followed, Yu Feng became the highlight of the whole process. With Zou Yuan's assistance, he split Yu Wenzhou's formation by himself, which was already a tactical net. It created a chance for the team to win, and these seven points brought them to 71 points, one point ahead of the Tyranny team. Now in sixth place in the standings.

And the giants who lost in the eleventh round were not only Blue Rain, but also Team Tyranny, which had been controversial since the beginning of this season. In this round, he was also defeated by the Thunder team 3-7 away. The points are now seventh. The Thunder's points ranking came to third place. Continuing their strong run this season.

And Tiny Herb, who was originally third, also lost to Void on the road, and Void relied on these eight points to enter the playoffs. Tiny Herb's current ranking dropped to fourth place because of this loss of points.

The fifth-ranked Wu Howl team defeated Yanyu 6-4 in this round, sending Yanyu out of the playoffs.

As for the battle situation in the second half, there is still no change. Mingqing and Linhai have now firmly grasped the two places that were eliminated. Teams such as light referees, miraculous, and Yueyun have also become the objects used by strong teams to **** points.

It can be said that in this round, none of the weak teams played the role of sniping. It can be said that the polarization in the front and back half is now more serious. Next is a direct confrontation between the giants. And the brightest team in this round is still Samsara. As the team with the most championship calls this season, Samsara still has an absolute high score of 94 points and zero runs, even surpassing the second-place Blue Rain team by 13 points.

As far as the reincarnation score is concerned, almost no team can shake their status. And the biggest surprise this season is the Thunder. Now he has completely lost the feeling of being a weak team in the past. After the eleventh round, he was directly on par with the giants like Blue Rain and Tiny Herb in the second tier.

Although Team Wind Howl was very powerful this season, their performance from this round was not ideal. Some of the thunder was loud and the rain was small. Although it is said that their performance is not as unstable as a team like sometimes sweeping others, then being swept by others, and then continuing to sweep others, they still belong to the unstable side.

Apart from the first four rounds, Hundred Blossoms' competitions became more and more stable, and they even won Blue Rain, proving their strength.

Next is Tyranny. Now, no one expects them to continue to be strong last season, and now Tyranny has started to play in rotation, and even the four heavenly kings are rarely on the court at the same time. It is precisely because of this that their grades are now a little fluctuating, giving people a strange feeling that they are not weak when they are weak, but they are not strong when they are strong.

And a situation like Tyranny can't help but make the topic of time become a hot topic again.

Team Void's blood rush in these two rounds was also very good. Not only did they successfully get back into the playoffs, but they also defeated the giant Tiny Herb. This alone boosted their morale, and even their post-match press conference and interview style were different.

The teams closest to the playoff area were Happy, Misty Rain, and 301. Originally, 301 was a team that followed in the last place in the playoffs, and the performance of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was also very stable. But because of Misty Rain's mistake and Happy's outburst, they were directly kicked two people behind. And the twelfth round may be able to determine who can be closer next, or even enter the playoffs.

During this period of time, Happy's frantic looting also caught everyone's attention. In the ninth, tenth, and eleventh rounds, Xinxing scored 29 points directly. You must know these three rounds. Even the reincarnation that led the whole process only got 27 points. The name of the strongest new team was also mentioned again.

Moreover, Happy's 29 points also have some weight. Although Magic and Linhai are not really strong teams, 301 is a team with all-star characters, but it was not won by Happy by 9 to 1. Down? You must know that before this season, the most amazing Thunder also lost to Huangfeng with a score of 7 to 3.

Just like the report from E-Sports Home said: "Xingxin is here!"

And Happy's strength also made Ruan become the leader of the Black Happy faction to shut up, not giving them any excuse to play.

But they still felt that they still had a chance, because the next round, the twelfth round, was Misty Rain against Happy. You must know that Team Misty Rain is a real team with playoff strength. As long as they beat Happy, then why would Happy pick up the topic of soft persimmons and so on?


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