Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1174: Face it yourself...

After Ye Xiu, Mo Fan was the second player in Happy's Individual Tournament. And the map he chose was very complicated, in which Destroyer Tireless was all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. The most important thing is that this map has several very hidden routes and trails. These are existences that even Ye Xiu doesn't know about. Not to mention other people, and Mo Fan relied on these to force the opponent to death.

Of course, even in this way, he won't win so easily. He was caught twice by the opponent at the end. Fortunately, he used the skills of Yanyu, avatar, and shadow avatar to escape.

Mucheng was followed by Mucheng. Now, under Tang Yin's one-on-one guidance, Mucheng's strength has improved significantly this season, and this match ended under the fire of Mucheng. The individual competition ended here, and even the strong team, Misty Rain, still couldn't stop Happy's strength during this period, which made those black fans who wanted to see Happy's consumption very depressed.

"Nice job!" Chen Guo was very happy to see everyone's performance. After all, winning three consecutive victories is definitely something to be happy about.

"Leave it to us next!" Tang Rou said excitedly. In this ring match, she was still her first starter, and finally Zhang Jiale took over Tang Yin's position. But this time, Tang Rou and Qiao Yifan played very well in the ring match. When Zhang Jiale came on the field, the opponent's Xuelian was less than 50%, so he was able to solve it easily.

Happy once again scored two points in the ring match.

And the game is here, and it is directly boiling. You must know that this is Happy's home court, and this time there is even a possibility of a huge score of 10-0, so why not make them excited. You must know that the opponents this time are not those weak teams, but the real strong team Yan Yu! But facing them, Happy scored five points in a row.

And after this period of time, the cooperation between Happy has become more and more perfect, and now they have won both the individual competition and the ring competition. This gave Happy fans great confidence in Happy winning the team competition.

During the rest time, everyone in Xinxing was preparing for this. Ye Xiu emphasized the key points of this tactic in the lounge. The players who appeared off the stage massaged their wrists, and while they were doing psychological construction for themselves, they confirmed Ye Xiu's tactics.

"Are you nervous?" Tang Yin, who was holding on to the little mica, asked Wei Chen next to him.

"I'm nervous? Xiao Yin, are you sure your fever is gone?" Hearing Tang Yin's words, Wei Chen turned his head and looked at Tang Yin as if he had seen the strangest question in the world. Are your fever really good? expression.

"That's good." Tang Yin didn't say much.

"Hey, Xiao Yin, I heard that you gave Lao Ye that panda cigarette. Give me some quilts, too." Wei Chen said to Tang Yin.

"No smoking here..." Tang Yin said speechlessly.

"Hey, what's the matter, it's still better back then. We can smoke as much as we want. There are so many regulations now." Hearing Tang Yin's words, Wei Chen said helplessly, looking around, these facilities were not from his era. Yes, but now there are a lot more constraints.

"Come on, come on, if you win, I'll get you a Zhonghua." Tang Yin said with a smile, this time he didn't play, so they were still worried about Wei Chen. After all, the opponent was a strong team like Misty Rain, and they put a lot of pressure on veterans like Zhang Jiale and Wei Chen. Fortunately, Tang Rou's steamed buns were strong in the previous ring match. First, Tang Rou completed a 1v2 again, and she used the remaining 20% ​​of her HP to grind Chu Yunxiu's nearly 60 HP together with Qiao Yifan. In the end, Zhang Jiale came on stage to harvest. Let him have enough stamina to deal with the next teamfight.

"It's easy to say that with you, don't worry, with the old man here, there's no pressure at all." Wei Chen smiled.

The rest time is over, the team game begins, and players from both sides play one after another.

Happy, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Tang Rou, Wei Chen, An Wenyi, Zhang Jiale.

Misty Rain, Chu Yunxiu, Li Hua, Yu Zeguang (Knight ID: Denghuo Huo), Guan Guangmei (Ghost Swordsman ID: Qiange Zhiwu), Feng Xiangming, Bai Qi.

Misty Rain's current lineup is very comprehensive, mainly focusing on the core of Li Hua and Chu Yunxiu's suppression. Yu Zeguang provides defense for the team's crispy skin. The final treatment is even more. This can be said to be a more reasonable match for the Glory lineup.

From the development of Glory to the present, there has been a very scientific system division. The early lineup of the five swordsmen disappeared as early as the development of Glory. After many years of experience, the team lineup must first meet the configuration of one melee, one long-range, and one treatment, and then on this basis, match another profession according to the tactics. for the starter. Finally, consider the sixth man.

The current lineup of Misty Rain follows this line of thinking. The elemental mage of Chu Yunxiu, the melee ninja Li Hua, healed Feng Xiangming. Then, because these professions are all proficient in cloth armor, they are matched with knights to increase the defense and pressure resistance of the lineup. Finally, add a ghost swordsman, which not only controls the field, but also increases.

However, the cooperation between the two rookies Yu Zeguang and Guan Guangmei and their teammates is still very limited. Although there are also many remarkable operations, the results of the battle in a giant of the same level have not been very satisfactory.

However, it is also a promising way to play in the future. Take the 301 who had played against them before, and they only narrowly defeated Misty Rain with only one person's residual blood. Even Tyranny's Zhang Xinjie said that Misty Rain's lineup was very troublesome. Although they won 6-4 at the end of the team's game~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it was because they were at home, and even Zhang Xinjie admitted that they would not necessarily win in the away game.

It can only be said that Misty Rain has suffered from the rookie's loss, promoting two rookies at one time to directly become the main force of the team, which is also very rare in the history of Glory.

The same is true, about Misty Rain's lineup and the move to promote rookies are also commonly discussed by players.

However, tactics are ultimately determined by people. The same tactics can have different effects when used in different teams. In the end, players are the foundation of everything.

Everyone generally agrees with Misty Rain's current tactics. And now their team battle results will be like this, and the reason lies in the two rookies, but Misty Rain is also trying to protect their rookies.

Xingxin naturally studied Misty Rain's style of play, and in the end they found a solution even when Tang Yin wasn't on the court. And part of the key to this match lies in Wei Chen and his Warlock! This was also the reason why Tang Yin had specially come to see Wei Chen's situation before.

After all, Wei Chen's age is here, and this time he was ordered to be in danger. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, they all knew exactly how much pressure Tang was under. It's just that Tang Yin and the others can't do anything, only Wei Chen can face it...


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