Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1195: Void Li Xuan

Chapter 1225 Void Li Xuan (please subscribe, please recommend)

But Ye Xiu also knew that Tang Yin just wanted to make Wei Chen happy. After all, this victory was really too easy for him. They all knew exactly how much Wei Chen had prepared for this match, but in the end he only had 9% of his health. Tang Yin also wanted Wei Chen to vent the stagnation in his heart in his words.

Of course, Ye Xiu wouldn't have any opinion, but instead, he would cooperate with Tang Yin's words. After all, it is his captain's responsibility to appease the team members, and now Tang Yin's help has made him a lot easier.

Unlike the jubilation on Happy's side, the atmosphere in the empty contestant seat was very solemn.

"What's going on? Are you really planning to lose to the opponent 0-10?" Looking at the dazzling score of 3-0 on the current electronic standings, even the very experienced captain of the void, the current first team of Gui Li in the league Xuan also some can not sit still.

As a golden generation like Mucheng, Shaotian, and the others, he has already shown his head just after his debut, and in the second season he just debuted, he has already found a partner and helper that he thought was very good. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a perfect start in the professional circle of Glory.

But with such a start, what achievements have they achieved since their debut six years ago?

No, even the only best combination was when Ye Xiu retired, and he won it out of the combination of Ye Xiu and Mucheng.

To be fair, in terms of tacit understanding alone, the tacit understanding of their two-ghost combination is not inferior to Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng, but the best combination depends not on the tacit understanding between the two partners, but on how well this combination can work. How much opportunity and efficacy it brings to the team.

Team Void has always been a regular in the playoffs, but what about Excellent Era before? After being defeated by Tyranny in Season 4, he has never made it to the finals. For a while, there was not even a big gap between the two sides, but Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng have always won the award for the best combination. 's contract.

The duo-ghost combination, which claims to be the biggest threat to their combination, actually never poses a threat to the other side. This is the truth!

And the reason is very simple, that is, the double-ghost formation of their double-ghost group, every time they meet Ye Xiu and Mucheng's spears and short cannons, they are pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other. (Only in terms of combination)

And with the intuitive comparison of the battle, it is almost clear at a glance which combination is better.

A team that has never won a championship or even entered the finals, and now even the best combination is suppressed by the opponent. If Li Xuan is not angry about this, it is obviously impossible. .

What the first ghost, the name sounds nice and cool. But in Li Xuan's view, that is not even a twenty-four occupation. After all, among the twenty-four professions, the one he uses is Ghost Swordsman! The ghost formation is just a branch of its play style.

Now there are more than 200 players in the league, and the most rude random calm algorithm is used. There are only ten professional players in each profession, and the Ghost Swordsman single-player has three branches. There are only three ghosts, and he is only the first of the three.

The first of the three, is it amazing?

Li Xuan could only laugh bitterly at this. Indeed, the name of the first ghost can be used to look at the entire glory. It must be known that there are millions of ghost players according to the official statistics. When these are the same again? Li Xuan is not interested in looking for a sense of superiority by comparing with unexpected people in the professional circle.

And Li Xuan wanted to be a purer first, but after so many years, he was still only the first ghost, and he didn't even win the title of the first ghost sword. And the reason why he didn't win is because of his teammates, who have been his best friends and partners since the fifth season.

Li Xuan also wanted to be a pure No. 1, but after so many years, he was still the No. 1 ghost, and he did not even take Wu Yuce for the title of No. 1 Ghost Sword.

What is this all about?

Don't talk about others, even Li Xuan himself sometimes laughs at himself.

But even if it is the best friend and partner, between Li Xuan and Wu Yuce, who is the best, the most dominant ghost swordsman player, even Li Xuan himself has not given an answer to this question, even if He himself had inevitably thought in this direction.

In fact, it is not only him, even the entire league, and even the outside world has a lot of controversy over this issue. And this kind of controversy has already given Cixi several thoughts, but only that side can speak its own truth.

As for their void interiors? Even they could avoid this question. As for some reporters who are involved in troubles and ask this question directly, they will also tacitly praise the other party for being better. But although they praise each other, they will not belittle themselves too much in their words.

And such almost polite comments on both sides naturally have no reference value, so who is stronger on both sides, even they themselves have not given a clear answer.

But in terms of their status in the team, or the voting rankings in the All-Stars, Li Xuan is still better, but many people think that this is because Li Xuan debuted earlier than Wu Yuce. He became a professional player in 2010, so he has a certain leading edge, so this result will appear.

But if the two sides are compared from all aspects, it is still inconclusive who is the first ghost sword.

As for this kind of problem, Li Xuan was also sensitive before, but because he has always been in a leading position, even though he didn't say it, he was still overjoyed.

But that was only the beginning. Now that so many years have passed, he no longer cares about these, or is numb. What he really wants now is the real number one, which is the number one in the championship. The number one in the league, not the first ghost.

But this first willingness, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be more difficult than anything else, and this struggle, the league has reached the tenth season.

But until now, he has not been able to keep close to his goal at all, and even in the eighth season, he was abused by an online game player who did not know where he came from. At which point he was just like Huang Shaotian who fought against Ye Xiu's stragglers for the first time. No chance at all.

But Li Xuan didn't give up, and then they welcomed their rookie Ge Caijie. Not only did the outside world think that they had a lot to do with them, but even he himself was looking forward to it. Looking forward to the tenth season to come.

But now what? Where is the momentum of their rise, and now they are even beaten 3 to 0 by the other side........


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(End of this chapter)

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